Docs Self-Managed Deploy Kubernetes Tune Worker Nodes You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Tune Kubernetes Worker Nodes for Production To get the best performance from your hardware, set Redpanda to production mode on each worker node and run the autotuner tool. The autotuner identifies the hardware configuration of your worker node and optimizes the Linux kernel to give you the best performance. Prerequisites Make sure that your current Linux user has root privileges. The autotuner requires privileged access to the Linux kernel settings. Install Redpanda To run the autotuner, you need to install the Redpanda binary on each worker node. Fedora/RedHat Debian/Ubuntu # Run the setup script to download and install the repo curl -1sLf '' | sudo -E bash && \ # Use yum to install redpanda sudo yum install redpanda -y # Run the setup script to download and install the repo curl -1sLf '' | sudo -E bash && \ # Use apt to install redpanda sudo apt install redpanda -y Run the autotuner To tune the Linux kernel of your worker nodes, run the autotuner on each worker node that will host a Redpanda broker. Set Redpanda to production mode: sudo rpk redpanda mode production Run the autotuner: sudo rpk redpanda tune all Expected output: TUNER APPLIED ENABLED SUPPORTED ERROR aio_events true true true ballast_file true true true clocksource true true true coredump false false true cpu true true true disk_irq true true true disk_nomerges true true true disk_scheduler true true true disk_write_cache false true false Disk write cache tuner is only supported in GCP fstrim false false true net true true true swappiness true true true transparent_hugepages false false true Changes to the Linux kernel are not persisted. If a worker node restarts, make sure to run sudo rpk redpanda tune all on it again. You can use a privileged DaemonSet to schedule the autotuner on each worker node that runs a Redpanda broker. Apply taints to Nodes that successfully complete the autotuner command. Use tolerations on your Pods so that they are scheduled only on tuned worker nodes. For details about the autotuner, including how to enable or disable an individual tuner, see the rpk redpanda tune command reference. Generate optimal I/O configuration settings After tuning the Linux kernel, you can optimize Redpanda for the I/O capabilities of your worker node by using rpk to run benchmarks that capture its read/write IOPS and bandwidth capabilities. After running the benchmarks rpk saves the results to an I/O configuration file (io-config.yaml) that Redpanda can read upon startup to optimize itself for the worker node. Unlike the autotuner, it isn’t necessary to run rpk iotune each time Redpanda is started, as its I/O output configuration file can be reused for each worker node that runs on the same type of hardware. Run the I/O benchmark on your worker node: rpk iotune Example output: /etc/redpanda/io-config.yaml disks: - mountpoint: / read_iops: 40952 read_bandwidth: 5638210048 write_iops: 6685 write_bandwidth: 1491679488 When this command is successful, the I/O configuration file is saved to /etc/redpanda/io-config.yaml by default. Copy the file to your local machine. Create a ConfigMap in the same namespace in which you will deploy Redpanda to store the I/O configuration file: kubectl create configmap redpanda-io-config --namespace <namespace> --from-file=<path-to-io-config-file> You will mount this file onto the Pods that run Redpanda so that Redpanda can read it at startup. See Deploy Redpanda for Production in Kubernetes. For more details about this procedure, see Optimize I/O. Next steps Deploy the Redpanda cluster. Suggested labs Set Up GitOps for the Redpanda Helm ChartSearch all labs Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Requirements and Recommendations Deploy Redpanda