Docs Self-Managed Get Started Redpanda CLI You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Redpanda CLI Introduction to rpk Learn about rpk and how to use it to interact with your Redpanda cluster. Install or Update rpk Install or update rpk to interact with Redpanda from the command line. rpk Profiles Use rpk profile to simplify your development experience with multiple Redpanda clusters by saving and reusing configurations for different clusters. Specify Broker Addresses for rpk Learn how and when to specify Redpanda broker addresses for rpk commands, so rpk knows where to run Kafka-related commands. Specify Admin API Addresses for rpk Learn how and when to specify Redpanda admin addresses for rpk commands, so rpk knows where to run admin-related commands. Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Disable Enterprise Features Introduction to rpk