Docs Self-Managed Reference Kubernetes Kubernetes Helm Chart Specifications Kafka Connect You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Redpanda Connectors Helm Chart Specification This page describes the official Redpanda Connectors Helm Chart. In particular, this page describes the contents of the chart’s values.yaml file. Each of the settings is listed and described on this page, along with any default values. For instructions on how to install and use the chart, including how to override and customize the chart’s values, refer to the deployment documentation. Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0 Source Code Requirements Kubernetes: ^1.21.0-0 Settings auth Authentication settings. For details, see the SASL documentation. The first line of the secret file is used. So the first superuser is used to authenticate to the Redpanda cluster. Default: {"sasl":{"enabled":false,"mechanism":"scram-sha-512","secretRef":"","userName":""}} auth.sasl.mechanism The authentication mechanism to use for the superuser. Options are scram-sha-256 and scram-sha-512. Default: "scram-sha-512" auth.sasl.secretRef A Secret that contains your SASL user password. Default: "" commonLabels Additional labels to add to all Kubernetes objects. For example, my.k8s.service: redpanda. Default: {} connectors.additionalConfiguration A placeholder for any Java configuration settings for Kafka Connect that are not explicitly defined in this Helm chart. Java configuration settings are passed to the Kafka Connect startup script. Default: "" connectors.bootstrapServers A comma-separated list of Redpanda broker addresses in the format of IP:Port or DNS:Port. Kafka Connect uses this to connect to the Redpanda/Kafka cluster. Default: "" If secretRef points to a Secret where the certificate authority (CA) is not under the ca.crt key, use secretNameOverwrite to overwrite it e.g. corp-ca.crt. Default: "" The name of the Secret where the ca.crt file content is located. Default: "" connectors.brokerTLS.cert.secretNameOverwrite If secretRef points to secret where client signed certificate is not under tls.crt key then please use secretNameOverwrite to overwrite it e.g. corp-tls.crt Default: "" connectors.brokerTLS.cert.secretRef The name of the secret where client signed certificate is located Default: "" connectors.brokerTLS.enabled Default: false connectors.brokerTLS.key.secretNameOverwrite If secretRef points to secret where client private key is not under tls.key key then please use secretNameOverwrite to overwrite it e.g. corp-tls.key Default: "" connectors.brokerTLS.key.secretRef The name of the secret where client private key is located Default: "" connectors.groupID A unique string that identifies the Kafka Connect cluster. It’s used in the formation of the internal topic names, ensuring that multiple Kafka Connect clusters can connect to the same Redpanda cluster without interfering with each other. Default: "connectors-cluster" connectors.producerBatchSize The number of bytes of records a producer will attempt to batch together before sending to Redpanda. Batching improves throughput. Default: 131072 connectors.producerLingerMS The time, in milliseconds, that a producer will wait before sending a batch of records. Waiting allows the producer to gather more records in the same batch and improve throughput. Default: 1 connectors.restPort The port on which the Kafka Connect REST API listens. The API is used for administrative tasks. Default: 8083 connectors.schemaRegistryURL Default: "" connectors.secretManager.connectorsPrefix Default: "" connectors.secretManager.consolePrefix Default: "" connectors.secretManager.enabled Default: false connectors.secretManager.region Default: "" Indicates if read and write operations for the respective topics are allowed remotely. Default: {"read":{"config":false,"offset":false,"status":false},"write":{"config":false,"offset":false,"status":false}} The number of replicas for each of the internal topics that Kafka Connect uses. Default: {"config":-1,"offset":-1,"status":-1} Replication factor for the configuration topic. Default: -1 Replication factor for the offset topic. Default: -1 Replication factor for the status topic. Default: -1 The name of the internal topic that Kafka Connect uses to store connector and task configurations. Default: "_internal_connectors_configs" The name of the internal topic that Kafka Connect uses to store source connector offsets. Default: "_internal_connectors_offsets" The name of the internal topic that Kafka Connect uses to store connector and task status updates. Default: "_internal_connectors_status" container.javaGCLogEnabled Default: "false" container.resources Pod resource management. Default: {"javaMaxHeapSize":"2G","limits":{"cpu":"1","memory":"2350Mi"},"request":{"cpu":"1","memory":"2350Mi"}} container.resources.javaMaxHeapSize Java maximum heap size must not be greater than container.resources.limits.memory. Default: "2G" container.securityContext Security context for the Redpanda Connectors container. See also deployment.securityContext for Pod-level settings. Default: {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false} deployment.annotations Additional annotations to apply to the Pods of this Deployment. Default: {} deployment.budget.maxUnavailable Default: 1 deployment.create Default: true deployment.extraEnv Additional environment variables for the Pods. Default: [] deployment.extraEnvFrom Configure extra environment variables from Secrets and ConfigMaps. Default: [] deployment.livenessProbe Adjust the period for your probes to meet your needs. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: {"failureThreshold":3,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1} deployment.nodeAffinity Node Affinity rules for scheduling Pods of this Deployment. The suggestion would be to spread Pods according to topology zone. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: {} deployment.nodeSelector Node selection constraints for scheduling Pods of this Deployment. These constraints override the global nodeSelector value. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: {} deployment.podAffinity Inter-Pod Affinity rules for scheduling Pods of this Deployment. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: {} deployment.podAntiAffinity Anti-affinity rules for scheduling Pods of this Deployment. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. You may either edit the default settings for anti-affinity rules, or specify new anti-affinity rules to use instead of the defaults. Default: {"custom":{},"topologyKey":"","type":"hard","weight":100} deployment.podAntiAffinity.custom Change podAntiAffinity.type to custom and provide your own podAntiAffinity rules here. Default: {} deployment.podAntiAffinity.topologyKey The topologyKey to be used. Can be used to spread across different nodes, AZs, regions etc. Default: "" deployment.podAntiAffinity.type Valid anti-affinity types are soft, hard, or custom. Use custom if you want to supply your own anti-affinity rules in the podAntiAffinity.custom object. Default: "hard" deployment.podAntiAffinity.weight Weight for soft anti-affinity rules. Does not apply for other anti-affinity types. Default: 100 deployment.priorityClassName PriorityClassName given to Pods of this Deployment. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: "" deployment.progressDeadlineSeconds The maximum time in seconds for a deployment to make progress before it is considered to be failed. The deployment controller will continue to process failed deployments and a condition with a ProgressDeadlineExceeded reason will be surfaced in the deployment status. Note that progress will not be estimated during the time a deployment is paused. Default: 600 deployment.readinessProbe.failureThreshold Default: 2 deployment.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Default: 60 deployment.readinessProbe.periodSeconds Default: 10 deployment.readinessProbe.successThreshold Default: 3 deployment.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Default: 5 deployment.restartPolicy Default: "Always" deployment.revisionHistoryLimit The number of old ReplicaSets to retain to allow rollback. This is a pointer to distinguish between explicit zero and not specified. Default: 10 deployment.schedulerName Default: "" deployment.securityContext.fsGroup Default: 101 deployment.securityContext.fsGroupChangePolicy Default: "OnRootMismatch" deployment.securityContext.runAsUser Default: 101 deployment.strategy.type Default: "RollingUpdate" deployment.terminationGracePeriodSeconds Default: 30 deployment.tolerations Taints to be tolerated by Pods of this Deployment. These tolerations override the global tolerations value. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: [] deployment.topologySpreadConstraints[0].maxSkew Default: 1 deployment.topologySpreadConstraints[0].topologyKey Default: "" deployment.topologySpreadConstraints[0].whenUnsatisfiable Default: "ScheduleAnyway" fullnameOverride Override connectors.fullname template. Default: "" image Redpanda Docker image settings. Default: {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":""} image.pullPolicy The imagePullPolicy. If image.tag is latest', the default is `Always. Default: "IfNotPresent" image.repository Docker repository from which to pull the Redpanda Docker image. Default: "" image.tag The Redpanda version. See DockerHub for: All stable versions and all unstable versions. Default: Chart.appVersion. imagePullSecrets Pull secrets may be used to provide credentials to image repositories See Default: [] logging Log-level settings. Default: {"level":"warn"} logging.level Log level Valid values (from least to most verbose) are: error, warn, info and debug. Default: "warn" monitoring Monitoring. When set to true, the Helm chart creates a PodMonitor that can be used by Prometheus-Operator or VictoriaMetrics-Operator to scrape the metrics. Default: {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"labels":{},"namespaceSelector":{"any":true},"scrapeInterval":"30s"} nameOverride Override template. Default: "" service Service management. Default: {"annotations":{},"name":"","ports":[{"name":"prometheus","port":9404}]} service.annotations Annotations to add to the Service. Default: {} The name of the service to use. If not set, a name is generated using the connectors.fullname template. Default: "" serviceAccount ServiceAccount management. Default: {"annotations":{},"automountServiceAccountToken":false,"create":false,"name":""} serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the ServiceAccount. Default: {} serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Specifies whether a service account should automount API-Credentials Default: false serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a ServiceAccount should be created. Default: false The name of the ServiceAccount to use. If not set and serviceAccount.create is true, a name is generated using the connectors.fullname template. Default: "" storage.volumeMounts[0].mountPath Default: "/tmp" storage.volumeMounts[0].name Default: "rp-connect-tmp" storage.volume[0].emptyDir.medium Default: "Memory" storage.volume[0].emptyDir.sizeLimit Default: "5Mi" storage.volume[0].name Default: "rp-connect-tmp" test.create Default: true tolerations Taints to be tolerated by Pods. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: [] Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Redpanda Console Redpanda Connect