Add a BYOC VPC Peering Connection on GCP

To start sending data to the Redpanda cluster, you must configure the VPC network connection by connecting your Redpanda VPC to your existing GCP VPC.


Create VPCs

  1. Go to the VPC section in your GCP project UI.

  2. You should see an existing VPC. This has an ID with a redpanda- prefix.

  3. If you don’t already have a second VPC to connect your Redpanda network to, create one.

    • This is your Redpanda client. Ensure that its CIDR does not overlap with the Redpanda network from step 1.

    • The following example uses the name rp-client.

Create a new peering connection

  1. In the GCP project UI, go to Peering Connections.

  2. Create a new peering connection with the following values:

    • Your VPC network: rp-client

    • Peered VPC network: redpanda-<id>

  3. Save changes.

  4. Create another peering connection, with the reverse values as above:

    • Your VPC network: redpanda-<id>

    • Peered VPC network: rp-client

  5. Save changes. GCP should set up routing automatically.

Connect to Redpanda

The cluster Overview page has a variety of ways for you to connect and start sending data.

To quickly test this quickly in GCP:

  • Create a virtual machine on your GCP network that has a firewall rule allowing ingress traffic from your IP (for example, <your-ip>/32)

  • Activate the Cloud Shell in your project, install rpk in the Cloud Shell, and run rpk cluster info.

  • If there is output from Redpanda, your connection is successful.