Docs Self-Managed Reference rpk Commands rpk debug rpk debug remote-bundle start You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. rpk debug remote-bundle start Start a remote debug bundle collection in your cluster. This command starts the debug collection process in a remote cluster that you configured in flags, environment variables, or your rpk profile. After starting the debug collection process, you can query the status with rpk debug remote-bundle status. When it completes, you can download it with rpk debug remote-bundle download. Use the flag --no-confirm to avoid the confirmation prompt. Usage rpk debug remote-bundle start [flags] Flags Value Type Description --controller-logs-size-limit string The size limit of the controller logs that can be stored in the bundle. For example: 3MB, 1GiB (default 132MB). --cpu-profiler-wait duration How long to collect samples for the CPU profiler. For example: 30s, 1.5m. Must be higher than 15s (default 30s). -h, --help - Help for start. --job-id string Custom UUID assigned to the job that generates the debug bundle. -l, --label-selector stringArray (K8s only) Comma-separated label selectors to filter your resources. For example: <label>=<value>,<label>=<value> (default []). --logs-since string Include logs dated from specified date onward; (journalctl date format: YYYY-MM-DD, 'yesterday', or 'today'). See the journalctl documentation for more options (default yesterday). --logs-size-limit string Read the logs until the given size is reached. For example: 3MB, 1GiB (default 100MiB). --logs-until string Include logs older than the specified date; (journalctl date format: YYYY-MM-DD, yesterday, or today). See the journalctl documentation for more options. --metrics-interval duration Interval between metrics snapshots. For example: 30s, 1.5m (default 10s). --metrics-samples int Number of metrics samples to take (at the interval of --metrics-interval flag). Must be >= 2 (default 2). -n, --namespace string (K8s only) The namespace to use to collect the resources from (default redpanda). --no-confirm - Disable confirmation prompt. -p, --partition stringArray Comma-separated partition IDs. When provided, rpk saves extra Admin API requests for those partitions. See the help for extended usage. --config string Redpanda or rpk config file; default search paths are /var/lib/redpanda/.config/rpk/rpk.yaml, $PWD/redpanda.yaml, and /etc/redpanda/redpanda.yaml. -X, --config-opt stringArray Override rpk configuration settings. See rpk -X or execute rpk -X help for inline detail or rpk -X list for terser detail. --profile string Profile to use. See rpk profile for more details. -v, --verbose - Enable verbose logging. Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution rpk debug remote-bundle download rpk debug remote-bundle status