Docs Self-Managed Reference Properties Cluster Configuration Properties You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Cluster Configuration Properties Cluster configuration properties are the same for all brokers in a cluster, and are set at the cluster level. For information on how to edit cluster properties, see Configure Cluster Properties or Configure Cluster Properties in Kubernetes. Some cluster properties require that you restart the cluster for any updates to take effect. See the specific property details to identify whether or not a restart is required. Cluster configuration abort_index_segment_size Capacity (in number of txns) of an abort index segment. Each partition tracks the aborted transaction offset ranges to help service client requests. If the number of transactions increases beyond this threshold, they are flushed to disk to ease memory pressure. Then they’re loaded on demand. This configuration controls the maximum number of aborted transactions before they are flushed to disk. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: 50000 abort_timed_out_transactions_interval_ms Interval, in milliseconds, at which Redpanda looks for inactive transactions and aborts them. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10000 (10s) admin_api_require_auth Whether Admin API clients must provide HTTP basic authentication headers. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false aggregate_metrics Enable aggregation of metrics returned by the /metrics endpoint. Aggregation can simplify monitoring by providing summarized data instead of raw, per-instance metrics. Metric aggregation is performed by summing the values of samples by labels and is done when it makes sense by the shard and/or partition labels. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false alive_timeout_ms The amount of time since the last broker status heartbeat. After this time, a broker is considered offline and not alive. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 5000 alter_topic_cfg_timeout_ms The duration, in milliseconds, that Redpanda waits for the replication of entries in the controller log when executing a request to alter topic configurations. This timeout ensures that configuration changes are replicated across the cluster before the alteration request is considered complete. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 5000 (5s) append_chunk_size Size of direct write operations to disk in bytes. A larger chunk size can improve performance for write-heavy workloads, but increase latency for these writes as more data is collected before each write operation. A smaller chunk size can decrease write latency, but potentially increase the number of disk I/O operations. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 16384 audit_client_max_buffer_size Defines the number of bytes allocated by the internal audit client for audit messages. When changing this, you must disable audit logging and then re-enable it for the change to take effect. Consider increasing this if your system generates a very large number of audit records in a short amount of time. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Default: 16777216 audit_enabled Some values for this property require an Enterprise license. Refer to the Enterprise license required field for specific requirements. For license details, see Redpanda Licenses and Enterprise Features. Enables or disables audit logging. When you set this to true, Redpanda checks for an existing topic named _redpanda.audit_log. If none is found, Redpanda automatically creates one for you. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Enterprise license required: true Default: false audit_enabled_event_types List of strings in JSON style identifying the event types to include in the audit log. This may include any of the following: management, produce, consume, describe, heartbeat, authenticate, schema_registry, admin. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: array Default: [management, authenticate, admin] audit_excluded_principals List of user principals to exclude from auditing. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: array Default: null audit_excluded_topics List of topics to exclude from auditing. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: array Default: null audit_log_num_partitions Defines the number of partitions used by a newly-created audit topic. This configuration applies only to the audit log topic and may be different from the cluster or other topic configurations. This cannot be altered for existing audit log topics. Unit: number of partitions per topic Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: 12 audit_log_replication_factor Defines the replication factor for a newly-created audit log topic. This configuration applies only to the audit log topic and may be different from the cluster or other topic configurations. This cannot be altered for existing audit log topics. Setting this value is optional. If a value is not provided, Redpanda will use the value specified for internal_topic_replication_factor. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-32768, 32767] Default: null audit_queue_drain_interval_ms Interval, in milliseconds, at which Redpanda flushes the queued audit log messages to the audit log topic. Longer intervals may help prevent duplicate messages, especially in high throughput scenarios, but they also increase the risk of data loss during shutdowns where the queue is lost. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 500 audit_queue_max_buffer_size_per_shard Defines the maximum amount of memory in bytes used by the audit buffer in each shard. Once this size is reached, requests to log additional audit messages will return a non-retryable error. Limiting the buffer size per shard helps prevent any single shard from consuming excessive memory due to audit log messages. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 1048576 auto_create_topics_enabled Allow automatic topic creation. To prevent excess topics, this property is not supported on Redpanda Cloud BYOC and Dedicated clusters. You should explicitly manage topic creation for these Redpanda Cloud clusters. If you produce to a topic that doesn’t exist, the topic will be created with defaults if this property is enabled. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false cluster_id Cluster identifier. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string Default: null compacted_log_segment_size Size (in bytes) for each compacted log segment. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 268435456 compaction_ctrl_backlog_size Target backlog size for compaction controller. If not set the max backlog size is configured to 80% of total disk space available. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: null compaction_ctrl_d_coeff Derivative coefficient for compaction PID controller. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 0.2 compaction_ctrl_i_coeff Integral coefficient for compaction PID controller. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 0.0 compaction_ctrl_max_shares Maximum number of I/O and CPU shares that compaction process can use. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-32768, 32767] Default: 1000 compaction_ctrl_min_shares Minimum number of I/O and CPU shares that compaction process can use. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-32768, 32767] Default: 10 compaction_ctrl_p_coeff Proportional coefficient for compaction PID controller. This must be negative, because the compaction backlog should decrease when the number of compaction shares increases. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: -12.5 controller_backend_housekeeping_interval_ms Interval between iterations of controller backend housekeeping loop. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 1000 (1s) controller_log_accummulation_rps_capacity_acls_and_users_operations Maximum capacity of rate limit accumulation in controller ACLs and users operations limit. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: null controller_log_accummulation_rps_capacity_configuration_operations Maximum capacity of rate limit accumulation in controller configuration operations limit. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: null controller_log_accummulation_rps_capacity_move_operations Maximum capacity of rate limit accumulation in controller move operations limit. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: null controller_log_accummulation_rps_capacity_node_management_operations Maximum capacity of rate limit accumulation in controller node management operations limit. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: null controller_log_accummulation_rps_capacity_topic_operations Maximum capacity of rate limit accumulation in controller topic operations limit. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: null controller_snapshot_max_age_sec Maximum amount of time before Redpanda attempts to create a controller snapshot after a new controller command appears. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 60 core_balancing_continuous Some values for this property require an Enterprise license. Refer to the Enterprise license required field for specific requirements. For license details, see Redpanda Licenses and Enterprise Features. If set to true, move partitions between cores in runtime to maintain balanced partition distribution. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Enterprise license required: true Default: false core_balancing_debounce_timeout Interval, in milliseconds, between trigger and invocation of core balancing. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10000 (10s) core_balancing_on_core_count_change If set to true, and if after a restart the number of cores changes, Redpanda will move partitions between cores to maintain balanced partition distribution. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true cpu_profiler_enabled Enables CPU profiling for Redpanda. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false cpu_profiler_sample_period_ms The sample period for the CPU profiler. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 100 create_topic_timeout_ms Timeout, in milliseconds, to wait for new topic creation. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 2000 data_transforms_binary_max_size The maximum size for a deployable WebAssembly binary that the broker can store. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 10485760 data_transforms_commit_interval_ms The commit interval at which data transforms progress. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 3000 data_transforms_enabled Enables WebAssembly-powered data transforms directly in the broker. When data_transforms_enabled is set to true, Redpanda reserves memory for data transforms, even if no transform functions are currently deployed. This memory reservation ensures that adequate resources are available for transform functions when they are needed, but it also means that some memory is allocated regardless of usage. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false data_transforms_logging_buffer_capacity_bytes Buffer capacity for transform logs, per shard. Buffer occupancy is calculated as the total size of buffered log messages; that is, logs emitted but not yet produced. Unit: bytes Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 512000 data_transforms_logging_flush_interval_ms Flush interval for transform logs. When a timer expires, pending logs are collected and published to the transform_logs topic. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 500 data_transforms_logging_line_max_bytes Transform log lines truncate to this length. Truncation occurs after any character escaping. Unit: bytes Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 1024 data_transforms_per_core_memory_reservation The amount of memory to reserve per core for data transform (Wasm) virtual machines. Memory is reserved on boot. The maximum number of functions that can be deployed to a cluster is equal to data_transforms_per_core_memory_reservation / data_transforms_per_function_memory_limit. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Default: 20971520 data_transforms_per_function_memory_limit The amount of memory to give an instance of a data transform (Wasm) virtual machine. The maximum number of functions that can be deployed to a cluster is equal to data_transforms_per_core_memory_reservation / data_transforms_per_function_memory_limit. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Default: 2097152 data_transforms_read_buffer_memory_percentage This property is for Redpanda internal use only. Do not use or modify this property unless specifically instructed to do so by Redpanda Support. Using this property without explicit guidance from Redpanda Support could result in data loss. The percentage of available memory in the transform subsystem to use for read buffers. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 45 data_transforms_runtime_limit_ms The maximum amount of runtime to start up a data transform, and the time it takes for a single record to be transformed. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 3000 data_transforms_write_buffer_memory_percentage This property is for Redpanda internal use only. Do not use or modify this property unless specifically instructed to do so by Redpanda Support. Using this property without explicit guidance from Redpanda Support could result in data loss. The percentage of available memory in the transform subsystem to use for write buffers. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 45 datalake_coordinator_snapshot_max_delay_secs Maximum amount of time the coordinator waits to snapshot after a command appears in the log. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 900 debug_bundle_auto_removal_seconds If set, how long debug bundles are kept in the debug bundle storage directory after they are created. If not set, debug bundles are kept indefinitely. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: null debug_bundle_storage_dir Path to the debug bundle storage directory. Note: Changing this path does not clean up existing debug bundles. If not set, the debug bundle is stored in the Redpanda data directory specified in the redpanda.yaml broker configuration file. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string Default: null debug_load_slice_warning_depth The recursion depth after which debug logging is enabled automatically for the log reader. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: null default_leaders_preference Some values for this property require an Enterprise license. Refer to the Enterprise license required field for specific requirements. For license details, see Redpanda Licenses and Enterprise Features. Default settings for preferred location of topic partition leaders. It can be either "none" (no preference), or "racks:<rack1>,<rack2>,…" (prefer brokers with rack ID from the list). The list can contain one or more rack IDs. If you specify multiple IDs, Redpanda tries to distribute the partition leader locations equally across brokers in these racks. If enable_rack_awareness is set to false, leader pinning is disabled across the cluster. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Enterprise license required: Any value other than the default none Default: none Related topics: Leader pinning default_num_windows Default number of quota tracking windows. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-32768, 32767] Default: 10 default_topic_partitions Default number of partitions per topic. Unit: number of partitions per topic Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: 1 default_topic_replications Default replication factor for new topics. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-32768, 32767] Default: 1 In Redpanda Cloud, all new topics are created with a replication factor of 3. default_window_sec Default quota tracking window size in milliseconds. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 1000 development_enable_cloud_topics Enable cloud topics. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false disable_batch_cache Disable batch cache in log manager. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: false disable_cluster_recovery_loop_for_tests This property is for Redpanda internal use only. Do not use or modify this property unless specifically instructed to do so by Redpanda Support. Using this property without explicit guidance from Redpanda Support could result in data loss. Disables the cluster recovery loop. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: false disable_metrics Disable registering the metrics exposed on the internal /metrics endpoint. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false disable_public_metrics Disable registering the metrics exposed on the /public_metrics endpoint. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false disk_reservation_percent The percentage of total disk capacity that Redpanda will avoid using. This applies both when cloud cache and log data share a disk, as well as when cloud cache uses a dedicated disk. It is recommended to not run disks near capacity to avoid blocking I/O due to low disk space, as well as avoiding performance issues associated with SSD garbage collection. Unit: percentage of total disk size. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 25.0 enable_cluster_metadata_upload_loop Enables cluster metadata uploads. Required for whole cluster restore. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: true enable_controller_log_rate_limiting Limits the write rate for the controller log. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false enable_idempotence Enable idempotent producers. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true enable_leader_balancer Enable automatic leadership rebalancing. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true enable_metrics_reporter Enable the cluster metrics reporter. If true, the metrics reporter collects and exports to Redpanda Data a set of customer usage metrics at the interval set by metrics_reporter_report_interval. The cluster metrics of the metrics reporter are different from monitoring metrics. The metrics reporter exports customer usage metrics for consumption by Redpanda Data. Monitoring metrics are exported for consumption by Redpanda users. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true enable_mpx_extensions Enable Redpanda extensions for MPX. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: false enable_pid_file Enable PID file. You should not need to change. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: true enable_rack_awareness Enable rack-aware replica assignment. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false enable_sasl Enable SASL authentication for Kafka connections. Authorization is required to modify this property. See also kafka_enable_authorization. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false enable_schema_id_validation Some values for this property require an Enterprise license. Refer to the Enterprise license required field for specific requirements. For license details, see Redpanda Licenses and Enterprise Features. Mode to enable server-side schema ID validation. Related topics: Server-Side Schema ID Validation Requires restart: No Visibility: user Accepted Values: none: Schema validation is disabled (no schema ID checks are done). Associated topic properties cannot be modified. redpanda: Schema validation is enabled. Only Redpanda topic properties are accepted. compat: Schema validation is enabled. Both Redpanda and compatible topic properties are accepted. Enterprise license required: compat , redpanda Default: none enable_transactions Enable transactions (atomic writes). Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true enable_usage Enables the usage tracking mechanism, storing windowed history of kafka/cloud_storage metrics over time. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false features_auto_enable Whether new feature flags auto-activate after upgrades (true) or must wait for manual activation via the Admin API (false). Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: true fetch_max_bytes Maximum number of bytes returned in a fetch request. Unit: bytes Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Default: 57671680 fetch_pid_d_coeff Derivative coefficient for fetch PID controller. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 0.0 fetch_pid_i_coeff Integral coefficient for fetch PID controller. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 0.01 fetch_pid_max_debounce_ms The maximum debounce time the fetch PID controller will apply, in milliseconds. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 100 fetch_pid_p_coeff Proportional coefficient for fetch PID controller. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 100.0 fetch_pid_target_utilization_fraction A fraction, between 0 and 1, for the target reactor utilization of the fetch scheduling group. Unit: fraction Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 0.2 fetch_read_strategy The strategy used to fulfill fetch requests. polling: Repeatedly polls every partition in the request for new data. The polling interval is set by fetch_reads_debounce_timeout (deprecated). non_polling: The backend is signaled when a partition has new data, so Redpanda doesn’t need to repeatedly read from every partition in the fetch. Redpanda Data recommends using this value for most workloads, because it can improve fetch latency and CPU utilization. non_polling_with_debounce: This option behaves like non_polling, but it includes a debounce mechanism with a fixed delay specified by fetch_reads_debounce_timeout at the start of each fetch. By introducing this delay, Redpanda can accumulate more data before processing, leading to fewer fetch operations and returning larger amounts of data. Enabling this option reduces reactor utilization, but it may also increase end-to-end latency. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Accepted Values: polling, non_polling, non_polling_with_debounce Default: non_polling fetch_reads_debounce_timeout Time to wait for the next read in fetch requests when the requested minimum bytes was not reached. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 1 fetch_session_eviction_timeout_ms Time duration after which the inactive fetch session is removed from the fetch session cache. Fetch sessions are used to implement the incremental fetch requests where a consumer does not send all requested partitions to the server but the server tracks them for the consumer. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 60000 group_initial_rebalance_delay Delay added to the rebalance phase to wait for new members. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 3000 group_max_session_timeout_ms The maximum allowed session timeout for registered consumers. Longer timeouts give consumers more time to process messages in between heartbeats at the cost of a longer time to detect failures. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 300000 group_min_session_timeout_ms The minimum allowed session timeout for registered consumers. Shorter timeouts result in quicker failure detection at the cost of more frequent consumer heartbeating, which can overwhelm broker resources. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 6000 group_new_member_join_timeout Timeout for new member joins. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 30000 group_offset_retention_check_ms Frequency rate at which the system should check for expired group offsets. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 600000 (10min) group_offset_retention_sec Consumer group offset retention seconds. To disable offset retention, set this to null. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 604800 (one week) group_topic_partitions Number of partitions in the internal group membership topic. Unit: number of partitions per topic Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: 16 health_manager_tick_interval How often the health manager runs. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 180000 (3min) health_monitor_max_metadata_age Maximum age of the metadata cached in the health monitor of a non-controller broker. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10000 http_authentication Some values for this property require an Enterprise license. Refer to the Enterprise license required field for specific requirements. For license details, see Redpanda Licenses and Enterprise Features. A list of supported HTTP authentication mechanisms. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: array Accepted Values: BASIC, OIDC Enterprise license required: OIDC Default: [basic] iceberg_catalog_base_location Base path for the object storage backed Iceberg catalog. After Iceberg is enabled, do not change this value. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: string Default: redpanda-iceberg-catalog iceberg_catalog_commit_interval_ms The frequency at which the Iceberg coordinator commits topic files to the catalog. This is the interval between commit transactions across all topics monitored by the coordinator, not the interval between individual commits. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 60000 iceberg_catalog_type Iceberg catalog type that Redpanda will use to commit table metadata updates. Supported types: 'rest', 'object_storage'. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Accepted values: rest, object_storage Default: object_storage iceberg_delete Default value for the redpanda.iceberg.delete topic property that determines if the corresponding Iceberg table is deleted upon deleting the topic. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true iceberg_enabled Enables the translation of topic data into Iceberg tables. Setting iceberg_enabled to true activates the feature at the cluster level, but each topic must also set the redpanda.iceberg.enabled topic-level property to true to use it. If iceberg_enabled is set to false, then the feature is disabled for all topics in the cluster, overriding any topic-level settings. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false iceberg_rest_catalog_client_id Iceberg REST catalog user ID. This ID is used to query the catalog API for the OAuth token. Required if catalog type is set to rest. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: string Default: null iceberg_rest_catalog_client_secret Secret to authenticate against Iceberg REST catalog. Required if catalog type is set to rest. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: string Default: null iceberg_rest_catalog_crl_file Path to certificate revocation list for iceberg_rest_catalog_trust_file. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: string Default: null iceberg_rest_catalog_endpoint URL of Iceberg REST catalog endpoint. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: string Default: null iceberg_rest_catalog_prefix Prefix part of the Iceberg REST catalog URL. Prefix is appended to the catalog path, for example /v1/{prefix}/namespaces. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: string Default: null iceberg_rest_catalog_request_timeout_ms Maximum length of time that Redpanda waits for a response from the REST catalog before aborting the request. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10000 iceberg_rest_catalog_token Token used to access the REST Iceberg catalog. If the token is present, Redpanda ignores credentials stored in the properties iceberg_rest_catalog_client_id and iceberg_rest_catalog_client_secret. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: string Default: null iceberg_rest_catalog_trust_file Path to a file containing a certificate chain to trust for the REST Iceberg catalog. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: string Default: null id_allocator_batch_size The ID allocator allocates messages in batches (each batch is a one log record) and then serves requests from memory without touching the log until the batch is exhausted. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-32768, 32767] Default: 1000 id_allocator_log_capacity Capacity of the id_allocator log in number of batches. After it reaches id_allocator_stm, it truncates the log’s prefix. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-32768, 32767] Default: 100 initial_retention_local_target_bytes_default Initial local retention size target for partitions of topics with Tiered Storage enabled. If no initial local target retention is configured, then all locally-retained data will be delivered to learner when joining the partition replica set. Unit: bytes Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Default: null initial_retention_local_target_ms_default Initial local retention time target for partitions of topics with Tiered Storage enabled. If no initial local target retention is configured, then all locally-retained data will be delivered to learner when joining the partition replica is set. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: null internal_topic_replication_factor Target replication factor for internal topics. Unit: number of replicas per topic. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: 3 join_retry_timeout_ms Time between cluster join retries in milliseconds. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 5000 kafka_admin_topic_api_rate Target quota rate (partition mutations per default_window_sec). Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: null kafka_batch_max_bytes Maximum size of a batch processed by the server. If the batch is compressed, the limit applies to the compressed batch size. Unit: bytes Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: 1048576 kafka_client_group_byte_rate_quota Per-group target produce quota byte rate (bytes per second). Client is considered part of the group if client_id contains clients_prefix. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Default: null kafka_client_group_fetch_byte_rate_quota Per-group target fetch quota byte rate (bytes per second). Client is considered part of the group if client_id contains clients_prefix. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Default: null kafka_connection_rate_limit Maximum connections per second for one core. If null (the default), then the number of connections per second is unlimited. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807] Default: null kafka_connection_rate_limit_overrides Overrides the maximum connections per second for one core for the specified IP addresses (for example, ['', '']) Related topics: Limit client connections Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: array Default: null kafka_connections_max Maximum number of Kafka client connections per broker. If null, the property is disabled. Unit: number of Kafka client connections per broker Default: null Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Related topics: Limit client connections kafka_connections_max_overrides A list of IP addresses for which Kafka client connection limits are overridden and don’t apply. For example, (['', '']).. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: array Default: {} (empty list) Related topics: Limit client connections kafka_connections_max_per_ip Maximum number of Kafka client connections per IP address, per broker. If null, the property is disabled. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: null Related topics: Limit client connections kafka_enable_authorization Flag to require authorization for Kafka connections. If null, the property is disabled, and authorization is instead enabled by enable_sasl. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: null Accepted Values: null: Ignored. Authorization is enabled with enable_sasl: true true: authorization is required. false: authorization is disabled. Related properties: enable_sasl kafka_api[].authentication_method kafka_enable_describe_log_dirs_remote_storage Whether to include Tiered Storage as a special remote:// directory in DescribeLogDirs Kafka API requests. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true kafka_enable_partition_reassignment Enable the Kafka partition reassignment API. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true kafka_group_recovery_timeout_ms Kafka group recovery timeout. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 30000 (30 sec) kafka_max_bytes_per_fetch Limit fetch responses to this many bytes, even if the total of partition bytes limits is higher. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 67108864 kafka_memory_batch_size_estimate_for_fetch The size of the batch used to estimate memory consumption for fetch requests, in bytes. Smaller sizes allow more concurrent fetch requests per shard. Larger sizes prevent running out of memory because of too many concurrent fetch requests. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Default: 1048576 kafka_memory_share_for_fetch The share of Kafka subsystem memory that can be used for fetch read buffers, as a fraction of the Kafka subsystem memory amount. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: number Default: 0.5 kafka_mtls_principal_mapping_rules Principal mapping rules for mTLS authentication on the Kafka API. If null, the property is disabled. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: array Default: null kafka_nodelete_topics A list of topics that are protected from deletion and configuration changes by Kafka clients. Set by default to a list of Redpanda internal topics. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string array Default: ['_redpanda.audit_log', '__consumer_offsets', '_schemas'] Related topics: Consumer Offsets Schema Registry kafka_noproduce_topics A list of topics that are protected from being produced to by Kafka clients. Set by default to a list of Redpanda internal topics. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: array Default: ['_redpanda.audit_log'] kafka_qdc_depth_alpha Smoothing factor for Kafka queue depth control depth tracking. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 0.8 kafka_qdc_depth_update_ms Update frequency for Kafka queue depth control. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 7000 kafka_qdc_enable Enable Kafka queue depth control. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false kafka_qdc_idle_depth Queue depth when idleness is detected in Kafka queue depth control. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 10 kafka_qdc_latency_alpha Smoothing parameter for Kafka queue depth control latency tracking. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 0.002 kafka_qdc_max_depth Maximum queue depth used in Kafka queue depth control. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 100 kafka_qdc_max_latency_ms Maximum latency threshold for Kafka queue depth control depth tracking. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 80 kafka_qdc_min_depth Minimum queue depth used in Kafka queue depth control. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 1 kafka_qdc_window_count Number of windows used in Kafka queue depth control latency tracking. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 12 kafka_qdc_window_size_ms Window size for Kafka queue depth control latency tracking. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 1500 kafka_quota_balancer_min_shard_throughput_bps The minimum value of the throughput quota a shard can get in the process of quota balancing, expressed in bytes per second. The value applies equally to ingress and egress traffic. kafka_quota_balancer_min_shard_throughput_bps doesn’t override the limit settings, kafka_throughput_limit_node_in_bps and kafka_throughput_limit_node_out_bps. Consequently, the value of kafka_throughput_limit_node_in_bps or kafka_throughput_limit_node_out_bps can result in lesser throughput than kafka_quota_balancer_min_shard_throughput_bps. Both kafka_quota_balancer_min_shard_throughput_ratio and kafka_quota_balancer_min_shard_throughput_bps can be specified at the same time. In this case, the balancer will not decrease the effective shard quota below the largest bytes-per-second (bps) value of each of these two properties. If set to 0, no minimum is enforced. Unit: bytes per second Related topics: Node-wide throughput limits Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807] Default: 256 Related topics: Node-wide throughput limits kafka_quota_balancer_min_shard_throughput_ratio The minimum value of the throughput quota a shard can get in the process of quota balancing, expressed as a ratio of default shard quota. While the value applies equally to ingress and egress traffic, the default shard quota can be different for ingress and egress and therefore result in different minimum throughput bytes-per-second (bps) values. Both kafka_quota_balancer_min_shard_throughput_ratio and kafka_quota_balancer_min_shard_throughput_bps can be specified at the same time. In this case, the balancer will not decrease the effective shard quota below the largest bps value of each of these two properties. If set to 0.0, the minimum is disabled. If set to 1.0, the balancer won’t be able to rebalance quota without violating this ratio, preventing the balancer from adjusting shards' quotas. Unit: ratio of default shard quota Related topics: Node-wide throughput limits Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: number Default: 0.01 Related topics: Node-wide throughput limits kafka_quota_balancer_node_period_ms Intra-node throughput quota balancer invocation period, in milliseconds. When set to 0, the balancer is disabled and makes all the throughput quotas immutable. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 0 kafka_quota_balancer_window_ms Time window used to average current throughput measurement for quota balancer, in milliseconds. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 5000 kafka_request_max_bytes Maximum size of a single request processed using the Kafka API. Unit: bytes Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: 104857600 kafka_rpc_server_stream_recv_buf Maximum size of the user-space receive buffer. If null, this limit is not applied. Unit: bytes Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: null kafka_rpc_server_tcp_recv_buf Size of the Kafka server TCP receive buffer. If null, the property is disabled. Unit: bytes Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: null kafka_rpc_server_tcp_send_buf Size of the Kafka server TCP transmit buffer. If null, the property is disabled. Unit: bytes Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] aligned to 4096 bytes Default: null kafka_sasl_max_reauth_ms The maximum time between Kafka client reauthentications. If a client has not reauthenticated a connection within this time frame, that connection is torn down. If this property is not set (or set to null), session expiry is disabled, and a connection could live long after the client’s credentials are expired or revoked. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: null kafka_schema_id_validation_cache_capacity Per-shard capacity of the cache for validating schema IDs. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 128 kafka_tcp_keepalive_timeout TCP keepalive idle timeout in seconds for Kafka connections. This describes the timeout between TCP keepalive probes that the remote site successfully acknowledged. Refers to the TCP_KEEPIDLE socket option. When changed, applies to new connections only. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 120 kafka_tcp_keepalive_probe_interval_seconds TCP keepalive probe interval in seconds for Kafka connections. This describes the timeout between unacknowledged TCP keepalives. Refers to the TCP_KEEPINTVL socket option. When changed, applies to new connections only. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 60 kafka_tcp_keepalive_probes TCP keepalive unacknowledged probes until the connection is considered dead for Kafka connections. Refers to the TCP_KEEPCNT socket option. When changed, applies to new connections only. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: 3 kafka_throughput_control List of throughput control groups that define exclusions from node-wide throughput limits. Clients excluded from node-wide throughput limits are still potentially subject to client-specific throughput limits. Each throughput control group consists of: name (optional) - any unique group name client_id - regex to match client_id Example values: [{'name': 'first_group','client_id': 'client1'}, {'client_id': 'consumer-\d+'}] [{'name': 'catch all'}] [{'name': 'missing_id', 'client_id': '+empty'}] A connection is assigned the first matching group and is then excluded from throughput control. A name is not required, but can help you categorize the exclusions. Specifying +empty for the client_id will match on clients that opt not to send a client_id. You can also optionally omit the client_id and specify only a name, as shown. In this situation, all clients will match the rule and Redpanda will exclude them from all from node-wide throughput control. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string array Accepted Values: list of control groups of the format {'name' : 'group name', 'client_id' : 'regex pattern'} Default: [] (empty list) Related topics: Manage throughput kafka_throughput_controlled_api_keys List of Kafka API keys that are subject to cluster-wide and node-wide throughput limit control. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: list<string> Default: ["produce", "fetch"] kafka_throughput_limit_node_in_bps The maximum rate of all ingress Kafka API traffic for a node. Includes all Kafka API traffic (requests, responses, headers, fetched data, produced data, etc.). If null, the property is disabled, and traffic is not limited. Unit: bytes per second Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807] Default: null Related topics: Node-wide throughput limits kafka_throughput_limit_node_out_bps The maximum rate of all egress Kafka traffic for a node. Includes all Kafka API traffic (requests, responses, headers, fetched data, produced data, etc.). If null, the property is disabled, and traffic is not limited. Unit: bytes per second Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807] Default: null Related topics: Node-wide throughput limits kafka_throughput_replenish_threshold Threshold for refilling the token bucket as part of enforcing throughput limits. This only applies when kafka_throughput_throttling_v2 is true. This threshold is evaluated with each request for data. When the number of tokens to replenish exceeds this threshold, then tokens are added to the token bucket. This ensures that the atomic is not being updated for the token count with each request. The range for this threshold is automatically clamped to the corresponding throughput limit for ingress and egress. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: For ingress, [1, kafka_throughput_limit_node_in_bps]. For egress, [1, kafka_throughput_limit_node_out_bps] Default: 1 Related topics: Manage Throughput kafka_throughput_throttling_v2 Enables an updated algorithm for enforcing node throughput limits based on a shared token bucket, introduced with Redpanda v23.3.8. Set this property to false if you need to use the quota balancing algorithm from Redpanda v23.3.7 and older. This property defaults to true for all new or upgraded Redpanda clusters. Disabling this property is not recommended. It causes your Redpanda cluster to use an outdated throughput throttling mechanism. Only set this to false when advised to do so by Redpanda support. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: true kvstore_flush_interval Key-value store flush interval (in milliseconds). Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10 kvstore_max_segment_size Key-value maximum segment size (in bytes). Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 16777216 leader_balancer_idle_timeout Leadership rebalancing idle timeout. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 120000 (2min) leader_balancer_mute_timeout Leadership rebalancing mute timeout. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 300000 (5min) leader_balancer_mute_timeout Leadership rebalancing node mute timeout. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 20000 leader_balancer_transfer_limit_per_shard Per shard limit for in-progress leadership transfers. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 512 legacy_group_offset_retention_enabled Group offset retention is enabled by default starting in Redpanda version 23.1. To enable offset retention after upgrading from an older version, set this option to true. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: false legacy_permit_unsafe_log_operation Flag to enable a Redpanda cluster operator to use unsafe control characters within strings, such as consumer group names or user names. This flag applies only for Redpanda clusters that were originally on version 23.1 or earlier and have been upgraded to version 23.2 or later. Starting in version 23.2, newly-created Redpanda clusters ignore this property. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true Related properties: legacy_unsafe_log_warning_interval_sec legacy_unsafe_log_warning_interval_sec Period at which to log a warning about using unsafe strings containing control characters. If unsafe strings are permitted by legacy_permit_unsafe_log_operation, a warning will be logged at an interval specified by this property. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 300 Related properties: legacy_permit_unsafe_log_operation log_cleanup_policy Default cleanup policy for topic logs. The topic property cleanup.policy overrides the value of log_cleanup_policy at the topic level. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Accepted Values: compact, delete, compact,delete Default: delete log_compaction_interval_ms How often to trigger background compaction. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10000 log_compaction_use_sliding_window Use sliding window compaction. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: true log_compression_type Default topic compression type. The topic property compression.type overrides the value of log_compression_type at the topic level. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Accepted Values: gzip, snappy, lz4, zstd, producer, none. Default: producer log_disable_housekeeping_for_tests Disables the housekeeping loop for local storage. This property is used to simplify testing, and should not be set in production. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: false log_message_timestamp_alert_after_ms Threshold in milliseconds for alerting on messages with a timestamp after the broker’s time, meaning the messages are in the future relative to the broker’s clock. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 7200000 (2h) log_message_timestamp_alert_before_ms Threshold in milliseconds for alerting on messages with a timestamp before the broker’s time, meaning the messages are in the past relative to the broker’s clock. To disable this check, set to null. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: null log_message_timestamp_type Default timestamp type for topic messages (CreateTime or LogAppendTime). The topic property message.timestamp.type overrides the value of log_message_timestamp_type at the topic level. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Accepted Values: CreateTime, LogAppendTime. Default: CreateTime log_retention_ms The amount of time to keep a log file before deleting it (in milliseconds). If set to -1, no time limit is applied. This is a cluster-wide default when a topic does not set or disable Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 604800000 (one week) log_segment_ms Default lifetime of log segments. If null, the property is disabled, and no default lifetime is set. Any value under 60 seconds (60000 ms) is rejected. This property can also be set in the Kafka API using the Kafka-compatible alias, The topic property overrides the value of log_segment_ms at the topic level. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 1209600000 (2 weeks) Related properties: log_segment_ms_min log_segment_ms_max log_segment_ms_max Upper bound on topic higher values will be clamped to this value. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 31536000000 (one year) log_segment_ms_min Lower bound on topic lower values will be clamped to this value. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 600000 (10min) log_segment_size Default log segment size in bytes for topics which do not set segment.bytes. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 134217728 log_segment_size_jitter_percent Random variation to the segment size limit used for each partition. Unit: percent Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 65535] Default: 5 log_segment_size_max Upper bound on topic segment.bytes: higher values will be clamped to this limit. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: null log_segment_size_min Lower bound on topic segment.bytes: lower values will be clamped to this limit. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 1048576 lz4_decompress_reusable_buffers_disabled Disable reusable preallocated buffers for LZ4 decompression. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: false max_compacted_log_segment_size Maximum compacted segment size after consolidation. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 5368709120 max_concurrent_producer_ids Maximum number of active producer sessions. When the threshold is passed, Redpanda terminates old sessions. When an idle producer corresponding to the terminated session wakes up and produces, its message batches are rejected, and an out of order sequence error is emitted. Consumers don’t affect this setting. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 18446744073709551615 max_in_flight_pandaproxy_requests_per_shard Maximum number of in-flight HTTP requests to HTTP Proxy permitted per shard. Any additional requests above this limit will be rejected with a 429 error. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 500 max_in_flight_schema_registry_requests_per_shard Maximum number of in-flight HTTP requests to Schema Registry permitted per shard. Any additional requests above this limit will be rejected with a 429 error. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 500 max_kafka_throttle_delay_ms Fail-safe maximum throttle delay on Kafka requests. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 30000 max_transactions_per_coordinator Specifies the maximum number of active transaction sessions per coordinator. When the threshold is passed Redpanda terminates old sessions. When an idle producer corresponding to the terminated session wakes up and produces, it leads to its batches being rejected with invalid producer epoch or invalid_producer_id_mapping error (depends on the transaction execution phase). For details, see Transaction usage tips. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 18446744073709551615 members_backend_retry_ms Time between members backend reconciliation loop retries. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 5000 (5s) memory_abort_on_alloc_failure If true, the Redpanda process will terminate immediately when an allocation cannot be satisfied due to memory exhaustion. If false, an exception is thrown. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: true metadata_dissemination_interval_ms Interval for metadata dissemination batching. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 3000 metadata_dissemination_retries Number of attempts to look up a topic’s metadata-like shard before a request fails. This configuration controls the number of retries that request handlers perform when internal topic metadata (for topics like tx, consumer offsets, etc) is missing. These topics are usually created on demand when users try to use the cluster for the first time and it may take some time for the creation to happen and the metadata to propagate to all the brokers (particularly the broker handling the request). In the meantime Redpanda waits and retries. This configuration controls the number retries. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-32768, 32767] Default: 30 metadata_dissemination_retry_delay_ms Delay before retrying a topic lookup in a shard or other meta tables. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 500 metadata_status_wait_timeout_ms Maximum time to wait in metadata request for cluster health to be refreshed. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 2000 metrics_reporter_report_interval Cluster metrics reporter report interval. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 86400000 (one day) metrics_reporter_tick_interval Cluster metrics reporter tick interval. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 60000 (1min) metrics_reporter_url URL of the cluster metrics reporter. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: string Default: minimum_topic_replications Minimum allowable replication factor for topics in this cluster. The set value must be positive, odd, and equal to or less than the number of available brokers. Changing this parameter only restricts newly-created topics. Redpanda returns an INVALID_REPLICATION_FACTOR error on any attempt to create a topic with a replication factor less than this property. If you change the minimum_topic_replications setting, the replication factor of existing topics remains unchanged. However, Redpanda will log a warning on start-up with a list of any topics that have fewer replicas than this minimum. For example, you might see a message such as Topic X has a replication factor less than specified minimum: 1 < 3. Unit: minimum number of replicas per topic Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [1, 32767] Default: 1 node_isolation_heartbeat_timeout How long after the last heartbeat request a node will wait before considering itself to be isolated. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807] Default: 3000 node_management_operation_timeout_ms Timeout for executing node management operations. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 5000 (5s) node_status_interval Time interval between two node status messages. Node status messages establish liveness status outside of the Raft protocol. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 100 node_status_reconnect_max_backoff_ms Maximum backoff (in milliseconds) to reconnect to an unresponsive peer during node status liveness checks. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 15000 oidc_clock_skew_tolerance The amount of time (in seconds) to allow for when validating the expiry claim in the token. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 30 oidc_discovery_url The URL pointing to the well-known discovery endpoint for the OIDC provider. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string Default: oidc_keys_refresh_interval The frequency of refreshing the JSON Web Keys (JWKS) used to validate access tokens. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 3600000 oidc_principal_mapping Rule for mapping JWT payload claim to a Redpanda user principal. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string Default: $.sub oidc_token_audience A string representing the intended recipient of the token. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string Default: redpanda partition_autobalancing_concurrent_moves Number of partitions that can be reassigned at once. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 50 partition_autobalancing_max_disk_usage_percent This property applies only when partition_autobalancing_mode is set to continuous. When the disk usage of a node exceeds this threshold, it triggers Redpanda to move partitions off of the node. Unit: percent of disk used Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: 80 Related topics: Configure Continuous Data Balancing partition_autobalancing_min_size_threshold Minimum size of partition that is going to be prioritized when rebalancing a cluster due to the disk size threshold being breached. This value is calculated automatically by default. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: null partition_autobalancing_mode Some values for this property require an Enterprise license. Refer to the Enterprise license required field for specific requirements. For license details, see Redpanda Licenses and Enterprise Features. Mode of partition balancing for a cluster. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Accepted values: continuous: partition balancing happens automatically to maintain optimal performance and availability, based on continuous monitoring for node changes (same as node_add) and also high disk usage. This option requires an enterprise license, and it is customized by partition_autobalancing_node_availability_timeout_sec and partition_autobalancing_max_disk_usage_percent properties. node_add: partition balancing happens when a node is added. off: partition balancing is disabled. This option is not recommended for production clusters. Enterprise license required: continuous Default: node_add Related topics: Configure Continuous Data Balancing partition_autobalancing_node_availability_timeout_sec This property applies only when partition_autobalancing_mode is set to continuous. When a node is unavailable for at least this timeout duration, it triggers Redpanda to move partitions off of the node. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 900 (15min) Related topics: Configure Continuous Data Balancing partition_autobalancing_tick_interval_ms Partition autobalancer tick interval. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 30000 (30s) partition_autobalancing_tick_moves_drop_threshold If the number of scheduled tick moves drops by this ratio, a new tick is scheduled immediately. Valid values are (0, 1]. For example, with a value of 0.2 and 100 scheduled moves in a tick, a new tick is scheduled when the in-progress moves are fewer than 80. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 0.2 partition_autobalancing_topic_aware If true, Redpanda prioritizes balancing a topic’s partition replica count evenly across all brokers while it’s balancing the cluster’s overall partition count. Because different topics in a cluster can have vastly different load profiles, this better distributes the workload of the most heavily-used topics evenly across brokers. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true Related topics: Cluster Balancing partition_manager_shutdown_watchdog_timeout A threshold value to detect partitions which might have been stuck while shutting down. After this threshold, a watchdog in partition manager will log information about partition shutdown not making progress. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 30000 pp_sr_smp_max_non_local_requests Maximum number of Cross-core(Inter-shard communication) requests pending in HTTP Proxy and Schema Registry seastar::smp group. (For more details, see the seastar::smp_service_group documentation). See Seastar documentation Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: null quota_manager_gc_sec Quota manager GC frequency in milliseconds. Unit: seconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 30000 (30s) raft_replica_max_flush_delay_ms Maximum delay between two subsequent flushes. After this delay, the log is automatically force flushed. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Nullable: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [1, 17592186044415] Default: 100 election_timeout_ms Raft election timeout expressed in milliseconds. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 1500 raft_enable_longest_log_detection Enables an additional step in leader election where a candidate is allowed to wait for all the replies from the broker it requested votes from. This may introduce a small delay when recovering from failure, but it prevents truncation if any of the replicas have more data than the majority. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: true raft_enable_lw_heartbeat Enables Raft optimization of heartbeats. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: true raft_heartbeat_disconnect_failures The number of failed heartbeats after which an unresponsive TCP connection is forcibly closed. To disable forced disconnection, set to 0. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 3 raft_heartbeat_interval_ms Number of milliseconds for Raft leader heartbeats. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [1, 17592186044415] Default: 150 raft_heartbeat_timeout_ms Raft heartbeat RPC (remote procedure call) timeout. Raft uses a heartbeat mechanism to maintain leadership authority and to trigger leader elections. The raft_heartbeat_interval_ms is a periodic heartbeat sent by the partition leader to all followers to declare its leadership. If a follower does not receive a heartbeat within the raft_heartbeat_timeout_ms, then it triggers an election to choose a new partition leader. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 3000 raft_io_timeout_ms Raft I/O timeout. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10000 raft_learner_recovery_rate Raft learner recovery rate limit. Throttles the rate of data communicated to nodes (learners) that need to catch up to leaders. This rate limit is placed on a node sending data to a recovering node. Each sending node is limited to this rate. The recovering node accepts data as fast as possible according to the combined limits of all healthy nodes in the cluster. For example, if two nodes are sending data to the recovering node, and raft_learner_recovery_rate is 100 MB/sec, then the recovering node will recover at a rate of 200 MB/sec. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 104857600 raft_max_concurrent_append_requests_per_follower Maximum number of concurrent append entry requests sent by the leader to one follower. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: 16 raft_max_recovery_memory Maximum memory that can be used for reads in Raft recovery process by default 15% of total memory. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: null raft_recovery_concurrency_per_shard Number of partitions that may simultaneously recover data to a particular shard. This number is limited to avoid overwhelming nodes when they come back online after an outage. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 64 raft_recovery_default_read_size Specifies the default size of a read issued during Raft follower recovery. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 524288 raft_recovery_throttle_disable_dynamic_mode This property is for Redpanda internal use only. Do not use or modify this property unless specifically instructed to do so by Redpanda Support. Using this property without explicit guidance from Redpanda Support could result in data loss. Disables cross shard sharing used to throttle recovery traffic. Should only be used to debug unexpected problems. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: false raft_replica_max_flush_delay_ms Maximum delay between two subsequent flushes. After this delay, the log is automatically force flushed. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 100 raft_replica_max_pending_flush_bytes Maximum number of bytes that are not flushed per partition. If the configured threshold is reached, the log is automatically flushed even if it has not been explicitly requested. Unit: bytes Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 262144 raft_replicate_batch_window_size Maximum size of requests cached for replication. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 1048576 raft_smp_max_non_local_requests Maximum number of Cross-core(Inter-shard communication) requests pending in Raft seastar::smp group. For details, refer to the seastar::smp_service_group documentation). See Seastar documentation Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: null raft_timeout_now_timeout_ms Timeout for Raft’s timeout_now RPC. This RPC is used to force a follower to dispatch a round of votes immediately. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 1000 raft_transfer_leader_recovery_timeout_ms Follower recovery timeout waiting period when transferring leadership. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10000 readers_cache_eviction_timeout_ms Duration after which inactive readers are evicted from cache. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 30000 readers_cache_target_max_size Maximum desired number of readers cached per NTP. This a soft limit, meaning that a number of readers in cache may temporarily increase as cleanup is performed in the background. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 200 reclaim_batch_cache_min_free Minimum amount of free memory maintained by the batch cache background reclaimer. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 67108864 reclaim_growth_window Starting from the last point in time when memory was reclaimed from the batch cache, this is the duration during which the amount of memory to reclaim grows at a significant rate, based on heuristics about the amount of available memory. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 3000 reclaim_max_size Maximum batch cache reclaim size. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 4194304 reclaim_min_size Minimum batch cache reclaim size. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 131072 reclaim_stable_window If the duration since the last time memory was reclaimed is longer than the amount of time specified in this property, the memory usage of the batch cache is considered stable, so only the minimum size (reclaim_min_size) is set to be reclaimed. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10000 recovery_append_timeout_ms Timeout for append entry requests issued while updating a stale follower. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 5000 release_cache_on_segment_roll Flag for specifying whether or not to release cache when a full segment is rolled. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: false replicate_append_timeout_ms Timeout for append entry requests issued while replicating entries. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 3000 retention_bytes Default maximum number of bytes per partition on disk before triggering deletion of the oldest messages. If null (the default value), no limit is applied. The topic property retention.bytes overrides the value of retention_bytes at the topic level. Unit: bytes per partition. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Default: null retention_local_strict Flag to allow Tiered Storage topics to expand to consumable retention policy limits. When this flag is enabled, non-local retention settings are used, and local retention settings are used to inform data removal policies in low-disk space scenarios. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false retention_local_strict_override Trim log data when a cloud topic reaches its local retention limit. When this option is disabled Redpanda will allow partitions to grow past the local retention limit, and will be trimmed automatically as storage reaches the configured target size. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true retention_local_target_bytes_default Local retention size target for partitions of topics with object storage write enabled. If null, the property is disabled. This property can be overridden on a per-topic basis by setting in each topic enabled for Tiered Storage. See Configure message retention. Both retention_local_target_bytes_default and retention_local_target_ms_default can be set. The limit that is reached earlier is applied. Related properties: retention_local_target_ms_default Unit: bytes Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Default: null retention_local_target_capacity_bytes The target capacity (in bytes) that log storage will try to use before additional retention rules take over to trim data to meet the target. When no target is specified, storage usage is unbounded. Redpanda Data recommends setting only one of retention_local_target_capacity_bytes or retention_local_target_capacity_percent. If both are set, the minimum of the two is used as the effective target capacity. Unit: percentage of total disk size Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: null retention_local_target_capacity_percent The target capacity in percent of unreserved space (disk_reservation_percent) that log storage will try to use before additional retention rules will take over to trim data in order to meet the target. When no target is specified storage usage is unbounded. Redpanda Data recommends setting only one of retention_local_target_capacity_bytes or retention_local_target_capacity_percent. If both are set, the minimum of the two is used as the effective target capacity. Unit: percentage of total disk size Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: number Default: 80.0 retention_local_target_ms_default Local retention time target for partitions of topics with object storage write enabled. This property can be overridden on a per-topic basis by setting in each topic enabled for Tiered Storage. See Configure message retention. Both retention_local_target_bytes_default and retention_local_target_ms_default can be set. The limit that is reached first is applied. Related properties: retention_local_target_bytes_default Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 86400000 (one day) retention_local_trim_interval The period during which disk usage is checked for disk pressure, and data is optionally trimmed to meet the target. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 17592186044415] Default: 30000 (30s) retention_local_trim_overage_coeff The space management control loop reclaims the overage multiplied by this this coefficient to compensate for data that is written during the idle period between control loop invocations. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 2.0 rm_sync_timeout_ms Resource manager’s synchronization timeout. Specifies the maximum time for this node to wait for the internal state machine to catch up with all events written by previous leaders before rejecting a request. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10000 rpc_client_connections_per_peer The maximum number of connections a broker will open to each of its peers. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: 128 rpc_server_compress_replies Enable compression for internal RPC (remote procedure call) server replies. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: false rpc_server_listen_backlog Maximum TCP connection queue length for Kafka server and internal RPC server. If null (the default value), no queue length is set. Unit: number of queue entries Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: null rpc_server_tcp_recv_buf Internal RPC TCP receive buffer size. If null (the default value), no buffer size is set by Redpanda. Unit: bytes Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: null rpc_server_tcp_send_buf Internal RPC TCP send buffer size. If null (the default value), then no buffer size is set by Redpanda. Unit: bytes Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: null rpk_path Path to RPK binary. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: string Default: /usr/bin/rpk rps_limit_acls_and_users_operations Rate limit for controller ACLs and user’s operations. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 1000 rps_limit_configuration_operations Rate limit for controller configuration operations. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 1000 rps_limit_move_operations Rate limit for controller move operations. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 1000 rps_limit_node_management_operations Rate limit for controller node management operations. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 1000 rps_limit_topic_operations Rate limit for controller topic operations. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 1000 memory_enable_memory_sampling When true, memory allocations are sampled and tracked. A sampled live set of allocations can then be retrieved from the Admin API. Additionally, Redpanda will periodically log the top-n allocation sites. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: true sasl_kerberos_config The location of the Kerberos krb5.conf file for Redpanda. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string Default: /etc/krb5.conf sasl_kerberos_keytab The location of the Kerberos keytab file for Redpanda. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string Default: /var/lib/redpanda/redpanda.keytab sasl_kerberos_principal The primary of the Kerberos Service Principal Name (SPN) for Redpanda. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string Default: redpanda sasl_kerberos_principal_mapping Rules for mapping Kerberos principal names to Redpanda user principals. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string array Default: [default] sasl_mechanisms Some values for this property require an Enterprise license. Refer to the Enterprise license required field for specific requirements. For license details, see Redpanda Licenses and Enterprise Features. A list of supported SASL mechanisms. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string array Accepted values: SCRAM, GSSAPI, OAUTHBEARER Enterprise license required: GSSAPI, OAUTHBEARER Default: [SCRAM] schema_registry_normalize_on_startup Normalize schemas as they are read from the topic on startup. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false segment_appender_flush_timeout_ms Maximum delay until buffered data is written. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 1000 (1s) segment_fallocation_step Size for segments fallocation. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 33554432 space_management_enable Option to explicitly disable automatic disk space management. If this property was explicitly disabled while using v23.2, it will remain disabled following an upgrade. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: true space_management_enable_override Enable automatic space management. This option is ignored and deprecated in versions >= v23.3. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false space_management_max_log_concurrency Maximum parallel logs inspected during space management process. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 65535] Default: 20 space_management_max_segment_concurrency Maximum parallel segments inspected during space management process. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 65535] Default: 10 storage_compaction_index_memory Maximum number of bytes that may be used on each shard by compaction index writers. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 134217728 storage_compaction_key_map_memory Maximum number of bytes that may be used on each shard by compaction key-offset maps. Only applies when log_compaction_use_sliding_window is set to true. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 134217728 storage_compaction_key_map_memory_limit_percent Limit on storage_compaction_key_map_memory, expressed as a percentage of memory per shard, that bounds the amount of memory used by compaction key-offset maps. Memory per shard is computed after data_transforms_per_core_memory_reservation, and only applies when log_compaction_use_sliding_window is set to true. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: number Default: 12.0 storage_ignore_cstore_hints When set, cstore hints are ignored and not used for data access (but are otherwise generated). Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: false storage_ignore_timestamps_in_future_sec The maximum number of seconds that a record’s timestamp can be ahead of a Redpanda broker’s clock and still be used when deciding whether to clean up the record for data retention. This property makes possible the timely cleanup of records from clients with clocks that are drastically unsynchronized relative to Redpanda. When determining whether to clean up a record with timestamp more than storage_ignore_timestamps_in_future_sec seconds ahead of the broker, Redpanda ignores the record’s timestamp and instead uses a valid timestamp of another record in the same segment, or (if another record’s valid timestamp is unavailable) the timestamp of when the segment file was last modified (mtime). By default, storage_ignore_timestamps_in_future_sec is disabled (null). To figure out whether to set storage_ignore_timestamps_in_future_sec for your system: Look for logs with segments that are unexpectedly large and not being cleaned up. In the logs, search for records with unsynchronized timestamps that are further into the future than tolerable by your data retention and storage settings. For example, timestamps 60 seconds or more into the future can be considered to be too unsynchronized. If you find unsynchronized timestamps throughout your logs, determine the number of seconds that the timestamps are ahead of their actual time, and set storage_ignore_timestamps_in_future_sec to that value so data retention can proceed. If you only find unsynchronized timestamps that are the result of transient behavior, you can disable storage_ignore_timestamps_in_future_sec. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: null storage_max_concurrent_replay Maximum number of partitions' logs that will be replayed concurrently at startup, or flushed concurrently on shutdown. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 1024 storage_min_free_bytes Threshold of minimum bytes free space before rejecting producers. Unit: bytes Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 5368709120 storage_read_buffer_size Size of each read buffer (one per in-flight read, per log segment). Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 131072 storage_read_readahead_count How many additional reads to issue ahead of current read location. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-32768, 32767] Default: 10 storage_reserve_min_segments The number of segments per partition that the system will attempt to reserve disk capacity for. For example, if the maximum segment size is configured to be 100 MB, and the value of this option is 2, then in a system with 10 partitions Redpanda will attempt to reserve at least 2 GB of disk space. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-32768, 32767] Default: 2 storage_space_alert_free_threshold_bytes Threshold of minimum bytes free space before setting storage space alert. Unit: bytes Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 0 storage_space_alert_free_threshold_percent Threshold of minimum percent free space before setting storage space alert. Unit: percent Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: 5 storage_strict_data_init Requires that an empty file named .redpanda_data_dir be present in the data_ directory. If set to true, Redpanda will refuse to start if the file is not found in the data directory. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false storage_target_replay_bytes Target bytes to replay from disk on startup after clean shutdown: controls frequency of snapshots and checkpoints. Unit: bytes Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 10737418240 superusers List of superuser usernames. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string Default: null target_fetch_quota_byte_rate Target fetch size quota byte rate (bytes per second) - disabled default. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: null target_quota_byte_rate Target request size quota byte rate (bytes per second). Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: target_produce_quota_byte_rate_default tls_min_version The minimum TLS version that Redpanda clusters support. This property prevents client applications from negotiating a downgrade to the TLS version when they make a connection to a Redpanda cluster. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Accepted values: v1.0, v1.1, v1.2, v1.3 Type: string Default: v1.2 tm_sync_timeout_ms Transaction manager’s synchronization timeout. Maximum time to wait for internal state machine to catch up before rejecting a request. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 10000 tombstone_retention_ms The retention time for tombstone records in a compacted topic. Cannot be enabled at the same time as any of cloud_storage_enabled, cloud_storage_enable_remote_read, or cloud_storage_enable_remote_write. A typical default setting is 86400000, or 24 hours. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [1, 17592186044415] Default: null Related topics: Tombstone record removal topic_fds_per_partition Required file handles per partition when creating topics. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: 5 topic_memory_per_partition Required memory per partition when creating topics. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 4194304 topic_partitions_per_shard Maximum number of partitions which may be allocated to one shard (CPU core). Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: 1000 topic_partitions_reserve_shard0 Reserved partition slots on shard (CPU core) 0 on each node. If this is greater than or equal to topic_partitions_per_core, no data partitions will be scheduled on shard 0. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 4294967295] Default: 0 transaction_coordinator_cleanup_policy Cleanup policy for a transaction coordinator topic. Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: string array Accepted Values: compact, delete, ["compact","delete"], none Default: delete transaction_coordinator_delete_retention_ms Delete segments older than this age. To ensure transaction state is retained as long as the longest-running transaction, make sure this is no less than transactional_id_expiration_ms. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 604800000 (10080min) transaction_coordinator_log_segment_size The size (in bytes) each log segment should be. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 1073741824 (1Gb) transaction_coordinator_partitions Number of partitions for transactions coordinator. Unit: number of partitions per topic Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647] Default: 50 transaction_max_timeout_ms The maximum allowed timeout for transactions. If a client-requested transaction timeout exceeds this configuration, the broker returns an error during transactional producer initialization. This guardrail prevents hanging transactions from blocking consumer progress. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 900000 transactional_id_expiration_ms Expiration time of producer IDs. Measured starting from the time of the last write until now for a given ID. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 604800000 (10080min) tx_timeout_delay_ms Delay before scheduling the next check for timed out transactions. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 1000 unsafe_enable_consumer_offsets_delete_retention Enables delete retention of consumer offsets topic. This is an internal-only configuration and should be enabled only after consulting with Redpanda support. Requires restart: Yes Visibility: user Type: boolean Default: false usage_disk_persistance_interval_sec The interval in which all usage stats are written to disk. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 300 (5min) usage_num_windows The number of windows to persist in memory and disk. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 24 usage_window_width_interval_sec The width of a usage window, tracking cloud and kafka ingress/egress traffic each interval. Unit: seconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183] Default: 3600 use_fetch_scheduler_group Use a separate scheduler group for fetch processing. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: boolean Default: true virtual_cluster_min_producer_ids Minimum number of active producers per virtual cluster. Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615] Default: 18446744073709551615 wait_for_leader_timeout_ms Timeout to wait for leadership in metadata cache. Unit: milliseconds Requires restart: No Visibility: tunable Type: integer Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415] Default: 5000 write_caching_default The default write caching mode to apply to user topics. Write caching acknowledges a message as soon as it is received and acknowledged on a majority of brokers, without waiting for it to be written to disk. With acks=all, this provides lower latency while still ensuring that a majority of brokers acknowledge the write. Fsyncs follow raft_replica_max_pending_flush_bytes and raft_replica_max_flush_delay_ms, whichever is reached first. The write_caching_default cluster property can be overridden with the write.caching topic property. Requires restart: no Type: string Accepted values: true false disabled: This takes precedence over topic overrides and disables write caching for the entire cluster. Default: For clusters in production mode, the default is false. For clusters in development mode, the default is true. Related topics: Write caching zstd_decompress_workspace_bytes Size of the zstd decompression workspace. Unit: bytes Requires restart: Yes Visibility: tunable Type: integer Default: 8388608 Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Broker Configuration Properties Object Storage Properties