Object Storage Properties

Object storage properties are a type of cluster property. For information on how to edit cluster properties, see Configure Cluster Properties.

Some object storage properties require that you restart the cluster for any updates to take effect. See the specific property details to identify whether or not a restart is required.

Cloud configuration

Object storage properties should only be set if you enable Tiered Storage.


AWS or GCP access key. This access key is part of the credentials that Redpanda requires to authenticate with object storage services for Tiered Storage. This access key is used with the cloud_storage_secret_key to form the complete credentials required for authentication.

To authenticate using IAM roles, see cloud_storage_credentials_source.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


Optional API endpoint. The only instance in which you must set this value is when using a custom domain with your object storage service.

  • AWS: If not set, this is automatically generated using region and bucket. Otherwise, this uses the value assigned.

  • GCP: If not set, this is automatically generated using storage.googleapis.com and bucket.

  • Azure: If not set, this is automatically generated using blob.core.windows.net and cloud_storage_azure_storage_account. If you have enabled hierarchical namespaces for your storage account and use a custom endpoint, use cloud_storage_azure_adls_endpoint.

Requires restart: No

Optional: Yes (if not using a custom domain)

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


TLS port override.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-32768, 32767]

Default: 443


When set to true, Redpanda automatically retrieves cluster metadata from a specified object storage bucket at the cluster’s first startup. This option is ideal for orchestrated deployments, such as Kubernetes. Ensure any previous cluster linked to the bucket is fully decommissioned to prevent conflicts between Tiered Storage subsystems.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


Azure Data Lake Storage v2 endpoint override. Use when hierarchical namespaces are enabled on your storage account and you have set up a custom endpoint.

If not set, this is automatically generated using dfs.core.windows.net and cloud_storage_azure_storage_account.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


Azure Data Lake Storage v2 port override. See also: cloud_storage_azure_adls_endpoint. Use when hierarchical namespaces are enabled on your storage account and you have set up a custom endpoint.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 65535]

Default: null


The name of the Azure container to use with Tiered Storage. If null, the property is disabled.

The container must belong to cloud_storage_azure_storage_account.

Type: string

Default: null

Restart required: yes

Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later


Force Redpanda to use or not use an Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2 hierarchical namespace-compliant client in cloud_storage_azure_storage_account.

When this property is not set, cloud_storage_azure_shared_key must be set, and each broker checks at startup if a hierarchical namespace is enabled.

When set to true, this property disables the check and assumes a hierarchical namespace is enabled.

When set to false, this property disables the check and assumes a hierarchical namespace is not enabled.

This setting should be used only in emergencies where Redpanda fails to detect the correct a hierarchical namespace status.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: null


The managed identity ID to use for access to the Azure storage account. To use Azure managed identities, you must set cloud_storage_credentials_source to azure_vm_instance_metadata. See IAM Roles for more information on managed identities.

Type: string

Default: null

Restart required: no

Supported versions: Redpanda v24.1 or later


The account access key to be used for Azure Shared Key authentication with the Azure storage account configured by cloud_storage_azure_storage_account. If null, the property is disabled.

Redpanda expects this key string to be Base64 encoded.

Type: string

Default: null

Restart required: yes

Supported versions: Redpanda v23.1 or later


The name of the Azure storage account to use with Tiered Storage. If null, the property is disabled.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


Optional object storage backend variant used to select API capabilities. If not supplied, this will be inferred from other configuration properties.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Accepted values: [unknown, aws, google_s3_compat, azure, minio]

Default: unknown


The total number of requests the object storage background jobs can make during one background housekeeping run. This is a per-shard limit. Adjusting this limit can optimize object storage traffic and impact shard performance.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-2147483648, 2147483647]

Default: 5000


AWS or GCP bucket that should be used to store data.

Modifying this property after writing data to a bucket could cause data loss.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


Minimum interval between Tiered Storage cache trims, measured in milliseconds. This setting dictates the cooldown period after a cache trim operation before another trim can occur. If a cache fetch operation requests a trim but the interval since the last trim has not yet passed, the trim will be postponed until this cooldown expires. Adjusting this interval helps manage the balance between cache size and retrieval performance.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 5000


Size of chunks of segments downloaded into object storage cache. Reduces space usage by only downloading the necessary chunk from a segment.

Unit: bytes

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615]

Default: 16777216


The directory where the cache archive is stored. This property is mandatory when cloud_storage_enabled is set to true.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


Maximum number of objects that may be held in the Tiered Storage cache. This applies simultaneously with cloud_storage_cache_size, and whichever limit is hit first will trigger trimming of the cache.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 4294967295]

Default: 100000


Divide the object storage cache across the specified number of buckets. This only works for objects with randomized prefixes. The names are not changed when the value is set to zero.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 4294967295]

Default: 0


Maximum size of the object storage cache, in bytes.

This property works together with cloud_storage_cache_size_percent to define cache behavior:

  • When both properties are set, Redpanda uses the smaller calculated value of the two, in bytes.

  • If one of these properties is set to 0, Redpanda uses the non-zero value.

  • These properties cannot both be 0.

  • cloud_storage_cache_size cannot be 0 while cloud_storage_cache_size_percent is null.

Unit: bytes

Requires restart: No

Visibility: user

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615]

Default: 0


Maximum size of the cache as a percentage, minus the space that Redpanda avoids using defined by the disk_reservation_percent cluster property. This is calculated at startup and dynamically updated if either this property, disk_reservation_percent, or cloud_storage_cache_size changes.

This property works together with cloud_storage_cache_size to define cache behavior:

  • When both properties are set, Redpanda uses the smaller calculated value of the two, in bytes.

  • If one of these properties is set to 0, Redpanda uses the non-zero value.

  • These properties cannot both be 0.

  • cloud_storage_cache_size cannot be 0 while cloud_storage_cache_size_percent is null.

Unit: percent

Requires restart: No

Visibility: user

Type: number

Default: 20.0


Introduced in 24.1.10.

Cache trimming is triggered when the number of objects in the cache reaches this percentage relative to its maximum object count. If unset, the default behavior is to start trimming when the cache is full.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: number

Default: null


Introduced in 24.1.10.

Cache trimming is triggered when the cache size reaches this percentage relative to its maximum capacity. If unset, the default behavior is to start trimming when the cache is full.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: number

Default: null


The maximum number of concurrent tasks launched for traversing the directory structure during cache trimming. A higher number allows cache trimming to run faster but can cause latency spikes due to increased pressure on I/O subsystem and syscall threads.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 65535]

Default: 1


Selects a strategy for evicting unused cache chunks.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Accepted values: [eager, capped, predictive]

Default: eager


Number of chunks to prefetch ahead of every downloaded chunk. Prefetching additional chunks can enhance read performance by reducing wait times for sequential data access. A value of 0 disables prefetching, relying solely on on-demand downloads. Adjusting this property allows for tuning the balance between improved read performance and increased network and storage I/O.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 65535]

Default: 0


Number of groups to upload in a single snapshot object during consumer offsets upload. Setting a lower value will mean a larger number of smaller snapshots are uploaded.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Default: 1000


Number of attempts metadata operations may be retried.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-32768, 32767]

Default: 5


Time interval to wait between cluster metadata uploads.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 3600000


Timeout for cluster metadata uploads.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 60000


The hostname to connect to for retrieving role based credentials. Derived from cloud_storage_credentials_source if not set. Only required when using IAM role based access. To authenticate using access keys, see cloud_storage_access_key.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable


Accepted values: [config_file, aws_instance_metadata, sts, gcp_instance_metadata, azure_aks_oidc_federation, azure_vm_instance_metadata]

Default: config_file


The source of credentials used to authenticate to object storage services. Required for AWS or GCP authentication with IAM roles.

To authenticate using access keys, see cloud_storage_access_key.

Accepted values: config_file, aws_instance_metadata, sts, gcp_instance_metadata, azure_vm_instance_metadata, azure_aks_oidc_federation

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Default: config_file


Path to certificate revocation list for cloud_storage_trust_file.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


Disable chunk reads and switch back to legacy mode where full segments are downloaded. When set to true, this option disables the more efficient chunk-based reads, causing Redpanda to download entire segments. This legacy behavior might be useful in specific scenarios where chunk-based fetching is not optimal.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


Disable all metadata consistency checks to allow Redpanda to replay logs with inconsistent Tiered Storage metadata. This option should generally remain disabled, except for new clusters.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: true


Begins the read replica sync loop in topic partitions with Tiered Storage enabled. The property exists to simplify testing and shouldn’t be set in production.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


If true, Redpanda disables remote labels and falls back on the hash-based object naming scheme for new topics.

This property exists to simplify testing and shouldn’t be set in production.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


Disable TLS for all object storage connections.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: boolean

Default: false


Disable all upload consistency checks to allow Redpanda to upload logs with gaps and replicate metadata with consistency violations. Do not change the default value unless requested by Redpanda Support.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


Begins the upload loop in topic partitions with Tiered Storage enabled. The property exists to simplify testing and shouldn’t be set in production.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


Enable re-uploading data for compacted topics. When set to true, Redpanda can re-upload data for compacted topics to object storage, ensuring that the most current state of compacted topics is available in the cloud. Disabling this property (false) may reduce storage and network overhead but at the risk of not having the latest compacted data state in object storage.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: true


Default remote read config value for new topics. When set to true, new topics are by default configured to allow reading data directly from object storage, facilitating access to older data that might have been offloaded as part of Tiered Storage. With the default set to false, remote reads must be explicitly enabled at the topic level.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


Default remote write value for new topics. When set to true, new topics are by default configured to upload data to object storage. With the default set to false, remote write must be explicitly enabled at the topic level.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


Enable routine checks (scrubbing) of object storage partitions. The scrubber validates the integrity of data and metadata uploaded to object storage.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


Enables adjacent segment merging. The segments are reuploaded if there is an opportunity for that and if it will improve the performance of Tiered Storage.

Related topics:

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: true


Some values for this property require an Enterprise license. Refer to the Enterprise license required field for specific requirements. For license details, see Redpanda Licenses and Enterprise Features.

Enable object storage. Must be set to true to use Tiered Storage or Remote Read Replicas.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: boolean

Enterprise license required: true

Default: false


Interval, in milliseconds, between a final scrub and the next scrub.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 43200000 (12h)


Timeout for running the cloud storage garbage collection, in milliseconds.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 30000


Time limit on waiting for uploads to complete before a leadership transfer. If this is null, leadership transfers proceed without waiting.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 5000


Interval, in milliseconds, between object storage housekeeping tasks.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 300000


The maximum number of chunks per segment that can be hydrated at a time. Above this number, unused chunks are trimmed.

A segment is divided into chunks. Chunk hydration means downloading the chunk (which is a small part of a full segment) from cloud storage and placing it in the local disk cache. Redpanda periodically removes old, unused chunks from your local disk. This process is called chunk eviction. This property controls how many chunks can be present for a given segment in local disk at a time, before eviction is triggered, removing the oldest ones from disk. Note that this property is not used for the default eviction strategy which simply removes all unused chunks.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: number

Accepted values: [0, 1]

Default: 0.7


Time to wait for a hydration request to be fulfilled. If hydration is not completed within this time, the consumer is notified with a timeout error.

Negative doesn’t make sense, but it may not be checked-for/enforced. Large is subjective, but a huge timeout also doesn’t make sense. This particular config doesn’t have a min/max bounds control, but it probably should to avoid mistakes.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 17592186044415]

Default: 600000


The object storage request rate threshold for idle state detection. If the average request rate for the configured period is lower than this threshold, the object storage is considered idle.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: number

Default: 10.0


The timeout, in milliseconds, used to detect the idle state of the object storage API. If the average object storage request rate is below this threshold for a configured amount of time, the object storage is considered idle and the housekeeping jobs are started.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 10000


Initial backoff time for exponential backoff algorithm (ms).

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 100


Scrubber uses the latest cloud storage inventory report, if available, to check if the required objects exist in the bucket or container.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


Directory to store inventory report hashes for use by cloud storage scrubber.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


The name of the scheduled inventory job created by Redpanda to generate bucket or container inventory reports.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: string

Default: redpanda_scrubber_inventory


Maximum bytes of hashes held in memory before writing data to disk during inventory report parsing. This affects the number of files written to disk during inventory report parsing. When this limit is reached, new files are written to disk.

Unit: bytes

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615]

Default: 67108864


Time interval between checks for a new inventory report in the cloud storage bucket or container.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 21600000 (6h)


The prefix to the path in the cloud storage bucket or container where inventory reports will be placed.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: string

Default: redpanda_scrubber_inventory


If enabled, Redpanda will not attempt to create the scheduled report configuration using cloud storage APIs. The scrubbing process will look for reports in the expected paths in the bucket or container, and use the latest report found. Primarily intended for use in testing and on backends where scheduled inventory reports are not supported.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: boolean

Default: false


Amount of memory that can be used to handle Tiered Storage metadata.

Unit: bytes

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Default: 1048576


The interval, in milliseconds, determines how long the materialized manifest can stay in the cache under contention. This setting is used for performance tuning. When the spillover manifest is materialized and stored in the cache, and the cache needs to evict it, it uses this value as a timeout. The cursor that uses the spillover manifest uses this value as a TTL interval, after which it stops referencing the manifest making it available for eviction. This only affects spillover manifests under contention.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 10000


Minimum interval, in seconds, between partition manifest uploads. Actual time between uploads may be greater than this interval. If this is null, metadata is updated after each segment upload.

Unit: seconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183]

Default: 60


Manifest upload timeout, in milliseconds.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 10000


Maximum concurrent segment hydrations of remote data per CPU core. If unset, value of cloud_storage_max_connections / 2 is used, which means that half of available object storage bandwidth could be used to download data from object storage. If the cloud storage cache is empty every new segment reader will require a download. This will lead to 1:1 mapping between number of partitions scanned by the fetch request and number of parallel downloads. If this value is too large the downloads can affect other workloads. In case of any problem caused by the tiered-storage reads this value can be lowered. This will only affect segment hydrations (downloads) but won’t affect cached segments. If fetch request is reading from the tiered-storage cache its concurrency will only be limited by available memory.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 4294967295]

Default: null


Defines the maximum duration an HTTPS connection to object storage can stay idle, in milliseconds, before being terminated. This setting reduces resource utilization by closing inactive connections. Adjust this property to balance keeping connections ready for subsequent requests and freeing resources associated with idle connections.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 5000


Maximum simultaneous object storage connections per shard, applicable to upload and download activities.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-32768, 32767]

Default: 20


Maximum concurrent I/O cursors of materialized remote segments per CPU core. If unset, the value of topic_partitions_per_shard is used, where one segment reader per partition is used if the shard is at its maximum partition capacity. These readers are cached across Kafka consume requests and store a readahead buffer.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 4294967295]

Default: null


The per-partition limit for the number of segments pending deletion from the cloud. Segments can be deleted due to retention or compaction. If this limit is breached and deletion fails, then segments are orphaned in the cloud and must be removed manually.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Default: 5000


Maximum bandwidth allocated to Tiered Storage operations per shard, in bytes per second. This setting limits the Tiered Storage subsystem’s throughput per shard, facilitating precise control over bandwidth usage in testing scenarios. In production environments, use cloud_storage_throughput_limit_percent for more dynamic throughput management based on actual storage capabilities.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Default: 1073741824


Timeout for Use Tiered Storage metadata synchronization.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 10000


The minimum number of chunks per segment for trimming to be enabled. If the number of chunks in a segment is below this threshold, the segment is small enough that all chunks in it can be hydrated at any given time.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 18446744073709551615]

Default: 5


Time interval between two partial scrubs of the same partition.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 3600000 (1h)


Timeout to check if new data is available for partitions in object storage for read replicas.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 30000


Retention in bytes for topics created during automated recovery.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Default: 1073741824


Number of metadata segments to validate, from newest to oldest, when cloud_storage_recovery_topic_validation_mode is set to check_manifest_and_segment_metadata.

Requires restart: No

Required: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [0, 4294967295]

Default: 10


Validation performed before recovering a topic from object storage. In case of failure, the reason for the failure appears as ERROR lines in the Redpanda application log. For each topic, this reports errors for all partitions, but for each partition, only the first error is reported.

This property accepts the following parameters:

  • no_check: Skips the checks for topic recovery.

  • check_manifest_existence: Runs an existence check on each partition_manifest. Fails if there are connection issues to the object storage.

  • check_manifest_and_segment_metadata: Downloads the manifest and runs a consistency check, comparing the metadata with the cloud storage objects. The process fails if metadata references any missing cloud storage objects.

Example: Redpanda validates the topic kafka/panda-topic-recovery-NOT-OK and stops due to a fatal error on partition 0:

ERROR 2024-04-24 21:29:08,166 [shard 1:main] cluster - [fiber11|0|299996ms recovery validation of {kafka/panda-topic-recovery-NOT-OK/0}/24] - manifest metadata check: missing segment, validation not ok
ERROR 2024-04-24 21:29:08,166 [shard 1:main] cluster - topics_frontend.cc:519 - Stopping recovery of {kafka/panda-topic-recovery-NOT-OK} due to validation error

Each failing partition error message has the following format:

ERROR .... [... recovery validation of {<namespace/topic/partition>}...] - <failure-reason>, validation not ok

At the end of the process, Redpanda outputs a final ERROR message:

ERROR ... ... - Stopping recovery of {<namespace/topic>} due to validation error

Requires restart: No

Required: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: string

Default: check_manifest_existence

Accepted values: [no_check, check_manifest_existence, check_manifest_and_segment_metadata]


Cloud provider region that houses the bucket or container used for storage.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


Timeout for IAM role related operations (ms).

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 30000


Jitter applied to the object storage scrubbing interval.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 600000


Cloud provider secret key.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


Time that a segment can be kept locally without uploading it to the object storage, in seconds.

Unit: seconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17179869184, 17179869183]

Default: 3600 (one hour)


Smallest acceptable segment size in the object storage. Default: cloud_storage_segment_size_target/2.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Default: cloud_storage_segment_size_target/2


Desired segment size in the object storage. The default is set in the topic-level segment.bytes property.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Default: null


Log segment upload timeout, in milliseconds.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 30000


Maximum number of segments in the spillover manifest that can be offloaded to the object storage. This setting serves as a threshold for triggering data offload based on the number of segments, rather than the total size of the manifest. It is designed for use in testing environments to control the offload behavior more granularly. In production settings, manage offloads based on the manifest size through cloud_storage_spillover_manifest_size for more predictable outcomes.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Default: null


The size of the manifest which can be offloaded to the cloud. If the size of the local manifest stored in Redpanda exceeds cloud_storage_spillover_manifest_size by two times the spillover mechanism will split the manifest into two parts and one will be uploaded to object storage.

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Default: 65536


Maximum throughput used by Tiered Storage per broker expressed as a percentage of the disk bandwidth. If the server has several disks, Redpanda uses the one that stores the Tiered Storage cache. Even if Tiered Storage is allowed to use the full bandwidth of the disk (100%), it won’t necessarily use it in full. The actual usage depends on your workload and the state of the Tiered Storage cache. This setting is a safeguard that prevents Tiered Storage from using too many system resources: it is not a performance tuning knob.

Unit: percent

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Default: 50


Grace period during which the purger refuses to purge the topic.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 30000


Path to certificate that should be used to validate server certificate during TLS handshake.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Type: string

Default: null


Derivative coefficient for upload PID controller.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: number

Default: 0.0


Maximum number of I/O and CPU shares that archival upload can use.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-32768, 32767]

Default: 1000


Minimum number of I/O and CPU shares that archival upload can use.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-32768, 32767]

Default: 100


Proportional coefficient for upload PID controller.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: tunable

Type: number

Default: -2.0


Initial backoff interval when there is nothing to upload for a partition, in milliseconds.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 100


Maximum backoff interval when there is nothing to upload for a partition, in milliseconds.

Unit: milliseconds

Requires restart: No

Visibility: tunable

Type: integer

Accepted values: [-17592186044416, 17592186044415]

Default: 10000


Specifies the addressing style to use for Amazon S3 requests. This configuration determines how S3 bucket URLs are formatted. Path style is supported for backward compatibility with legacy systems.

When this property is not set (null), the client tries to use virtual_host addressing.

If the initial request fails, the client automatically tries the path style.

If neither addressing style works, Redpanda terminates the startup, requiring manual configuration to proceed.

Requires restart: Yes

Visibility: user

Accepted values:

  • virtual_host - Example: <bucket-name>.s3.amazonaws.com

  • path - Example: s3.amazonaws.com/<bucket-name>

  • null

Default: null