Docs Self-Managed Get Started Redpanda Licensing Check Status Use rpk You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Check License Status and Feature Usage with rpk To check the status of your license, use the rpk cluster license info command. Starting from version 24.2.8, this command provides a detailed overview of your Redpanda license, including its status, expiration, and a list of currently used enterprise features. Make sure that rpk is installed and configured to connect to your cluster’s Admin API endpoint. Get the details about your cluster’s license: rpk cluster license info The command displays the license information in a user-friendly format. The output depends on the license status. It can include the following: Field Description License status Indicates the current state of the license. Possible values include: valid: The license is active and valid. expired: The license has expired, and restrictions may apply to enterprise features. not_present: No license is currently applied. License violation A boolean value that indicates whether enterprise features are being used in violation of the licensing terms: true: Enterprise features are enabled without a valid license. false: No violations are detected. If the license is in violation, you must either obtain a valid license or disable the enterprise features in use to ensure compliance. For instructions, see Disable Enterprise Features in Redpanda. Organization The organization for which the license was issued. Typically corresponds to the organization that purchased or activated the license. If the cluster is less than 30 days old, it has a built-in free trial license. In this case, the organization is set to Redpanda Built-In Evaluation Period. Type The type of license applied to the cluster: enterprise: A full-featured enterprise license. trial: A time-limited trial license. free_trial: A 30-day trial license issued during initial deployment of a cluster. Expires The expiration date of the current license. After this date, the license status changes to expired. Enterprise features in use A list of enabled enterprise features in the cluster, such as tiered_storage, audit_logging, and partition_auto_balancing_continuous. Enterprise features in use are specific to Redpanda. They do not include enterprise features for Redpanda Connect or Redpanda Console. If the license is within 30 days of expiration, a warning is logged. rpk displays warnings when you execute rpk commands that use the Admin API in the following scenarios: License violation: When enterprise features are enabled without a valid license. Trial expiration: When enterprise features are enabled and a trial license expires in less than 15 days. Enterprise expiration: When enterprise features are enabled and an enterprise license is expired. Examples This section provides examples of what rpk reports depending on the license status. Valid license: LICENSE INFORMATION =================== License status: valid License violation: false Enterprise features in use: [partition_auto_balancing_continuous] Organization: Devex Type: enterprise Expires: Oct 11 2025 Without a license: LICENSE INFORMATION =================== License status: not_present License violation: false Enterprise features in use: [partition_auto_balancing_continuous] Expired license: WARNING: The following enterprise features are being used in your Redpanda cluster: [partition_auto_balancing_continuous]. These features require a license. LICENSE INFORMATION =================== License status: expired License violation: true Enterprise features in use: [partition_auto_balancing_continuous] Change the output format Different output formats can be useful depending on your scenario. For example, if you are writing scripts or automating license monitoring, you may prefer the JSON format, as it’s easily parsed by tools like jq or integrated into monitoring systems. To get the license information in another format, use the --format flag: rpk cluster license info --format <format> Replace <format> with one of the available formats, such as json or yaml. For more formats, see rpk cluster license info. Suggested reading Monitor a License Using Metrics Check License Status and Feature Usage with Redpanda Operator Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Check Status Use Redpanda Operator