rpk cluster partitions list

List partitions in the cluster.

This commands lists the cluster-level metadata of all partitions in the cluster.

It shows the current replica assignments on both brokers and CPU cores for given topics. By default, it assumes the kafka namespace, but you can specify an internal namespace using the <namespace>/ prefix.

The Replica-Core column displayed in the output table contains a list of replica assignments in the form of <node-id>-<core>.

If the Disabled column contains a '-' value, then it means you are running this command against a cluster that does not support the underlying API.


Disabling a partition in Redpanda involves prohibiting any data consumption or production to and from it. All internal processes associated with the partition are stopped, and it remains unloaded during system startup. This measure aims to maintain cluster health by preventing issues caused by specific corrupted partitions that may lead to Redpanda crashes. Although the data remains stored on disk, Redpanda ceases interaction with the disabled partitions to ensure system stability. You may disable/enable partition using rpk cluster partitions enable/disable.


rpk cluster partitions list [TOPICS...] [flags]


list, ls, describe


Value Type Description

-a, --all


If true, list all partitions in the cluster.



If true, list disabled partitions only.



Output format. Possible values: json, yaml, text, wide, help. Default: text.

-h, --help


Help for list.

-n, --node-ids


List of comma-separated broker IDs you wish to use to filter the results.

-p, --partition


List of comma-separated partitions IDs you wish to use to filter the results.



Redpanda or rpk config file; default search paths are /var/lib/redpanda/.config/rpk/rpk.yaml, $PWD/redpanda.yaml, and /etc/redpanda/redpanda.yaml.

-X, --config-opt


Override rpk configuration settings. See rpk -X or execute rpk -X help for inline detail or rpk -X list for terser detail.



Profile to use. See rpk profile for more details.

-v, --verbose


Enable verbose logging.


List all partitions in the cluster:

rpk cluster partitions list --all

List all partitions in the cluster, filtering for topic foo and bar:

rpk cluster partitions list foo bar

List partitions with replicas that are assigned to brokers 1 and 2.

rpk cluster partitions list foo --node-ids 1,2

List only the disabled partitions:

rpk cluster partitions list -a --disabled-only

List all in JSON format:

rpk cluster partition list -a --format json