Docs Self-Managed Manage Kubernetes Networking and Connectivity Overview You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. About Networking and Connectivity in Kubernetes To work with a Redpanda cluster running in Kubernetes, clients connect to the listeners that are exposed by Redpanda brokers. Each listener exposes an API. Each API can have multiple listeners. Depending on how the listeners are configured, clients can access them from within the Kubernetes cluster and/or from outside the Kubernetes cluster. For example, one listener may be configured for internal connections and another may be configured for external connections. API Purpose Admin API Operate Redpanda clusters. For example, you can modify the cluster’s configuration, decommission brokers, and place brokers in maintenance mode. Kafka API Interact with the Kafka protocol in Redpanda. HTTP Proxy (PandaProxy) Access your data through a REST API. For example, you can list topics or brokers, get events, and produce events. Schema registry Store and manage event schemas. For example, you can query supported serialization formats, register schemas for a subject, and retrieve schemas of specific versions. StatefulSets and Pod identities Redpanda is a stateful application. Each Redpanda broker needs to store its state, such as topic partitions, in its own storage volume. As a result, Redpanda is deployed in a StatefulSet to manage the Pods in which the Redpanda brokers are running. StatefulSets ensure that the state associated with a particular Pod replica is always the same, no matter how often the Pod is recreated. In a StatefulSet, each Pod is given a unique ordinal number in its name such as redpanda-0. A Pod with a particular ordinal number is always associated with a PersistentVolumeClaim with the same number. When a Pod in the StatefulSet is deleted and recreated, it is given the same ordinal number and so it mounts the same storage volume as the deleted Pod that it replaced. Internal networking Internal networking facilitates communication between Redpanda brokers and clients within the same Kubernetes cluster. To allow both Redpanda brokers in the same Redpanda cluster and clients within the same Kubernetes cluster to communicate, Redpanda deploys a headless ClusterIP Service (headless Service). When a headless Service is associated with a StatefulSet, each Pod gets its own A/AAAA record that resolves directly to the individual Pod’s IP address. This setup is crucial for Kafka clients, allowing them to connect to the leader broker for specific partitions after retrieving broker addresses from any Redpanda broker’s Kafka API. For example, the IP address of the redpanda-0 Pod is resolvable at the following address: Pod name Service name Service namespace Cluster domain To allow internal clients to connect to individual brokers, each broker advertises these internal addresses on the internal listeners. For example, this is the Kafka API configuration for an internal listener: /etc/redpanda/redpanda.yaml redpanda: advertised_kafka_api: - address: redpanda-0.redpanda.redpanda.svc.cluster.local. port: 9093 name: internal External networking External clients cannot resolve the internal addresses of the headless ClusterIP Service because they are not in the Kubernetes cluster where the Redpanda brokers are running. Instead, Redpanda brokers must also advertise an externally accessible address that external clients can connect to. The Redpanda brokers advertise these addresses on the external listeners so that external clients can connect to individual brokers. For example, this is the Kafka API configuration for an external listener: /etc/redpanda/redpanda.yaml redpanda: advertised_kafka_api: - address: redpanda-0.customredpandadomain.local port: 31092 name: default To make the Redpanda brokers externally accessible, the Pods must be exposed through one of following Kubernetes Services: NodePort (fastest and cheapest) LoadBalancer To make each Redpanda broker addressable through a Service, each Redpanda broker should run on its own worker node. This way, clients or load balancers can use the address of the worker nodes to connect to specific Redpanda brokers. NodePort Service When you use a NodePort Service, each worker node that runs a Redpanda broker is allocated a port for each listener. All traffic to these ports is routed through the NodePort Service directly to the worker node’s local Pod that runs the Redpanda broker. Clients then connect to the addresses of the worker nodes. The NodePort Service has its service.spec.externalTrafficPolicy configuration set to Local so that clients can send a request to a specific worker node and it will go to the local Redpanda broker on the node. For details, see Traffic policies in the Kubernetes documentation. LoadBalancer Service When you use LoadBalancer Services, each Redpanda broker needs its own LoadBalancer Service so that clients can address each broker individually. Behind each LoadBalancer Service, you need a load balancer instance that is hosted outside your Kubernetes cluster to forward traffic to the worker node. Clients then connect to the addresses of the load balancer instances. Using LoadBalancer Services is most useful on managed Kubernetes services because in these environments, the service provider usually creates the associated load balancer instances for you automatically. In bare-metal environments, you need to create the load balancer instances manually. Load balancers are slower than the NodePort Service. Load balancers force client traffic to make more network hops as the requests must go through the load balancer to get to the worker node, and then the LoadBalancer Service must forward the request to the local Pod. Load balancers are also expensive, so using a load balancer adds to the cost of running a cluster. Next steps Configure external access through a Service: NodePort LoadBalancer Configure individual listeners Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Networking and Connectivity Connect to Redpanda