Docs Self-Managed Reference Kubernetes Kubernetes Helm Chart Specifications Redpanda Operator You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Redpanda Operator Helm Chart Specification This page describes the official Redpanda Operator Helm Chart. In particular, this page describes the contents of the chart’s values.yaml file. Each of the settings is listed and described on this page, along with any default values. For instructions on how to install and use the chart, including how to override and customize the chart’s values, refer to the deployment documentation. Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0 Source Code Requirements Kubernetes: >= 1.25.0-0 Repository Name Version kube-prometheus-stack 51.2.0 Settings additionalCmdFlags Passes additional flags to the Redpanda Operator at startup. Additional flags include: - --additional-controllers: Additional controllers to deploy. Valid values are nodeWatcher or decommission. For more information about the Nodewatcher controller, see Install the Nodewatcher controller. For more information about the Decommission controller, see Use the Decommission controller. Default: ["--configurator-tag=v2.3.6-24.3.3"] affinity Sets affinity constraints for scheduling Pods that run the Redpanda Operator. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: {} clusterDomain Sets the Kubernetes cluster domain. Default: "cluster.local" commonLabels Additional labels to add to all Kubernetes objects. For example, my.k8s.service: redpanda-operator. Default: {} config Configuration for the Kubernetes Controller Manager used by Redpanda Operator. The Controller Manager is a component of the Kubernetes control plane that runs controller processes. These controllers are background threads that handle the orchestration and operational logic of Kubernetes, ensuring the desired state of the cluster matches the observed state. Default: {"apiVersion":"","health":{"healthProbeBindAddress":":8081"},"kind":"ControllerManagerConfig","leaderElection":{"leaderElect":true,"resourceName":""},"metrics":{"bindAddress":""},"webhook":{"port":9443}} Configuration for health checking. Default: {"healthProbeBindAddress":":8081"} Sets the address for the health probe server to listen on. Default: ":8081" config.leaderElection Configuration for leader election, which is a process that ensures only one instance of the controller manager is active at a time. This is critical for high availability and to prevent split-brain scenarios in a distributed system. Default: {"leaderElect":true,"resourceName":""} config.leaderElection.leaderElect Enables leader election. Default: true config.leaderElection.resourceName Sets the name of the resource lock for the leader election process. Default: "" config.metrics Configuration for the metrics endpoint. Default: {"bindAddress":""} config.metrics.bindAddress Sets the address for the metrics server to bind to. Default: "" config.webhook Configuration for webhooks, such as the port they listen on. Webhooks are HTTP callbacks that receive and process data in response to events. Default: {"port":9443} config.webhook.port Sets the port for the webhook server to listen on. Default: 9443 fullnameOverride Overrides the redpanda-operator.fullname template. Default: "" image Container image settings. Default: {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":""} image.pullPolicy Sets the pullPolicy for the redpanda-operator image. Default: "IfNotPresent" image.repository Sets the repository from which to pull the redpanda-operator image. Default: "" imagePullSecrets Pull secrets may be used to provide credentials to image repositories See the Kubernetes documentation. Default: [] kubeRbacProxy Configuration for the kube-rbac-proxy, a component that provides an HTTP proxy to perform authorization checks. Default: {"image":{"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v0.14.0"},"logLevel":10} kubeRbacProxy.image Sets settings for pulling the kube-rbac-proxy image. Default: {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":"v0.14.0"} kubeRbacProxy.image.pullPolicy Sets the pullPolicy for kube-rbac-proxy image Default: "IfNotPresent" kubeRbacProxy.image.repository Sets the repository in which the kube-rbac-proxy image is available. Default: "" kubeRbacProxy.image.tag Sets the kube-rbac-proxy image tag. Default: "v0.14.0" kubeRbacProxy.logLevel Sets log level for kube rbac proxy Default: 10 logLevel Log level Valid values (from least to most verbose) are: warn, info, debug, and trace. Default: "info" monitoring Configuration for monitoring. Default: {"deployPrometheusKubeStack":false,"enabled":false} monitoring.deployPrometheusKubeStack Deploys the Prometheus community Helm chart. Default: false monitoring.enabled Creates a ServiceMonitor that can be used by Prometheus-Operator or VictoriaMetrics-Operator to scrape the metrics. Default: false nameOverride Overrides the template. Default: "" nodeSelector Node selection constraints for scheduling Pods on specific nodes. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: {} podAnnotations Sets deployment strategy. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. strategy: “” Sets additional annotations for Pods. Default: {} podLabels Default: {} podTemplate Sets almost all fields of operator Deployment PodTemplate For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: {"metadata":{},"spec":{"containers":[{"name":"manager","resources":{}}],"securityContext":{"runAsUser":65532}}} podTemplate.spec A subset of Kubernetes’ PodSpec type that will be merged into the final PodSpec. See Merge Semantics for details. Default: {"containers":[{"name":"manager","resources":{}}],"securityContext":{"runAsUser":65532}} rbac Role-based Access Control (RBAC) configuration for the Redpanda Operator. Default: {"create":true,"createAdditionalControllerCRs":false,"createRPKBundleCRs":false} rbac.create Enables the creation of additional RBAC roles. Default: true rbac.createAdditionalControllerCRs Creates additional RBAC cluster roles that are needed to run additional controllers using additionalCmdFlags. Default: false rbac.createRPKBundleCRs Create RBAC cluster roles needed for the Redpanda Helm chart’s `rbac.enabled' feature. Default: false replicaCount Sets the number of instances of the Redpanda Operator to deploy. Each instance is deployed as a Pod. All instances are managed by a Deployment resource. Default: 1 resources Sets resources requests/limits for Redpanda Operator Pods. By default requests and limits are not set to increase the chances that the charts run on environments with few resources, such as Minikube. To specify resources, uncomment the following lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after resources. Default: {} scope Sets the scope of the Redpanda Operator. Valid values are Cluster or Namespace. The Cluster scope is deprecated because it deploys the deprecated version of the Redpanda Operator. Use the default Namespace scope. In the Namespace scope, the Redpanda Operator manages Redpanda resources that are deployed in the same namespace as itself. Default: "Namespace" serviceAccount Service account management. Default: {"automountServiceAccountToken":false,"create":true} serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Specifies whether a service account should automount API-Credentials. The token is used in sidecars.controllers Default: false serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created. Default: true tolerations Taints to be tolerated by Pods. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: [] webhook Specifies whether to create Webhook resources both to intercept and potentially modify or reject Kubernetes API requests as well as authenticate requests to the Kubernetes API. Only valid when scope is set to Cluster. Default: {"enabled":false} webhook.enabled Creates the Webhook resources. Default: false webhookSecretName Default: "webhook-server-cert" Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . 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