Deploy a Redpanda Cluster in Azure Kubernetes Service
Deploy a secure Redpanda cluster and Redpanda Console in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS). After you deploy, use rpk
both as an internal client and an external client to interact with your Redpanda cluster from the command line. Your Redpanda cluster has the following security features:
SASL for authenticating users' connections.
TLS with self-signed certificates for secure communication between the cluster and clients.
Before you begin, you must have the following:
You must satisfy the prerequisites listed in the AKS quickstart to get access to the Azure CLI.
. Minimum required Kubernetes version: 1.25.0-0.kubectl version --short --client
bash -
Helm. Minimum required Helm version: 3.10.0
helm version
Create an AKS cluster
Your AKS cluster must have one worker node available for each Redpanda broker that you plan to deploy in your Redpanda cluster. You also need to run the worker nodes on a machine type that supports the requirements and recommendations for production deployments.
In this step, you create an AKS cluster with three nodes on Standard_L8s_v3 Azure Virtual Machines (Azure VMs). Deploying three nodes allows your AKS cluster to support a Redpanda cluster with three brokers. The Standard_L8s_v3 Azure VMs come with:
2 cores per worker node, which is a requirement for production.
Local NVMe disks, which is recommended for best performance.
The Helm chart configures default podAntiAffinity rules to make sure that only one Pod running a Redpanda broker is scheduled on each worker node. To learn why, see Number of workers.
Create a resource group for Redpanda:
az group create --name redpandaResourceGroup --location eastus
bash -
Create an AKS cluster:
az aks create -g redpandaResourceGroup -n <cluster-name> \ --node-count 3 \ --generate-ssh-keys \ --enable-node-public-ip \ --node-vm-size Standard_L8s_v3 \ --disable-file-driver
bashFor all available options, see the AKS documentation.
Create a StorageClass for your local NVMe disks
When you provisioned the Kubernetes cluster, you selected an instance type that comes with local NVMe disks. However, these disks are not automatically mounted or formatted upon creation. To use these local NVMe disks, you must mount and format them, and you must create the necessary PersistentVolumes (PVs). To automate this process, you can use a Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver.
In this step, you install the recommended local volume manager (LVM) CSI driver. Then, you create a StorageClass that references the LVM CSI driver and specifies the recommended XFS file system.
Install the LVM CSI driver:
helm repo add metal-stack helm repo update helm install csi-driver-lvm metal-stack/csi-driver-lvm \ --version 0.6.0 \ --namespace csi-driver-lvm \ --create-namespace \ --set lvm.devicePattern='/dev/nvme[0-9]n[0-9]'
property specifies the pattern that the CSI driver uses to identify available NVMe volumes on your worker nodes.Version 0.6.0 is required to avoid volume-mounting issues caused by recent
updates. Newer versions enable the-i nrext64=1
option, triggering the following error on default AKS kernels:XFS (dm-0): Superblock has unknown incompatible features (0x20) enabled.
Create the StorageClass:
apiVersion: kind: StorageClass metadata: name: csi-driver-lvm-striped-xfs provisioner: reclaimPolicy: Retain volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer allowVolumeExpansion: true parameters: type: "striped" xfs
: The LVM CSI driver responsible for provisioning the volume. -
: TheRetain
policy ensures that the underlying volume is not deleted when the corresponding PVC is deleted. -
: TheWaitForFirstConsumer
mode delays the binding and provisioning of a PersistentVolume until a Pod that uses the PVC is created. This mode is important for ensuring that the PV is created on the same node where the Pod will run because the PV will use the node’s local NVMe volumes. -
: Allows the volume to be expanded after it has been provisioned. -
: Combines multiple physical volumes to create a single logical volume. In a striped setup, data is spread across the physical volumes in a way that distributes the I/O load evenly, improving performance by allowing parallel disk I/O operations. -
: Formats the volumes with the XFS file system. Redpanda Data recommends XFS for its enhanced performance with Redpanda workloads.
Apply the StorageClass:
kubectl apply -f csi-driver-lvm-striped-xfs.yaml
bashAfter applying this StorageClass, any PVC that references it will attempt to provision storage using the LVM CSI driver and the provided parameters.
Configure external access
In this step, you configure your AKS cluster to allow external access to the node ports on which the Redpanda deployment will be exposed. You use these node ports in later steps to configure external access to your Redpanda cluster.
Get your subscription ID:
export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$(az account show --query id --output tsv)
bash -
Set up a connection to your AKS cluster:
az account set --subscription $SUBSCRIPTION_ID az aks get-credentials --resource-group redpandaResourceGroup --name <cluster-name>
bash -
Open the Azure Portal, search for 'Network security groups', and click the name of the network security group in the MC_redpandaResourceGroup_redpanda_eastus resource group.
Add an inbound security rule with the following values:
Destination port ranges:
Deploy Redpanda and Redpanda Console
In this step, you deploy Redpanda with SASL authentication and self-signed TLS certificates. Redpanda Console is included as a subchart in the Redpanda Helm chart.
Helm + Operator
Make sure that you have permission to install custom resource definitions (CRDs):
kubectl auth can-i create CustomResourceDefinition --all-namespaces
bashYou should see
in the output.You need these cluster-level permissions to install cert-manager and Redpanda Operator CRDs in the next steps.
Install cert-manager using Helm:
helm repo add jetstack helm repo update helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \ --set crds.enabled=true \ --namespace cert-manager \ --create-namespace
bashThe Redpanda Helm chart uses cert-manager to enable TLS and manage TLS certificates by default.
Install the Redpanda Operator custom resource definitions (CRDs):
kubectl kustomize "" \ | kubectl apply --server-side -f -
bash -
Deploy the Redpanda Operator:
helm repo add redpanda helm repo update helm upgrade --install redpanda-controller redpanda/operator \ --namespace <namespace> \ --set image.tag=v2.3.8-24.3.6 \ --create-namespace \ --timeout 1h
bashIf you already have Flux installed and you want it to continue managing resources across the entire cluster, use the --set additionalCmdFlags="{--enable-helm-controllers=false}"
flag. This flag prevents the Redpanda Operator from deploying its own set of Helm controllers that may conflict with those installed with Flux. -
Ensure that the Deployment is successfully rolled out:
kubectl --namespace <namespace> rollout status --watch deployment/redpanda-controller-operator
bashdeployment "redpanda-controller-operator" successfully rolled out
Install a Redpanda custom resource in the same namespace as the Redpanda Operator:
apiVersion: kind: Redpanda metadata: name: redpanda spec: chartRef: chartVersion: 5.9.21 clusterSpec: external: domain: customredpandadomain.local auth: sasl: enabled: true users: - name: superuser password: secretpassword storage: persistentVolume: enabled: true storageClass: csi-driver-lvm-striped-xfs
yamlkubectl apply -f redpanda-cluster.yaml --namespace <namespace>
: The custom domain that each broker will advertise to clients externally. This domain is added to the internal and external TLS certificates so that you can connect to the cluster using this domain. -
: Creates a superuser calledsuperuser
that can grant permissions to new users in your cluster using access control lists (ACLs). -
: Points each PVC associated with the Redpanda brokers to thecsi-driver-lvm-striped-xfs
StorageClass. This StorageClass allows the LVM CSI driver to provision the appropriate local PersistentVolumes backed by NVMe disks for each Redpanda broker.
Wait for the Redpanda Operator to deploy Redpanda using the Helm chart:
kubectl get redpanda --namespace <namespace> --watch
bashNAME READY STATUS redpanda True Redpanda reconciliation succeeded
This step may take a few minutes. You can watch for new Pods to make sure that the deployment is progressing:
kubectl get pod --namespace <namespace>
bashIf it’s taking too long, see Troubleshoot.
Install cert-manager using Helm:
helm repo add jetstack helm repo update helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \ --set crds.enabled=true \ --namespace cert-manager \ --create-namespace
bashTLS is enabled by default. The Redpanda Helm chart uses cert-manager to manage TLS certificates by default.
Install Redpanda with SASL enabled:
helm repo add redpanda helm repo update helm install redpanda redpanda/redpanda \ --version 5.9.21 \ --namespace <namespace> --create-namespace \ --set auth.sasl.enabled=true \ --set "auth.sasl.users[0].name=superuser" \ --set "auth.sasl.users[0].password=secretpassword" \ --set external.domain=customredpandadomain.local \ --set "storage.persistentVolume.storageClass=csi-driver-lvm-striped-xfs" \ --wait \ --timeout 1h
: The custom domain that each broker advertises to clients externally. This domain is added to the internal and external TLS certificates so that you can connect to the cluster using this domain. -
: Creates a superuser calledsuperuser
that can grant permissions to new users in your cluster using access control lists (ACLs). -
: Points each PVC associated with the Redpanda brokers to thecsi-driver-lvm-striped-xfs
StorageClass. This StorageClass allows the LVM CSI driver to provision the appropriate local PersistentVolumes backed by NVMe disks for each Redpanda broker.
The installation displays some tips for getting started.
If the installation is taking a long time, see Troubleshoot.
Verify the deployment
When the Redpanda Helm chart is deployed, you should have:
Three Redpanda brokers. Each Redpanda broker runs inside a separate Pod and is scheduled on a separate worker node.
One PVC bound to a PV for each Redpanda broker. These PVs are what the Redpanda brokers use to store the Redpanda data directory with all your topics and metadata.
Verify that each Redpanda broker is scheduled on only one Kubernetes node:
kubectl get pod --namespace <namespace> \ -o=custom-columns=NODE:.spec.nodeName, -l \
bashExample output:
NODE POD_NAME example-worker3 redpanda-0 example-worker2 redpanda-1 example-worker redpanda-2
Verify that each Redpanda broker has a bound PVC:
kubectl get persistentvolumeclaim \ --namespace <namespace> \ -o,STATUS:.status.phase,STORAGECLASS:.spec.storageClassName
bashExample output:
NAME STATUS STORAGECLASS datadir-redpanda-0 Bound csi-driver-lvm-striped-xfs datadir-redpanda-1 Bound csi-driver-lvm-striped-xfs datadir-redpanda-2 Bound csi-driver-lvm-striped-xfs
Create a user
In this step, you use rpk
to create a new user. Then, you authenticate to Redpanda with the superuser to grant permissions to the new user. You’ll authenticate to Redpanda with this new user to create a topic in the next steps.
As a security best practice, you should use the superuser only to grant permissions to new users through ACLs. Never delete the superuser. You need the superuser to grant permissions to new users. |
Create a new user called
with the passwordchangethispassword
:kubectl --namespace <namespace> exec -ti redpanda-0 -c redpanda -- \ rpk security user create redpanda-twitch-account \ -p changethispassword
bashExample output:
Created user "redpanda-twitch-account".
Use the superuser to grant the
user permission to execute all operations only for a topic calledtwitch-chat
.kubectl exec --namespace <namespace> -c redpanda redpanda-0 -- \ rpk security acl create --allow-principal User:redpanda-twitch-account \ --operation all \ --topic twitch-chat \ -X user=superuser -X pass=secretpassword -X sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-512
bashExample output:
Start streaming
In this step, you authenticate to Redpanda with the redpanda-twitch-account
user to create a topic called twitch-chat
. This topic is the only one that the redpanda-twitch-account
user has permission to access. Then, you produce messages to the topic, and consume messages from it.
Create an alias to simplify the
commands:alias internal-rpk="kubectl --namespace <namespace> exec -i -t redpanda-0 -c redpanda -- rpk -X user=redpanda-twitch-account -X pass=changethispassword -X sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256"
bash -
Create a topic called
Helm + Operator
Create a Secret in which to store your user’s password:
kubectl create secret generic redpanda-secret --from-literal=password='changethispassword' --namespace <namespace>
bash -
Create a Topic resource:
apiVersion: kind: Topic metadata: name: twitch-chat spec: kafkaApiSpec: brokers: - "redpanda-0.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:9093" - "redpanda-1.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:9093" - "redpanda-2.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:9093" tls: caCertSecretRef: name: "redpanda-default-cert" key: "ca.crt" sasl: username: redpanda-twitch-account mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-256 passwordSecretRef: name: redpanda-secret key: password
yaml -
Apply the Topic resource in the same namespace as your Redpanda cluster:
kubectl apply -f topic.yaml --namespace <namespace>
bash -
Check the logs of the Redpanda Operator to confirm that the topic was created:
kubectl logs -l -c manager --namespace <namespace>
bashYou should see that the Redpanda Operator reconciled the Topic resource. For example:
Example output
{ "level":"info", "ts":"2023-09-25T16:20:09.538Z", "logger":"TopicReconciler.Reconcile", "msg":"Starting reconcile loop", "controller":"topic", "controllerGroup":"", "controllerKind":"Topic", "Topic": { "name":"twitch-chat", "namespace":"<namespace>" }, "namespace":"<namespace>", "name":"twitch-chat", "reconcileID":"c0cf9abc-a553-48b7-9b6e-2de3cdfb4432" } { "level":"info", "ts":"2023-09-25T16:20:09.581Z", "logger":"TopicReconciler.Reconcile", "msg":"reconciliation finished in 43.436125ms, next run in 3s", "controller":"topic", "controllerGroup":"", "controllerKind":"Topic", "Topic": { "name":"twitch-chat", "namespace":"<namespace>" }, "namespace":"<namespace>", "name":"twitch-chat", "reconcileID":"c0cf9abc-a553-48b7-9b6e-2de3cdfb4432", "result": { "Requeue":false, "RequeueAfter":3000000000 } }
internal-rpk topic create twitch-chat
bashExample output:
TOPIC STATUS twitch-chat OK
Describe the topic:
internal-rpk topic describe twitch-chat
bashExpected output:
SUMMARY ======= NAME twitch-chat PARTITIONS 1 REPLICAS 1 CONFIGS ======= KEY VALUE SOURCE cleanup.policy delete DYNAMIC_TOPIC_CONFIG compression.type producer DEFAULT_CONFIG message.timestamp.type CreateTime DEFAULT_CONFIG partition_count 1 DYNAMIC_TOPIC_CONFIG redpanda.datapolicy function_name: script_name: DEFAULT_CONFIG false DEFAULT_CONFIG redpanda.remote.write false DEFAULT_CONFIG replication_factor 1 DYNAMIC_TOPIC_CONFIG retention.bytes -1 DEFAULT_CONFIG 604800000 DEFAULT_CONFIG segment.bytes 1073741824 DEFAULT_CONFIG
Produce a message to the topic:
internal-rpk topic produce twitch-chat
bash -
Type a message, then press Enter:
Pandas are fabulous!
Example output:
Produced to partition 0 at offset 0 with timestamp 1663282629789.
Press Ctrl+C to finish producing messages to the topic.
Consume one message from the topic:
internal-rpk topic consume twitch-chat --num 1
bashExpected output:
{ "topic": "twitch-chat", "value": "Pandas are fabulous!", "timestamp": 1663282629789, "partition": 0, "offset": 0 }
Explore your topic in Redpanda Console
Redpanda Console is a developer-friendly web UI for managing and debugging your Redpanda cluster and your applications.
In this step, you use port-forwarding to access Redpanda Console on your local network.
Because you’re using the Community Edition of Redpanda Console, you should not expose Redpanda Console outside your local network. The Community Edition of Redpanda Console does not provide authentication, and it connects to the Redpanda cluster as superuser. To use the Enterprise Edition, you need a license key, see Redpanda Licensing. |
Expose Redpanda Console to your localhost:
kubectl --namespace <namespace> port-forward svc/redpanda-console 8080:8080
kubectl port-forward
command actively runs in the command-line window. To execute other commands while the command is running, open another command-line window. -
Open Redpanda Console on http://localhost:8080.
All your Redpanda brokers are listed along with their IP addresses and IDs.
Go to Topics > twitch-chat.
The message that you produced to the topic is displayed along with some other details about the topic.
Press Ctrl+C in the command-line to stop the port-forwarding process.
Configure external access to Redpanda
If you want to connect to the Redpanda cluster with external clients, Redpanda brokers must advertise an externally accessible address that external clients can connect to. External clients are common in Internet of Things (IoT) environments, or if you use external services that do not implement VPC peering in your network.
When you created the cluster, you set the external.domain
configuration to customredpandadomain.local
, which means that your Redpanda brokers are advertising the following addresses:
To access your Redpanda brokers externally, you can map your worker nodes' IP addresses to these domains.
IP addresses can change. If the IP addresses of your worker nodes change, you must update your In a production environment, it’s a best practice to use ExternalDNS to manage DNS records for your brokers. See Use ExternalDNS for external access. |
Add mappings in your
file between your worker nodes' IP addresses and their custom domain names:sudo true && kubectl --namespace <namespace> get endpoints,node -A -o go-template='{{ range $_ := .items }}{{ if and (eq .kind "Endpoints") (eq "redpanda-external") }}{{ range $_ := (index .subsets 0).addresses }}{{ $nodeName := .nodeName }}{{ $podName := }}{{ range $node := $.items }}{{ if and (eq .kind "Node") (eq $nodeName) }}{{ range $_ := .status.addresses }}{{ if eq .type "ExternalIP" }}{{ .address }} {{ $podName }}.customredpandadomain.local{{ "\n" }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}' | envsubst | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
bash/etc/hosts redpanda-0.customredpandadomain.local redpanda-1.customredpandadomain.local redpanda-2.customredpandadomain.local
Save the root certificate authority (CA) to your local file system outside Kubernetes:
kubectl --namespace <namespace> get secret redpanda-external-root-certificate -o go-template='{{ index .data "ca.crt" | base64decode }}' > ca.crt
bash -
on your local machine, not on a Pod:-
curl -LO && mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" && unzip -d ~/.local/bin/
bashcurl -LO && mkdir -p ~/.local/bin && export PATH="~/.local/bin:$PATH" && unzip -d ~/.local/bin/
bashYou can use rpk
on Windows only with WSL. However, commands that require Redpanda to be installed on your machine are not supported, such asrpk container
commands,rpk iotune
, andrpk redpanda
If you don’t have Homebrew installed, install it.
To install or update
, run:brew install redpanda-data/tap/redpanda
to connect to your cluster using the pre-configured profile:rpk profile create --from-profile <(kubectl get configmap --namespace <namespace> redpanda-rpk -o go-template='{{ .data.profile }}') <profile-name>
with the name that you want to give thisrpk
profile. -
Test the connection:
rpk cluster info -X user=redpanda-twitch-account -X pass=changethispassword -X sasl.mechanism=SCRAM-SHA-256
Explore the default Kubernetes components
By default, the Redpanda Helm chart deploys the following Kubernetes components:
A StatefulSet with three Pods.
One PersistentVolumeClaim for each Pod, each with a capacity of 20Gi.
A headless ClusterIP Service and a NodePort Service for each Kubernetes node that runs a Redpanda broker.
Redpanda is a stateful application. Each Redpanda broker needs to store its own state (topic partitions) in its own storage volume. As a result, the Helm chart deploys a StatefulSet to manage the Pods in which the Redpanda brokers are running.
kubectl get statefulset --namespace <namespace>
Example output:
NAME READY AGE redpanda 3/3 3m11s
StatefulSets ensure that the state associated with a particular Pod replica is always the same, no matter how often the Pod is recreated.
Each Pod is also given a unique ordinal number in its name such as redpanda-0
A Pod with a particular ordinal number is always associated with a PersistentVolumeClaim with the same number.
When a Pod in the StatefulSet is deleted and recreated,
it is given the same ordinal number and so it mounts the same storage volume as the deleted Pod that it replaced.
kubectl get pod --namespace <namespace>
Expected output:
redpanda-0 1/1 Running 0 6m9s
redpanda-1 1/1 Running 0 6m9s
redpanda-2 1/1 Running 0 6m9s
redpanda-console-5ff45cdb9b-6z2vs 1/1 Running 0 5m
redpanda-configuration-smqv7 0/1 Completed 0 6m9s
The redpanda-configuration job updates the Redpanda runtime configuration.
Redpanda brokers must be able to store their data on disk. By default, the Helm chart uses the default StorageClass in the Kubernetes cluster to create a PersistentVolumeClaim for each Pod. The default StorageClass in your Kubernetes cluster depends on the Kubernetes platform that you are using.
kubectl get persistentvolumeclaims --namespace <namespace>
Expected output:
datadir-redpanda-0 Bound pvc-3311ade3-de84-4027-80c6-3d8347302962 20Gi RWO standard 75s
datadir-redpanda-1 Bound pvc-4ea8bc03-89a6-41e4-b985-99f074995f08 20Gi RWO standard 75s
datadir-redpanda-2 Bound pvc-45c3555f-43bc-48c2-b209-c284c8091c45 20Gi RWO standard 75s
The clients writing to or reading from a given partition have to connect directly to the leader broker that hosts the partition. As a result, clients need to be able to connect directly to each Pod. To allow internal and external clients to connect to each Pod that hosts a Redpanda broker, the Helm chart configures two Services:
Internal using the Headless ClusterIP
External using the NodePort
kubectl get service --namespace <namespace>
Expected output:
redpanda ClusterIP None <none> <none> 5m37s
redpanda-console ClusterIP <none> 8080 5m
redpanda-external NodePort <none> 9644:31644/TCP,9094:31092/TCP,8083:30082/TCP,8080:30081/TCP 5m37s
Headless ClusterIP Service
The headless Service associated with a StatefulSet gives the Pods their network identity in the form of a fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Both Redpanda brokers in the same Redpanda cluster and clients within the same Kubernetes cluster use this FQDN to communicate with each other.
An important requirement of distributed applications such as Redpanda is peer discovery: The ability for each broker to find other brokers in the same cluster.
When each Pod is rolled out, its seed_servers
field is updated with the FQDN of each Pod in the cluster so that they can discover each other.
kubectl --namespace <namespace> exec redpanda-0 -c redpanda -- cat etc/redpanda/redpanda.yaml
data_directory: /var/lib/redpanda/data
empty_seed_starts_cluster: false
- host:
address: redpanda-0.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.
port: 33145
- host:
address: redpanda-1.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.
port: 33145
- host:
address: redpanda-2.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.
port: 33145
NodePort Service
External access is made available by a NodePort service that opens the following ports by default:
Listener | Node Port | Container Port |
Schema Registry |
30081 |
8081 |
HTTP Proxy |
30082 |
8083 |
Kafka API |
31092 |
9094 |
Admin API |
31644 |
9644 |
To learn more, see Networking and Connectivity in Kubernetes.
TLS Certificates
By default, TLS is enabled in the Redpanda Helm chart. The Helm chart uses cert-manager to generate four Certificate resources that provide Redpanda with self-signed certificates for internal and external connections.
Having separate certificates for internal and external connections provides security isolation. If an external certificate or its corresponding private key is compromised, it doesn’t affect the security of internal communications.
kubectl get certificate --namespace <namespace>
NAME READY redpanda-default-cert True redpanda-default-root-certificate True redpanda-external-cert True redpanda-external-root-certificate True
: Self-signed certificate for internal communications. -
: Root certificate authority for the internal certificate. -
: Self-signed certificate for external communications. -
: Root certificate authority for the external certificate.
By default, all listeners are configured with the same certificate. To configure separate TLS certificates for different listeners, see TLS for Redpanda in Kubernetes.
The Redpanda Helm chart provides self-signed certificates for convenience. In a production environment, it’s best to use certificates from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA) or integrate with your existing CA infrastructure. |
Uninstall Redpanda
When you’ve finished testing Redpanda, you can uninstall it from your cluster and delete any Kubernetes resources that the Helm chart created.
Helm + Operator
kubectl delete -f redpanda-cluster.yaml --namespace <namespace>
helm uninstall redpanda-controller --namespace <namespace>
kubectl delete pod --all --namespace <namespace>
kubectl delete pvc --all --namespace <namespace>
kubectl delete secret --all --namespace <namespace>
helm uninstall redpanda --namespace <namespace>
kubectl delete pod --all --namespace <namespace>
kubectl delete pvc --all --namespace <namespace>
kubectl delete secret --all --namespace <namespace>
To remove the internal-rpk
unalias internal-rpk
Delete the cluster
To delete your Kubernetes cluster:
az aks delete --name <cluster-name> --resource-group redpandaResourceGroup
Before troubleshooting your cluster, make sure that you have all the prerequisites.
HelmRelease is not ready
If you are using the Redpanda Operator, you may see the following message while waiting for a Redpanda custom resource to be deployed:
redpanda False HelmRepository 'redpanda/redpanda-repository' is not ready
redpanda False HelmRelease 'redpanda/redpanda' is not ready
While the deployment process can sometimes take a few minutes, a prolonged 'not ready' status may indicate an issue. Follow the steps below to investigate:
Check the status of the HelmRelease:
kubectl describe helmrelease <redpanda-resource-name> --namespace <namespace>
bash -
Review the Redpanda Operator logs:
kubectl logs -l -c manager --namespace <namespace>
HelmRelease retries exhausted
The HelmRelease retries exhausted
error occurs when the Helm Controller has tried to reconcile the HelmRelease a number of times, but these attempts have failed consistently.
The Helm Controller watches for changes in HelmRelease objects. When changes are detected, it tries to reconcile the state defined in the HelmRelease with the state in the cluster. The process of reconciliation includes installation, upgrade, testing, rollback or uninstallation of Helm releases.
You may see this error due to:
Incorrect configuration in the HelmRelease.
Issues with the chart, such as a non-existent chart version or the chart repository not being accessible.
Missing dependencies or prerequisites required by the chart.
Issues with the underlying Kubernetes cluster, such as insufficient resources or connectivity issues.
To debug this error do the following:
Check the status of the HelmRelease:
kubectl describe helmrelease <cluster-name> --namespace <namespace>
bash -
Review the Redpanda Operator logs:
kubectl logs -l -c manager --namespace <namespace>
When you find and fix the error, you must use the Flux CLI, fluxctl
, to suspend and resume the reconciliation process:
Suspend the HelmRelease:
flux suspend helmrelease <cluster-name> --namespace <namespace>
bash -
Resume the HelmRelease:
flux resume helmrelease <cluster-name> --namespace <namespace>
StatefulSet never rolls out
If the StatefulSet Pods remain in a pending state, they are waiting for resources to become available.
To identify the Pods that are pending, use the following command:
kubectl get pod --namespace <namespace>
The response includes a list of Pods in the StatefulSet and their status.
To view logs for a specific Pod, use the following command.
kubectl logs -f <pod-name> --namespace <namespace>
You can use the output to debug your deployment.
Didn’t match pod anti-affinity rules
If you see this error, your cluster does not have enough nodes to satisfy the anti-affinity rules:
Warning FailedScheduling 18m default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) didn't match pod anti-affinity rules. preemption: 0/1 nodes are available: 1 No preemption victims found for incoming pod.
The Helm chart configures default podAntiAffinity
rules to make sure that only one Pod running a Redpanda broker is scheduled on each worker node. To learn why, see Number of workers.
To resolve this issue, do one of the following:
Create additional worker nodes.
Modify the anti-affinity rules (for development purposes only).
If adding nodes is not an option, you can modify the
rules in your StatefulSet to be less strict.-
Helm + Operator
apiVersion: kind: Redpanda metadata: name: redpanda spec: chartRef: {} clusterSpec: statefulset: podAntiAffinity: type: soft
yamlkubectl apply -f redpanda-cluster.yaml --namespace <namespace>
statefulset: podAntiAffinity: type: soft
yamlhelm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace <namespace> --create-namespace \ --values docker-repo.yaml --reuse-values
bashhelm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace <namespace> --create-namespace \ --set statefulset.podAntiAffinity.type=soft
bash -
Unable to mount volume
If you see volume mounting errors in the Pod events or in the Redpanda logs, ensure that each of your Pods has a volume available in which to store data.
If you’re using StorageClasses with dynamic provisioners (default), ensure they exist:
kubectl get storageclass
bash -
If you’re using PersistentVolumes, ensure that you have one PersistentVolume available for each Redpanda broker, and that each one has the storage capacity that’s set in
:kubectl get persistentvolume --namespace <namespace>
To learn how to configure different storage volumes, see Configure Storage.
Failed to pull image
When deploying the Redpanda Helm chart, you may encounter Docker rate limit issues because the default registry URL is not recognized as a Docker Hub URL. The domain
is used for statistical purposes, such as tracking the number of downloads. It mirrors Docker Hub’s content while providing specific analytics for Redpanda.
Failed to pull image "<version>": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to pull and unpack image "<version>": failed to copy: httpReadSeeker: failed open: unexpected status code 429 Too Many Requests - Server message: toomanyrequests: You have reached your pull rate limit. You may increase the limit by authenticating and upgrading:
To fix this error, do one of the following:
Replace the
value in the Helm chart
. Switching to Docker Hub avoids the rate limit issues associated
Helm + Operator
apiVersion: kind: Redpanda metadata: name: redpanda spec: chartRef: {} clusterSpec: image: repository:
yamlkubectl apply -f redpanda-cluster.yaml --namespace <namespace>
image: repository:
yamlhelm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace <namespace> --create-namespace \ --values docker-repo.yaml --reuse-values
bashhelm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace <namespace> --create-namespace \ --set
bash -
Authenticate to Docker Hub by logging in with your Docker Hub credentials. The
site acts as a reflector for Docker Hub. As a result, when you log in with your Docker Hub credentials, you will bypass the rate limit issues.
Dig not defined
This error means that you are using an unsupported version of Helm:
Error: parse error at (redpanda/templates/statefulset.yaml:203): function "dig" not defined
To fix this error, ensure that you are using the minimum required version: 3.10.0.
helm version
Repository name already exists
If you see this error, remove the redpanda
chart repository, then try installing it again.
helm repo remove redpanda
helm repo add redpanda
helm repo update
Fatal error during checker "Data directory is writable" execution
This error appears when Redpanda does not have write access to your configured storage volume under storage
in the Helm chart.
Error: fatal error during checker "Data directory is writable" execution: open /var/lib/redpanda/data/test_file: permission denied
To fix this error, set statefulset.initContainers.setDataDirOwnership.enabled
to true
so that the initContainer can set the correct permissions on the data directories.
Cannot patch "redpanda" with kind StatefulSet
This error appears when you run helm upgrade
with the --values
flag but do not include all your previous overrides.
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "redpanda" with kind StatefulSet: StatefulSet.apps "redpanda" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', 'updateStrategy', 'persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy' and 'minReadySeconds' are forbidden
To fix this error, do one of the following:
Include all the value overrides from the previous installation or upgrade using either the
or the--values
flags. -
Use the
flag.Do not use the --reuse-values
flag to upgrade from one version of the Helm chart to another. This flag stops Helm from using any new values in the upgraded chart.
Cannot patch "redpanda-console" with kind Deployment
This error appears if you try to upgrade your deployment and you already have console.enabled
set to true
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "redpanda-console" with kind Deployment: Deployment.apps "redpanda-console" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"":"redpanda", "":"console"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable
To fix this error, set console.enabled
to false
so that Helm doesn’t try to deploy Redpanda Console again.
Helm is in a pending-rollback state
An interrupted Helm upgrade process can leave your Helm release in a pending-rollback
state. This state prevents further actions like upgrades, rollbacks, or deletions through standard Helm commands. To fix this:
Identify the Helm release that’s in a
state:helm list --namespace <namespace> --all
bashLook for releases with a status of
. These are the ones that need intervention. -
Verify the Secret’s status to avoid affecting the wrong resource:
kubectl --namespace <namespace> get secret --show-labels
bashIdentify the Secret associated with your Helm release by its
status in the labels.Ensure you have correctly identified the Secret to avoid unintended consequences. Deleting the wrong Secret could impact other deployments or services. -
Delete the Secret to clear the
state:kubectl --namespace <namespace> delete secret -l status=pending-rollback
After clearing the pending-rollback
Retry the upgrade: Restart the upgrade process. You should investigate the initial failure to avoid getting into the
state again. -
Perform a rollback: If you need to roll back to a previous release, use
helm rollback <release-name> <revision>
to revert to a specific, stable release version.
Crash loop backoffs
If a broker crashes after startup, or gets stuck in a crash loop, it can accumulate an increasing amount of stored state. This accumulated state not only consumes additional disk space but also prolongs the time required for each subsequent restart to process it.
To prevent infinite crash loops, the Redpanda Helm chart sets the crash_loop_limit
broker configuration property to 5
. The crash loop limit is the number of consecutive crashes that can happen within one hour of each other. By default, the broker terminates immediately after hitting the crash_loop_limit
. The Pod running Redpanda remains in a CrashLoopBackoff
state until its internal consecutive crash counter is reset to zero.
To facilitate debugging in environments where a broker is stuck in a crash loop, you can also set the crash_loop_sleep_sec
broker configuration property. This setting determines how long the broker sleeps before terminating the process after reaching the crash loop limit. By providing a window during which the Pod remains available, you can SSH into it and troubleshoot the issue.
Example configuration:
crash_loop_limit: 5
crash_loop_sleep_sec: 60
In this example, when the broker hits the crash_loop_limit
of 5, it will sleep for 60 seconds before terminating the process. This delay allows administrators to access the Pod and troubleshoot.
To troubleshoot a crash loop backoff:
Check the Redpanda logs from the most recent crashes:
kubectl logs <pod-name> --namespace <namespace>
bashKubernetes retains logs only for the current and the previous instance of a container. This limitation makes it difficult to access logs from earlier crashes, which may contain vital clues about the root cause of the issue. Given these log retention limitations, setting up a centralized logging system is crucial. Systems such as Loki or Datadog can capture and store logs from all containers, ensuring you have access to historical data. -
Resolve the issue that led to the crash loop backoff.
Reset the crash counter to zero to allow Redpanda to restart. You can do any of the following to reset the counter:
Make changes to any of the following sections in the Redpanda Helm chart to trigger an update:
For example:
config: node: crash_loop_limit: <new-integer>
yaml -
Delete the
file in the broker’s data directory.kubectl exec <pod-name> --namespace <namespace> -- rm /var/lib/redpanda/data/startup_log
bashIt might be challenging to execute this command within a Pod that is in a CrashLoopBackoff
state due to the limited time during which the Pod is available before it restarts. Wrapping the command in a loop might work. -
Wait one hour since the last crash. The crash counter resets after one hour.
To avoid future crash loop backoffs and manage the accumulation of small segments effectively:
Monitor the size and number of segments regularly.
Optimize your Redpanda configuration for segment management.
Consider implementing Tiered Storage to manage data more efficiently.
A Redpanda Enterprise Edition license is required
During a Redpanda upgrade, if enterprise features are enabled and a valid Enterprise Edition license is missing, Redpanda logs a warning and aborts the upgrade process on the first broker. This issue prevents a successful upgrade.
A Redpanda Enterprise Edition license is required to use the currently enabled features. To apply your license, downgrade this broker to the pre-upgrade version and provide a valid license key via rpk using 'rpk cluster license set <key>', or via Redpanda Console. To request an enterprise license, please visit <>. To try Redpanda Enterprise for 30 days, visit <>. For more information, see <>.
If you encounter this message, follow these steps to recover:
Do one of the following:
Apply a valid Redpanda Enterprise Edition license to the cluster.
Disable enterprise features.
If you do not have a valid license and want to proceed without using enterprise features, you can disable the enterprise features in your Redpanda configuration.
Retry the upgrade.
For more troubleshooting steps, see Troubleshoot Redpanda in Kubernetes.
Next steps
When you’re ready to use a registered domain, make sure to remove your entries from the /etc/hosts file, and see Configure External Access through a NodePort Service.