Docs Self-Managed Reference Tunable Configuration Properties This version is no longer supported. It reached its end of life on December 22, 2024. Please upgrade to a supported version. Tunable Configuration Properties Tunable properties are cluster properties that are specifically designed for tuning a cluster. For information on how to edit tunable properties, see Configuring Cluster Properties. Admin properties enable_pid_file Enables creation of a process ID lock file. Recommended to be set true. Type: boolean Default: true Restart required: yes features_auto_enable Flag to auto-enable new feature flags after upgrades. Type: boolean Default: true Restart required: no Object storage properties cloud_storage_backend Optional cloud storage backend variant used to select API capabilities. If unknown, will be inferred from other configuration parameters. Default: unknown Valid values: unknown aws google_s3_compat azure minio Restart required: yes Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_cache_check_interval Minimum time between trims of Tiered Storage cache. If a fetch operation requires trimming the cache, and the time interval between the fetch and the most recent trim is less than this property, then trimming will be delayed until this property’s interval has elapsed. Units: milliseconds Default: 5000 (5 seconds) Restart required: yes cloud_storage_cache_chunk_size Size of chunks of segments downloaded into object (cloud) storage cache. Reduces space usage by only downloading the necessary chunk from a segment. Units: bytes Default: 16777216 (16 MiB) Restart required: yes Related topics: Caching for Tiered Storage cloud_storage_chunk_eviction_strategy Strategy for evicting unused cache chunks. Available eviction strategies: eager: evicts all chunks which are not in use by any data source. capped: evicts chunks up to a preconfigured amount. predictive: uses statistics from readers to determine which chunks to evict. Type: eviction strategy Default: eager Valid values: eager capped predictive Restart required: no Related topics: Chunk eviction strategies for Tiered Storage cloud_storage_credentials_host Hostname to connect to for retrieving role-based credentials. If null, hostname is derived from cloud_storage_credentials_source. Only required when using IAM role based access. Type: string Default: null Restart required: yes Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_credentials_source The source of credentials to connect to cloud services. If cloud_storage_credentials_host is null, this is used to derive the hostname to connect to retrieve role-based credentials. Valid values: If deploying on an EC2 VM: aws_instance_metadata If deploying on EKS: sts (AWS service token service) If deploying on a GCE VM: gcp_instance_metadata If deploying on GKE: gcp_instance_metadata If using fixed credentials from a configuration file: config_file Default: config_file Valid values: config_file aws_instance_metadata sts gcp_instance_metadata Restart required: yes cloud_storage_disable_chunk_reads Flag for turning off chunk-based reads and enabling full-segment downloads. Type: boolean Default: false Restart required: no Related topics: Caching for Tiered Storage cloud_storage_enable_compacted_topic_reupload Enable re-upload of data for compacted topics. Type: boolean Default: true Restart required: no cloud_storage_enable_remote_read Default remote read configuration value for new topics. Type: boolean Default: false Restart required: no cloud_storage_enable_remote_write Default remote write configuration value for new topics. Type: boolean Default: false Restart required: no cloud_storage_enable_segment_merging Flag to enable adjacent segment merging in cloud object storage. When this property is enabled, Redpanda merges adjacent segments in object storage that are smaller than the threshold, cloud_storage_segment_size_min. Type: boolean Default: true Restart required: no Related properties: cloud_storage_segment_size_target cloud_storage_segment_size_min Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later Related topics: Adjacent segment merging for Tiered Storage cloud_storage_graceful_transfer_timeout_ms Maximum duration to wait for uploads to complete before a leadership transfer. If null, leadership transfers proceed with no delay. Units: milliseconds Default: 5000 (5 sec) Restart required: no Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_housekeeping_interval_ms Interval for object storage housekeeping tasks. Units: milliseconds Default: 300000 (5 minutes) Restart required: no Related topics: Object storage housekeeping for Tiered Storage cloud_storage_hydrated_chunks_per_segment_ratio The desired ratio of hydrated to non-hydrated chunks for each segment, where a current ratio above this value results in unused chunks being trimmed (evicted). Units: ratio of hydrated to non-hydrated chunks for a segment Default: 0.7 Restart required: no Related topics: Caching for Tiered Storage cloud_storage_idle_threshold_rps Request rate threshold for idle state detection of cloud object storage. If the average object storage API request rate is lower than this threshold, then the object storage is considered to be idle. Units: object storage API requests per second Default: 1.0 Restart required: no Related topics: Object storage housekeeping for Tiered Storage Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_idle_timeout_ms Timeout used to detect idle state of the object storage API. If no object storage API requests are made for at least this timeout’s duration, the object storage is considered idle. Units: milliseconds Default: 10000 (10 sec) Restart required: no Related topics: Object storage housekeeping for Tiered Storage Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_initial_backoff_ms Initial backoff time for exponential backoff algorithm. Units: milliseconds Default: 100 Restart required: yes cloud_storage_manifest_upload_timeout_ms Manifest upload timeout. Units: milliseconds Default: 10000 (10 seconds) Restart required: yes Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_max_connection_idle_time_ms Maximum HTTPS connection idle time. Units: milliseconds Default: 5000 Restart required: yes cloud_storage_max_materialized_segments_per_shard Maximum number of concurrent readers of remote data per shard (CPU core). If null, the value of topic_partitions_per_shard multiplied by two is used. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of concurrent readers Default: null Restart required: no cloud_storage_max_readers_per_shard Maximum concurrent readers of remote data per shard (CPU core). If null, the value of topic_partitions_per_shard is used, with one reader per partition if the shard is at its maximum partition capacity. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of concurrent readers Default: null Restart required: no cloud_storage_max_segments_pending_deletion_per_partition The maximum limit per partition for the number of segments pending deletion from object storage. Segments can be deleted due to retention or compaction. If this limit is breached and deletion fails, then segments are orphaned in object storage and must be removed manually. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of segments Default: 5000 Restart required: no Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_metadata_sync_timeout_ms Timeout for shadow indexing (SI) metadata synchronization. Units: milliseconds Default: 10000 (10 seconds) Restart required: no cloud_storage_min_chunks_per_segment_threshold The minimum number of chunks per segment for trimming to be enabled. If the number of chunks in a segment is below this threshold, the segment is small enough that all chunks in it can be hydrated at any given time. Units: number of chunks per segment Default: 5 Restart required: no Related topics: Caching for Tiered Storage cloud_storage_readreplica_manifest_sync_timeout_ms Timeout to check if new data is available for a partition in S3 for read replica. Units: milliseconds Default: 30000 (30 seconds) Restart required: no cloud_storage_reconciliation_interval_ms Interval at which the archival service runs reconciliation. Units: milliseconds Default: 1000 Restart required: yes cloud_storage_recovery_temporary_retention_bytes_default The number of bytes of size-based retention for topics that are created during automated recovery of topics from object storage. Units: bytes Default: 1073741824 (1 GiB) Restart required: no Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_roles_operation_timeout_ms Timeout for IAM role related operations. While connecting to object storage, failed tasks that refresh the IAM roles token are retried after this timeout elapses. Units: milliseconds Default: 30000 (30 sec) Restart required: yes Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_segment_max_upload_interval_sec Duration that a segment can be kept in local storage without uploading it to object storage. If null, defaults to infinite duration. Units: seconds Default: null (infinite duration) Restart required: yes cloud_storage_segment_size_target The desired segment size in object storage. If null, the property is disabled, and the segment size in object storage defaults to segment.bytes. Units: bytes Default: null Restart required: no Related properties: cloud_storage_enable_segment_merging cloud_storage_segment_size_min Related topics: Adjacent segment merging for Tiered Storage Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_segment_size_min The minimum segment size in object storage. If null, the property is disabled, and the minimum segment size defaults to cloud_storage_segment_size_target/2. Units: bytes Default: null Restart required: no Related properties: cloud_storage_segment_size_target cloud_storage_enable_segment_merging Related topics: Adjacent segment merging for Tiered Storage Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later cloud_storage_segment_upload_timeout_ms Log segment upload timeout. Units: milliseconds Default: 30000 (30 seconds) Restart required: yes cloud_storage_upload_ctrl_d_coeff Derivative coefficient of the upload PID controller. Type: double Default: 0.0 Restart required: yes cloud_storage_upload_ctrl_max_shares Maximum number of IO and CPU shares that the archival upload can use. Units: number of IO and CPU shares Default: 1000 Restart required: yes cloud_storage_upload_ctrl_min_shares Minimum number of IO and CPU shares that the archival upload can use. Units: number of IO and CPU shares Default: 100 Restart required: yes cloud_storage_upload_ctrl_p_coeff Proportional coefficient of the upload PID controller. Type: double Default: -2.0 Restart required: yes cloud_storage_upload_ctrl_update_interval_ms Sampling interval of the upload PID controller. Units: milliseconds Default: 60000 (1 minute) Restart required: yes cloud_storage_upload_loop_initial_backoff_ms Initial backoff interval when there is nothing to upload for a partition. Units: milliseconds Default: 100 Restart required: yes cloud_storage_upload_loop_max_backoff_ms Maximum backoff interval when there is nothing to upload for a partition. Units: milliseconds Default: 10000 (10 seconds) Restart required: yes Cluster management properties controller_backend_housekeeping_interval_ms Interval between iterations of the controller backend’s housekeeping loop. Units: milliseconds Default: 1000 Restart required: yes controller_log_accummulation_rps_capacity_acls_and_users_operations Maximum capacity of accumulated requests for the cluster controller’s access control list (ACL) operations and user operations. If null, no maximum capacity is applied. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of requests Default: null Restart required: no Related properties: rps_limit_acls_and_users_operations controller_log_accummulation_rps_capacity_configuration_operations Maximum capacity of accumulated requests for the cluster controller’s configuration operations. If null, no maximum capacity is applied. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of requests Default: null Restart required: no Related properties: rps_limit_configuration_operations controller_log_accummulation_rps_capacity_move_operations Maximum capacity of accumulated requests for the cluster controller’s move operations. If null, no maximum capacity is applied. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of requests Default: null Restart required: no Related properties: rps_limit_move_operations controller_log_accummulation_rps_capacity_node_management_operations Maximum capacity of accumulated requests for the cluster controller’s node management operations. If null, no maximum capacity is applied. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of requests Default: null Restart required: no Related properties: rps_limit_node_management_operations controller_log_accummulation_rps_capacity_topic_operations Maximum capacity of accumulated requests for the cluster controller’s topic management operations. If null, no maximum capacity is applied. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of requests Default: null Restart required: no health_manager_tick_interval Period at which the health manager runs. Units: milliseconds Default: 180000 (3 minutes) Restart required: yes health_monitor_max_metadata_age Maximum duration that metadata is cached in the health monitor of a non-controller node. Units: milliseconds Default: 10000 (10 seconds) Restart required: no health_monitor_tick_interval Period at which the health monitor refreshes cluster state. Units: milliseconds Default: 10000 (10 seconds) Restart required: no id_allocator_batch_size Size of one batch message (one log record) of an ID allocator log. Type: integer Units: bytes Default: 1000 Restart required: yes id_allocator_log_capacity Maximum number of messages (batches) of an ID allocator log. Once the log reaches this limit, it is compacted. Type: integer Units: number of log messages (batches) Default: 100 Restart required: yes join_retry_timeout_ms Duration between cluster join retries. Units: milliseconds Default: 5000 (5 seconds) Restart required: yes leader_balancer_idle_timeout Timeout at which to run the leader balancer when in an idle state. Units: milliseconds Default: 120000 (2 minutes) Restart required: no leader_balancer_mute_timeout Timeout used to mute groups, where muted groups are removed from consideration as leadership rebalancing targets. Units: milliseconds Default: 300000 (5 minutes) Restart required: no leader_balancer_node_mute_timeout Timeout used to mute a node, where a muted node is removed from consideration as leadership rebalancing target. Units: milliseconds Default: 20000 (20 seconds) Restart required: no leader_balancer_transfer_limit_per_shard Maximum limit per shard (CPU core) on the number of in-progress leadership transfers. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of in-progress leadership transfers per shard Default: 512 Range: [1, 2048] Restart required: no max_concurrent_producer_ids Maximum number of producer IDs that the resource manager state machine caches in internal state. Type: 64-bit unsigned integer Units: number of IDs Default: maximum value of a 64-bit unsigned integer Range: [1, maximum value of a 64-bit unsigned integer] Restart required: no Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later members_backend_retry_ms Interval at which brokers check and retry partition reallocation requests. When brokers (members) of a Redpanda cluster make a request to reallocate partition replicas but they don’t succeed immediately or are in progress, the Redpanda cluster management controller (backend) checks on the status of reallocations at an interval set by members_backend_retry_ms until the current cluster state is reconciled with the requested partition allocation state. Units: milliseconds Default: 5000 Restart required: yes metadata_dissemination_interval_ms Interval for metadata dissemination batching. Units: milliseconds Default: 3000 Restart required: yes metadata_dissemination_retries Number of attempts looking up a topic’s metadata, like shard, before failing a request. Units: number of retries Default: 30 Restart required: yes metadata_dissemination_retry_delay_ms Delay before retrying a topic-lookup in a shard or other meta-tables. Units: milliseconds Default: 500 Restart required: yes metadata_status_wait_timeout_ms Maximum duration to wait in metadata request for cluster health to be refreshed. Units: milliseconds Default: 2000 Restart required: yes node_isolation_heartbeat_timeout If the duration since the last received response to a node’s heartbeat request is greater than or equal to this timeout, then the node is considered to be isolated. Redpanda prevents isolated nodes from handling Kafka API requests. Units: milliseconds Default: 3000 Range: [100, 10000] Restart required: no Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later node_management_operation_timeout_ms Timeout for executing node management operations. Units: milliseconds Default: 5000 Restart required: yes node_status_interval Time interval between two node status messages, which establish liveness status outside of the Raft protocol. Units: milliseconds Default: 100 Restart required: no partition_autobalancing_concurrent_moves Number of partitions that can be reassigned at once by the partition auto-balancer. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of partitions Default: 50 Restart required: no partition_autobalancing_tick_interval_ms Tick interval of the partition auto-balancer. Units: milliseconds Default: 30000 (30 seconds) Restart required: no partition_autobalancing_movement_batch_size_bytes Total size of partitions that the partition auto-balancer moves in one batch. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 5368709120 (5 GiB) Restart required: no rps_limit_acls_and_users_operations Request-per-second (rps) rate limit for the cluster controller’s access control list (ACL) operations and user operations. Type: unsigned integer Units: requests per second Default: 1000 Restart required: no rps_limit_configuration_operations Request-per-second (rps) rate limit for the cluster controller’s configuration operations. Type: unsigned integer Units: requests per second Default: 1000 Restart required: no rps_limit_move_operations Request-per-second (rps) rate limit for the cluster controller’s move operations. Type: unsigned integer Units: requests per second Default: 1000 Restart required: no rps_limit_node_management_operations Request-per-second (rps) rate limit for the cluster controller’s node management operations. Type: unsigned integer Units: requests per second Default: 1000 Restart required: no rps_limit_topic_operations Request-per-second (rps) rate limit for the cluster controller’s topic operations. Type: unsigned integer Units: requests per second Default: 1000 Restart required: no Kafka API properties default_num_windows Default number of quota tracking windows. Units: number of windows Default: 10 Restart required: no default_window_sec Default duration of quota tracking window. Units: milliseconds Default: 1000 Restart required: no Related properties: kafka_admin_topic_api_rate refers to the number of partition mutations per default_window_sec. fetch_reads_debounce_timeout Duration to wait for the next read in fetch request when minimum number of requested bytes wasn’t read. Units: milliseconds Default: 1 Restart required: no fetch_session_eviction_timeout_ms Minimum time before an unused session gets evicted. The maximum time after which an inactive session is deleted is twice the given configuration value cache. Units: milliseconds Default: 60000 (1 minute) Restart required: yes group_initial_rebalance_delay A delay at the start of a consumer group rebalancing event to wait for new members. Units: milliseconds Default: 3000 Range: [0, …] Restart required: no group_new_member_join_timeout Timeout to wait for new members to join a consumer group. Units: milliseconds Default: 30000 Range: [0, …] Restart required: no group_offset_retention_check_ms Period at which Redpanda checks for expired consumer group offsets. Units: milliseconds Default: 600000 (10 min) Restart required: no Related properties: group_offset_retention_sec legacy_group_offset_retention_enabled Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later group_offset_retention_sec The retention duration of consumer group offsets. Redpanda identifies offsets that are expired, based on this retention duration, and removes them to reclaim storage. For a consumer group, the retention timeout starts from when the group becomes empty by losing all its consumers; for a standalone consumer, the retention timeout starts from the time of the last commit. Once elapsed, an offset is considered to be expired and is discarded. Redpanda periodically checks for expired offsets at the rate set by group_offset_retention_check_ms. If null, the automatic offset retention feature is disabled. Units: seconds Default: 604800 (7 days) Restart required: no Related properties: group_offset_retention_check_ms legacy_group_offset_retention_enabled Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later group_topic_partitions Number of partitions in the internal group membership topic. Type: integer Units: number of partitions Default: 16 Restart required: no kafka_batch_max_bytes Maximum size of a batch processed by the server. If the batch is compressed, this limit applies to the compressed batch size. The topic property max.message.bytes overrides kafka_batch_max_bytes. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 1048576 (1 MiB) Restart required: no kafka_max_bytes_per_fetch Maximum amount of data a consumer receives when fetching a record. Type: integer Units: bytes Default: 67108864 (64 MiB) Restart required: no kafka_qdc_depth_alpha Smoothing factor for queue depth control depth tracking. Type: double Default: 0.8 Restart required: yes kafka_qdc_depth_update_ms The update frequency of the queue depth control algorithm. Units: milliseconds Default: 7000 (7 seconds) Restart required: yes kafka_qdc_idle_depth Queue depth of the queue depth control algorithm when in an idle state. Units: number of queue entries Default: 10 Restart required: no kafka_qdc_latency_alpha Smoothing parameter for queue depth control algorithm. Type: double Default: 0.002 Restart required: yes kafka_qdc_max_depth Maximum queue depth of the queue depth control algorithm. Units: number of queue entries Default: 100 Range: >= kafka_qdc_min_depth Restart required: yes kafka_qdc_min_depth Minimum queue depth of the queue depth control algorithm. Units: number of queue entries Default: 1 Range: <= kafka_qdc_max_depth Restart required: yes kafka_qdc_window_count Number of time windows used by the queue depth control algorithm. Units: number of time windows Default: 12 Restart required: yes kafka_qdc_window_size_ms Duration of a time window used by the queue depth control algorithm. Units: milliseconds Default: 1500 Restart required: yes kafka_request_max_bytes Maximum size of a request processed by a Kafka API. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 104857600 (100 MiB) Restart required: no kafka_rpc_server_stream_recv_buf Maximum size of the user-space receive buffer. If null, this limit is not applied. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: null Range: [512, 512 KiB]. Must be 4096-byte aligned. Restart required: yes legacy_group_offset_retention_enabled With group offset retention enabled by default starting in Redpanda version 23.1, this flag enables group offset retention for deployments of Redpanda upgraded from earlier versions. For Redpanda versions 23.1 and later, this flag has no effect. For Redpanda versions earlier than 23.1: In upgraded clusters, to enable group offset retention, this flag must be true and group_offset_retention_check_ms must be non-null. When legacy group offset retention is enabled: Only offsets that were committed or updated following the upgrade to 23.1 or later will be automatically collected. Offsets that were committed prior to upgrading to 23.1 or later will never be automatically deleted, and instead need to be manually removed using the Offset Delete API. The age of an offset is calculated based on when it was committed rather than when this flag was enabled. Type: boolean Default: false Restart required: no Related properties: group_offset_retention_sec group_offset_retention_check_ms Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later max_kafka_throttle_delay_ms The maximum delay inserted in the data path of Kafka API requests to throttle them down. Configuring this to be less than the Kafka client timeout can ensure that the delay that’s inserted won’t be long enough to cause a client timeout by itself. Units: milliseconds Default: 60000 (1 minute) Restart required: no Related topics: Node-wide throughput limits quota_manager_gc_sec Period of the quota manager’s GC timer. Units: milliseconds Default: 30000 (30 seconds) Restart required: yes wait_for_leader_timeout_ms Timeout to wait for leader election. Units: milliseconds Default: 5000 Restart required: no Metrics properties metrics_reporter_report_interval Interval of reports sent to clients from the metrics reporter. Units: milliseconds Default: 86400000 (24 hours) Restart required: no metrics_reporter_tick_interval Tick timer interval for capturing metrics. Units: milliseconds Default: 60000 (1 minute) Restart required: no Raft properties election_timeout_ms Raft election timeout. Units: milliseconds Default: 1500 Restart required: yes full_raft_configuration_recovery_pattern Recover raft configurations on start for NTPs that match this pattern. Type: string, or list of strings Default: {} (empty) Restart required: yes raft_heartbeat_disconnect_failures Number of consecutive failed heartbeat responses before forcibly closing an unresponsive TCP connection. Disabled when set to 0. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of consecutive failed heartbeat responses Default: 3 Range: [0, …] Restart required: yes raft_heartbeat_interval_ms Period of raft leader heartbeat. Units: milliseconds Default: 150 Restart required: yes raft_heartbeat_timeout_ms Timeout duration of raft leader heartbeat RPC. Units: milliseconds Default: 3000 Restart required: yes raft_io_timeout_ms Timeout duration for raft I/O. Units: milliseconds Default: 10000 (10 seconds) Restart required: yes raft_max_concurrent_append_requests_per_follower Maximum number of concurrent requests per follower. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of concurrent requests per follower Default: 16 Restart required: yes raft_max_recovery_memory Maximum amount of memory available for raft follower recovery. If null, defaults to 10% of total memory. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: null Range: [32 MiB, …] Restart required: no raft_recovery_default_read_size Default size of a read issued during raft follower recovery. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 524288 (512 KiB) Range: [128, 5 MiB] Restart required: no raft_replicate_batch_window_size Maximum size of a batch for raft replication. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 1048576 (1 MiB) Restart required: yes raft_smp_max_non_local_requests Maximum number of non-local requests that can execute concurrently on a CPU core (seastar 'shard'). If null, defaults to the value determined by the following formula: topic_partitions_per_shard * (266) * (<number of CPU cores> - 1) For details, see seastar::smp_service_group_config. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of requests Default: null Restart required: yes raft_timeout_now_timeout_ms Timeout of the raft timeout now RPC request. Units: milliseconds Default: 1000 Restart required: no raft_transfer_leader_recovery_timeout_ms Timeout waiting for follower recovery when transferring leadership. Units: milliseconds Default: 10000 (10 seconds) Restart required: no recovery_append_timeout_ms Timeout for raft’s append entries RPC. Units: milliseconds Default: 5000 Restart required: yes Schema properties kafka_schema_id_validation_cache_capacity Cache capacity per shard for validating schema IDs. Units: number of cache entries Default: 128 Restart required: no Storage properties abort_index_segment_size Capacity of an abort index segment. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of transactions Default: 50000 Restart required: yes append_chunk_size Size of direct-write operations to disk. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 16384 (16 KiB) Range: [4096, 32 MiB].Must be 4096-byte aligned. Restart required: yes compacted_log_segment_size Size of a compacted log segment. Type: unsigned 64-bit integer Units: bytes Default: 268435456 (256 MiB) Range: [1 MiB, …] Restart required: no compaction_ctrl_backlog_size Size of the compaction backlog of the backlog controller.If null (empty), defaults to 10% of disk capacity. Type: integer Units: bytes Default: null Range: [1 MiB, …] Restart required: yes compaction_ctrl_d_coeff Derivative coefficient for compaction PID controller. Type: double Default: 0.2 Restart required: yes compaction_ctrl_i_coeff Integral coefficient for compaction PID controller. Type: double Default: 0.0 Range: [0.0, …] Restart required: yes compaction_ctrl_max_shares Maximum number of I/O and CPU shares that the compaction process can use. Units: short Units: number of shares Default: 1000 Restart required: yes compaction_ctrl_min_shares Minimum number of I/O and CPU shares that the compaction process can use. Type: short Units: number of shares Default: 10 Restart required: yes compaction_ctrl_p_coeff Proportional coefficient for compaction PID controller.Must be negative to decrease the compaction backlog when compaction shares increase. Type: double Default: -12.5 Range: […, 0.0) Restart required: yes compaction_ctrl_update_interval_ms Sampling interval of the compaction PID controller. Units: milliseconds Default: 30000 (30 seconds) Restart required: yes disable_batch_cache Flag to disable the batch cache in log manager. Type: boolean Default: false Restart required: yes kvstore_flush_interval Flush interval of the key-value store. Units: milliseconds Default: 10 Restart required: no kvstore_max_segment_size Maximum size of a segment of the key-value store. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 16777216 (16 MiB) Restart required: yes log_segment_ms_min The lower bound for the topic property and the cluster property log_segment_ms, where lower values are clamped to this. Units: milliseconds Default: 600000 (10 minutes) Range: [0, …] Restart required: no Related properties: log_segment_ms_max log_segment_ms Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later log_segment_ms_max The upper bound for the topic property and the cluster property log_segment_ms, where higher values are clamped to this. Units: milliseconds Default: 31536000000 (365 days) Range: [0, …] Restart required: no Related properties: log_segment_ms_min log_segment_ms Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later log_segment_size Default size of log segment. Per topic, it is superseded by topic property segment.bytes. Type: unsigned 64-bit integer Units: bytes Default: 134217728 (128 MiB) Range: [1 MiB, …] Restart required: no log_segment_size_max Upper limit of topic segment.bytes. Higher values are clamped to this limit. If null, no limit is applied. Type: unsigned 64-bit integer Units: bytes Default: null (no limit applied) Restart required: no log_segment_size_min Lower limit of topic segment.bytes. Lower values are clamped to this limit. If null, no limit is applied. Type: unsigned 64-bit integer Units: bytes Default: 1048576 (1 MiB) Restart required: no log_segment_size_jitter_percent Configures the amount of size variation added to a segment used for each partition: a percentage value in the range [0, log_segment_size_jitter_percent] is randomly chosen and that percentage of the original segment size limit is added. Applying segment size jitter is a good defensive measure to space out the overhead created from segment rolls over time. Type: unsigned short Units: percent of segment size that Default: 5 Range: [0, 99] Restart required: yes max_compacted_log_segment_size Max compacted segment size after consolidation. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 5368709120 (5 GiB) Restart required: no memory_abort_on_alloc_failure Flag to enable termination of the Redpanda process when a memory allocation fails. If false, a failed memory allocation throws an exception. Type: boolean Default: true Restart required: no Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later readers_cache_eviction_timeout_ms Duration after which inactive readers are evicted from the cache of readers. Units: milliseconds Default: 30000 (30 seconds) Restart required: yes reclaim_batch_cache_min_free Minimum amount of free memory maintained by the batch cache. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 67108864 (64 MiB) Restart required: yes reclaim_growth_window Starting from the last point in time when memory was reclaimed from the batch cache, this is the duration during which the amount of memory to reclaim grows at a significant rate, based on heuristics about the amount of available memory. Units: milliseconds Default: 3000 Range: <= reclaim_stable_window Restart required: yes reclaim_max_size Maximum batch cache reclaim size. Units: bytes Default: 4194304 (4 MiB) Restart required: yes reclaim_min_size Minimum batch cache reclaim size. Units: bytes Default: 131072 (128 KiB) Restart required: yes reclaim_stable_window If the duration since the last time memory was reclaimed has been longer than this property, the memory usage of the batch cache is considered stable, so only the minimum size (reclaim_min_size) is set to be reclaimed. Units: milliseconds Default: 10000 (10 seconds) Range: >= reclaim_growth_window Restart required: yes release_cache_on_segment_roll Flag for whether to release cache when a full segment is rolled. Type: boolean Default: false Restart required: no replicate_append_timeout_ms Timeout for append entry’s RPCs issued while replicating entries. Units: milliseconds Default: 3000 Restart required: yes segment_appender_flush_timeout_ms Maximum duration until buffered data is written. Units: milliseconds Default: 1000 Restart required: no segment_fallocation_step Size of a file allocation (f allocation) step of a segment. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 33554432 (32 MiB) Range: [4096, 1 GiB].Must be 4096-byte aligned. Restart required: no storage_compaction_index_memory Maximum number of bytes that may be used on each shard (CPU core) by compaction index writers. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 134217728 (128 MiB) Range: [16 MiB, 100 GiB] Restart required: no storage_max_concurrent_replay Maximum number of partition logs that are replayed concurrently on startup or flushed concurrently on shutdown. Type: unsigned integer Units number of concurrently replayed logs Default: 1024 Range: [128, …] Restart required: no storage_min_free_bytes Threshold of minimum amount of free space before rejecting producers. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 5368709120 (5 GiB) Range: [10 MiB, …] Restart required: no storage_read_buffer_size Size of a read buffer (one per in-flight read, one per log segment). Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 131072 (128 KiB) Restart required: yes storage_read_readahead_count Number of read-ahead reads when reading from a segment. Type: short Units: number of reads Default: 10 Restart required: yes storage_space_alert_free_threshold_bytes The threshold of free storage (in bytes of free storage) below which a low storage-space alert is logged. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes of free storage Default: 0 Range: [0, …] Restart required: no storage_space_alert_free_threshold_percent The threshold of free storage (in percentage of total storage that is free) below which a low storage-space alert is logged. Type: unsigned integer Units: percentage of total storage that is free Default: 5 Range: [0, 50] Restart required: no storage_target_replay_bytes Target bytes to replay from disk on startup after a clean shutdown. Controls the frequency of snapshots and checkpoints. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 10737418240 (10 GiB) Range: [128 MiB, 1 TiB] Restart required: no tx_log_stats_interval_s Period for which to log transmit (tx) statistics per partition. Requires the tx logger’s log-level to be at least debug. Units: seconds Default: 10 Restart required: no Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later zstd_decompress_workspace_bytes Size of the Zstandard (zstd) compression algorithm’s memory buffer (workspace) in which a decompressed object is emplaced. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 8388608 (8 MiB) Restart required: yes Topic and partition properties alter_topic_cfg_timeout_ms Time to wait for entries replication in controller log when executing alter topic configuration request. Units: milliseconds Default: 5000 Restart required: no create_topic_timeout_ms Timeout to wait for new topic creation. Units: milliseconds Default: 2000 Restart required: no topic_fds_per_partition The number of file descriptors reserved for topics per partition. Type: integer Units: number of file descriptors Default: 5 Range: [1, 1000] Restart required: no topic_memory_per_partition The amount of memory reserved for topics per partition. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 1048576 (1 MiB) Range: [1, 100 MiB] Restart required: no topic_partitions_per_shard Maximum number of partitions which may be allocated per shard (CPU core). Type: unsigned integer Units: number of partitions Default: 1000 Range: [16, 131072] Restart required: no topic_partitions_reserve_shard0 Reserved partition slots on shard (CPU core) 0 on each node. If this is >= topic_partitions_per_shard, no data partitions are scheduled on shard 0. Type: unsigned integer Units: number of partitions Default: 2 Range: [0, 131072] Restart required: no Transaction properties abort_timed_out_transactions_interval_ms Timer timeout to check for and abort inactive transactions. Units: milliseconds Default: 10000 (10 seconds) Restart required: yes transaction_coordinator_log_segment_size Size of the log segment of the Kafka broker’s transaction coordinator. Type: unsigned integer Units: bytes Default: 1073741824 (1 GiB) Restart required: no Related topics Cluster Configurable Properties Broker Configuration Properties Suggested reading Benchmark of Redpanda and Apache Kafka Fast distributed transactions with Redpanda Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Cluster Configuration Properties Broker Configuration Properties