Docs Self-Managed Manage Tiered Storage Remote Read Replicas You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Remote Read Replicas This feature requires an enterprise license. To get a trial license key or extend your trial period, generate a new trial license key. To purchase a license, contact Redpanda Sales. If Redpanda has enterprise features enabled and it cannot find a valid license, restrictions apply. A Remote Read Replica topic is a read-only topic that mirrors a topic on a different cluster. Remote Read Replicas work with both Tiered Storage and archival storage. When a topic has object storage enabled, you can create a separate remote cluster just for consumers of this topic, and populate its topics from remote storage. A read-only topic on a remote cluster can serve any consumer, without increasing the load on the origin cluster. Use cases for Remote Read Replicas include data analytics, offline model training, and development clusters. You can create Remote Read Replica topics in a Redpanda cluster that directly accesses data stored in object storage. Because these read-only topics access data directly from object storage instead of the topics' origin cluster, there’s no impact to the performance of the cluster. Topic data can be consumed within a region of your choice, regardless of the region where it was produced. The Remote Read Replica cluster must run on the same version of Redpanda as the origin cluster, or just one feature release ahead of the origin cluster. For example, if the origin cluster is version 24.1, the Remote Read Replica cluster can be 24.2, but not 24.3. It cannot skip feature releases. When upgrading, upgrade the Remote Read Replica cluster before upgrading the origin cluster. Prerequisites You need the following: An origin cluster with Tiered Storage set up. Multi-region buckets or containers are not supported. A topic on the origin cluster, which you can use as a Remote Read Replica topic on the remote cluster. A separate remote cluster. AWS: The remote cluster must be in the same region as the origin cluster’s storage bucket/container. GCP: The remote cluster can be in the same or a different region as the bucket/container. Azure: Remote read replicas are not supported. This feature requires an enterprise license. To get a trial license key or extend your trial period, generate a new trial license key. To purchase a license, contact Redpanda Sales. If Redpanda has enterprise features enabled and it cannot find a valid license, restrictions apply. To check if you already have a license key applied to your cluster: rpk cluster license info Configure object storage for the remote cluster You must configure access to the same object storage as the origin cluster. To set up a Remote Read Replica topic on a separate remote cluster: Create a remote cluster for the Remote Read Replica topic. For AWS, the remote cluster must be in the same region as the origin cluster’s storage bucket/container. For GCP, the remote cluster can be in the same or a different region as the bucket/container. Run rpk cluster config edit, and then specify properties specific to your object storage provider (your cluster will require a restart after any changes to these properties): Amazon S3 Google Cloud Storage Azure Blob Storage cloud_storage_enabled : true cloud_storage_access_key : <your-acess-key> cloud_storage_secret_key : <your-secret-key> cloud_storage_region : <your-region> cloud_storage_bucket : <your-bucket> #Optional. Should not be changed after writing data to it Modifying the cloud_storage_bucket property after writing data to a bucket could cause data loss. cloud_storage_enabled : true cloud_storage_access_key : <your-acess-key> cloud_storage_secret_key : <your-secret-key> cloud_storage_region : <your-region> cloud_storage_api_endpoint : `` cloud_storage_bucket : <your-bucket> #Optional. Should not be changed after writing data to it. Modifying the cloud_storage_bucket property after writing data to a bucket could cause data loss. cloud_storage_enabled : true cloud_storage_azure_container : <your-container> cloud_storage_azure_storage_account : <your-storage-account> cloud_storage_azure_shared_key: <your-shared-key> For a complete reference on object storage properties, see Object Storage Properties. Create a Remote Read Replica topic To create the Remote Read Replica topic, run: rpk topic create <topic_name> -c redpanda.remote.readreplica=<bucket_name> For <topic_name>, use the same name as the original topic. For <bucket_name>, use the bucket/container specified in the cloud_storage_bucket or cloud_storage_azure_container properties for the origin cluster. The Remote Read Replica cluster must run on the same version of Redpanda as the origin cluster, or just one feature release ahead of the origin cluster. For example, if the origin cluster is version 23.1, the Remote Read Replica cluster can be 23.2, but not 23.4. It cannot skip feature releases. During upgrades, upgrade the Remote Read Replica cluster before upgrading the origin cluster. Do not use or redpanda.remote.write with redpanda.remote.readreplica. Redpanda ignores the values for remote read and remote write properties on read replica topics. Reduce lag in data availability When object storage is enabled on a topic, Redpanda copies closed log segments to the configured object store. Log segments are closed when the value of the segment size has been reached. A topic’s object store thus lags behind the local copy by the log_segment_size or, if set, by the topic’s segment.bytes value. To reduce this lag in the data availability for the Remote Read Replica: You can lower the value of segment.bytes. This lets Redpanda archive smaller log segments more frequently, at the cost of increasing I/O and file count. Redpanda Self-Managed deployments can set an idle timeout with cloud_storage_segment_max_upload_interval_sec to force Redpanda to periodically archive the contents of open log segments to object storage. This is useful if a topic’s write rate is low and log segments are kept open for long periods of time. The appropriate interval may depend on your total partition count: a system with less partitions can handle a higher number of segments per partition. Suggested reading Remote Read Replicas: Read-only topics in Tiered Storage Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Mountable Topics Topic Recovery