Docs Self-Managed Manage Redpanda Console Configuration Security Authentication Microsoft Entra ID You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Microsoft Entra ID SSO Authentication in Redpanda Console This feature requires an enterprise license. To get a trial license key or extend your trial period, generate a new trial license key. To purchase a license, contact Redpanda Sales. If Redpanda Console has enterprise features enabled and it cannot find a valid license either in its local configuration or in the connected Redpanda cluster, it redirects you to the license expiration landing page, and all other access is restricted. By integrating Redpanda Console with Microsoft Entra ID, your users can sign in to Redpanda Console using their Microsoft Entra ID login credentials. Although the identity service is now called Microsoft Entra ID, the Redpanda Console configuration key remains azureAd for backward compatibility. Any reference to azureAd in the configuration refers to Microsoft Entra ID. Prerequisites You must have: An Microsoft Entra ID account and permissions to create applications within your directory. A registered OIDC application with Microsoft Entra ID configured as the OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider. For more information about using OIDC, see the Microsoft documentation. When you register the application, provide the following inputs when prompted: Name: Enter a name for the application. Supported account types: Select a supported account type. Redirect URI: Enter the domain where Redpanda Console is hosted followed by the /login/callbacks/azure-ad path. For example, https://console.<your-company>.com/login/callbacks/azure-ad or https://localhost:8080/login/callbacks/azure-ad. When you configure the identity provider, make a note of the client ID and client secret. You must add these credentials to the console configuration file so that Redpanda Console can establish communication with Microsoft Entra ID. Edit the console configuration file Edit the console configuration file associated with your deployment method and incorporate the details from your client application. For example, Kubernetes deployments use the values.yaml file. Linux deployments use the redpanda-console-config.yaml file, which is in /etc/redpanda. login: enabled: true # jwtSecret is the secret key you must use to sign and encrypt the JSON # web token used to store user sessions. This secret key is # critical for the security of Redpanda Console's authentication and # authorization system. Use a long, complex key with a combination of # numbers, letters, and special characters. The minimum number of # characters is 10, but Redpanda recommends using more than 32 # characters. For additional security, use a different secret key for # each environment. # # To securely generate a jwtSecret key, run the following # command: LC_ALL=C tr -dc '[:alnum:]' < /dev/random | head -c32 # # If you update this secret key, any users who are # already logged in to Redpanda Console will be logged out and will have # to log in again. jwtSecret: "" azureAd: enabled: true # ProviderURL must be specified in the following format: #{tenantId}/v2.0 . # To get this URL, browse to the registered app in your # Azure Portal and click the "Endpoints" tab. A drawer # opens with several links. The link below # "OpenID Connect metadata document" contains the # provider URL; however, you must remove the suffix # "/.well-known/openid-configuration" so that it # matches the expected format. providerUrl: "" clientId: "" clientSecret: "" # userIdentifyingClaimKey is only needed when you want # to use a different claim key to identify users in the # role binding. By default, Redpanda uses the 'oid' claim key, # which resolves to the unique user ID within the identity # provider. This means that you must provide the oid # identifier in the roleBindings as 'name' as well. # Other common options are: # - upn (unique principal name - you need to add the upn # claim as a claim for id tokens in your Microsoft Entra ID application) # - email (under certain conditions there's no value for # the email propagated) userIdentifyingClaimKey: "oid" # The directory configuration is only required if you want to use # Microsoft Entra ID groups in your role bindings, as described # in the next section. # directory: # tenantId: "" RBAC Microsoft Entra ID groups sync You can bind roles to Azure groups from your organization by providing the tenantId in the directory configuration and adding API permissions to your client application. To retrieve the tenantId, go to your registered application in the Azure Active Directory portal. The Directory (tenant) ID is listed along with other configurations in the Essentials section. login: azureAd: directory: tenantId: "" If you specify the tenantId, Redpanda Console will send a request to the Microsoft Graph API to retrieve the memberships for the specified groups. In order for the Microsoft Graph API to grant the request, the client must have the appropriate permissions. In your AzureAD application, go to API permissions and add the following permissions: Group.Read.All User.Read.All Directory.Read.All Next, grant admin consent for the default directory by clicking Grant admin consent for Default Directory. Define role-bindings When you set up the Microsoft Entra ID login configuration, you can bind Microsoft Entra ID users or groups to roles. Following is a sample role binding: roleBindings: - metadata: name: Developers subjects: - kind: group provider: AzureAD # Name for group refers to the group's oid. name: ef0dd5b8-93c3-4a4f-9d90-cba243973d32 - kind: user provider: AzureAD # Name refers to the user's OID. # This depends on your userIdentifyingClaimKey # configuration. For example, if you use `email` as the claim key, # use the email address for the name. name: c86fdb3f-b0f4-4b0b-9be3-ddf56f48b62f roleName: editor The resolved group memberships can also include transitive members. This allows you to create nested groups and refer to them in your role bindings. Suggested labs Enable Plain Login Authentication for Redpanda ConsoleSearch all labs Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. 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