rpk connect streams

Run Redpanda Connect in streams mode, where multiple pipelines can be executed in a single process and can be created, updated, and removed with REST HTTP endpoints. In streams mode, the stream fields of a root target configuration (input, buffer, pipeline, output) are ignored. Other fields are shared across all loaded streams (resources, metrics, etc.).


rpk connect streams [command options] [arguments...]


rpk connect streams
rpk connect streams -o ./root_config.yaml
rpk connect streams ./path/to/stream/configs ./and/some/more
rpk connect streams -o ./root_config.yaml ./streams/*.yaml


Value Type Description



Disable the HTTP API for streams mode (default: false).

--observability, -o


Specify a path to a service wide configuration file, which can include observability configuration, such as metrics, logger, and tracing sections.



Whether HTTP endpoints registered by stream configs should be prefixed with the stream ID (default: true).

--help, -h


Show help.