Docs Self-Managed Manage Cluster Maintenance Compaction Settings You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Compaction Settings Configure compaction for your cluster to optimize storage utilization. Redpanda compaction overview Compaction is an optional mechanism intended to reduce the storage needs of Redpanda topics. You can enable compaction through configuration of a cluster or topic’s cleanup policy. When compaction is enabled as part of the cleanup policy, a background process executes on a pre-set interval to perform compaction operations. When triggered for a partition, the process purges older versions of records for a given key and only retains the most recent record in that partition. This is done by analyzing closed segments in the partition, copying the most recent records for each key into a new segment, then deleting the source segments. This diagram illustrates a compacted topic. Imagine a remote sensor network that uses image recognition to track appearances of red pandas in a geographic area. The sensor network employs special devices that send records to a topic when they detect one. You might enable compaction to reduce topic storage while still maintaining a record in the topic of the last time each device saw a red panda, perhaps to see if they stop frequenting a given area. The left side of the diagram shows all records sent across the topic. The right side illustrates the results of compaction; older records for certain keys are deleted from the log. If your application requires consuming every record for a given key, consider using the delete cleanup policy instead. When using Tiered Storage, compaction functions at the local storage level. As long as a segment remains in local storage, its records are eligible for compaction. Once a segment is uploaded to object storage and removed from local storage it is not retrieved for further compaction operations. A key may therefore appear in multiple segments between Tiered Storage and local storage. While compaction reduces storage needs, Redpanda’s compaction (just like Kafka’s) does not guarantee perfect de-duplication of a topic. It represents a best effort mechanism to reduce storage needs but duplicates of a key may still exist within a topic. Compaction is not a complete topic operation, either, since it operates on subsets of each partition within the topic. Configure cleanup policy Compaction policy may be applied to a cluster or to an individual topic. If both are set, the topic-level policy overrides the cluster-level policy. The cluster-level log_cleanup_policy and the topic-level cleanup.policy support the following three options: delete: Records are deleted from the topic once the specified retention period (time and/or size allocations) is exceeded. This is the default mechanism and is analogous to disabling compaction. compact: This triggers only cleanup of records with multiple versions. A record that represents the only version for a given key is not deleted. compact,delete: This combines both policies, deleting records exceeding the retention period while compacting multiple versions of records. Tombstone record removal Compaction also enables deletion of existing records through tombstones. For example, as data is deleted from a source system, clients produce a tombstone record to the log. A tombstone contains a key and the value null. Tombstones signal to brokers and consumers that records with the same key prior to it in the log should be deleted. You can specify how long Redpanda keeps these tombstones for compacted topics using both a cluster configuration property tombstone_retention_ms and a topic configuration property If both are set, the topic-level tombstone retention policy overrides the cluster-level policy. Redpanda does not currently remove tombstone records for compacted topics with Tiered Storage enabled. You cannot enable tombstone_retention_ms if you have enabled any of the Tiered Storage cluster properties cloud_storage_enabled, cloud_storage_enable_remote_read, and cloud_storage_enable_remote_write. On the topic level, you cannot enable at the same time as the Tiered Storage topic configuration properties and redpanda.remote.write. To set the cluster-level tombstone retention policy, run the command: rpk cluster config set tombstone_retention_ms=100 You can unset the tombstone retention policy for a topic so it inherits the cluster-wide default policy: rpk topic alter-config <topic-name> --delete To override the cluster-wide default for a specific topic: rpk topic alter-config <topic-name> --set To disable tombstone removal for a specific topic: rpk topic alter-config <topic-name> --set Redpanda removes tombstones as follows: For topics with a compact only cleanup policy: Tombstones are removed when the topic exceeds the tombstone retention limit. The or tombstone_retention_ms values therefore also set the time bound that a consumer has in order to see a complete view of the log with tombstones present before they are removed. For topics with a compact,delete cleanup policy: Both the tombstone retention policy and standard garbage collection can remove tombstone records. If obtaining a complete snapshot of the log, including tombstone records, is important to your consumers, set the tombstone retention value such that consumers have enough time for their reads to complete before tombstones are removed. Consumers may not see tombstones if their reads take longer than and tombstone_retention_ms. The trade-offs to ensuring tombstone visibility to consumers are increased disk usage and potentially slower compaction. On the other hand, if more frequent cleanup of tombstones is important for optimizing workloads and space management, consider setting a shorter tombstone retention, for example the typical default of 24 hours (86400000 ms). Compaction policy settings The various cleanup policy settings rely on proper tuning of a cluster’s compaction and retention policy options. The applicable settings are: log_compaction_interval: Defines the compaction frequency in milliseconds. (default: 10,000ms) compaction_ctrl_backlog_size: Defines the size for the compaction backlog of the backlog controller. (default: 10% of disk capacity) compaction_ctrl_min_shares: Defines the minimum number of I/O and CPU shares the compaction process can use. (default: 10) compaction_ctrl_max_shares: Defines the maximum number of I/O and CPU shares the compaction process can use. (default: 1,000) storage_compaction_index_memory: Defines the amount of memory in bytes that each shard may use for creating the compaction index. This index optimizes execution during compaction operations. (default: 128 MiB) storage_compaction_key_map_memory: Defines the amount of memory in bytes that each shard may use when creating the key map for a partition during compaction operations. The compaction process uses this key map to de-dupe keys within the compacted segments. (default: 128 MiB) compacted_log_segment_size: Defines the base size for a compacted log segment in bytes. (default: 268435456 [256 MiB]) max_compacted_log_segment_size: Defines the maximum size after consolidation for a compacted log segment in bytes. (default: 5368709120 [5 GiB]) Additional tunable properties are available but should only be used with direction from Redpanda support. These properties include compaction_ctrl_p_coeff, compaction_ctrl_i_coeff, compaction_ctrl_d_coeff, and compaction_ctrl_update_interval_ms. Suggested labs Enable Plain Login Authentication for Redpanda ConsoleRedpanda Iceberg Docker Compose ExampleOwl Shop Example Application in DockerStart a Single Redpanda Broker with Redpanda Console in DockerStart a Cluster of Redpanda Brokers with Redpanda Console in DockerSearch all labs Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. 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