rpk connect studio pull

Run deployments configured within a Redpanda Connect session.

When a Studio session has one or more deployments added, this command synchronizes with the session and obtains a deployment assignment. The assigned deployment then determines which configs from the session to download and execute.

When changes are made to files of an assigned deployment, or when a new deployment is assigned, this service automatically downloads the new config files and executes them, replacing the previous running stream.


rpk connect studio pull [command options] [arguments...]


Value Type Description

--session, -s


The session ID to synchronize with.



An explicit name to adopt in this instance, used to identify its connection to the session. Each running node must have a unique name. If left unset, a name is generated each time the command is run.

--token, -h


A token for the session, used to authenticate requests. If left blank, the environment variable BSTDIO_NODE_TOKEN is used.



A token secret the session, used to authenticate requests. If left blank, the environment variable BSTDIO_NODE_SECRET is used.



Whether to send trace data back to Studio during execution. This is an opt-in way to add trace events to the graph editor for testing and debugging configs. This is a very useful feature, but use it with caution, because it exports information about messages passing through the stream (default: false).

--help, -h


Show help.