Docs Self-Managed Reference rpk Commands rpk generate rpk generate prometheus-config You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. rpk generate prometheus-config Generate the Prometheus configuration to scrape Redpanda nodes. The output of this command should be included in the 'scrape_configs' array within the YAML configuration file of your Prometheus instance. There are different options you can use when generating the configuration: If you provide the --seed-addr flag, the command will use the address to discover the rest of the cluster hosts using Redpanda’s Kafka API. If you provide the --node-addrs flag, the command will directly use the provided addresses. If neither --seed-addr nor --node-addrs are passed, the command will read the redpanda config file and use the node IP configured there. If the node you want to scrape uses TLS, you can provide the TLS flags (--tls-key, --tls-cert, and --tls-truststore). The command will generate the required tls_config section in the scrape configuration. Additionally, you have the option to define labels for the target in the static-config section by using the --labels flag. You can specify the desired metric that the label should target, either internal (/metrics) or public (/public_metrics). For example: --job-name test --labels "public:group=one,internal:group=two" This will result in two separate configs for the test job, each with a different label: - job_name: test static_configs: - targets: [<targets>] labels: group: one metrics_path: /public_metrics - job_name: test static_configs: - targets: [<targets>] labels: group: two metrics_path: /metrics You can only provide one label per job. By default, if no metric target is specified, the label will be shared across the jobs. Usage rpk generate prometheus-config [flags] Flags Value Type Description -h, --help - Help for prometheus-config. --internal-metrics - Include scrape config for internal metrics (/metrics). --job-name string The prometheus job name by which to identify the Redpanda nodes (default "redpanda"). --labels strings Comma-separated labels and their target metric (int or pub): [metric|labelName:labelValue, …]. --node-addrs strings Comma-separated list of admin API host:ports. --seed-addr string The URL of a Redpanda node with which to discover the rest. --tls-cert string The certificate to be used for TLS authentication with the broker. --tls-enabled - Enable TLS for the Kafka API (not necessary if specifying custom certs). --tls-key string The certificate key to be used for TLS authentication with the broker. --tls-truststore string The CA certificate to be used for TLS communication with the broker. --config string Redpanda or rpk config file; default search paths are /var/lib/redpanda/.config/rpk/rpk.yaml, $PWD/redpanda.yaml, and /etc/redpanda/redpanda.yaml. -X, --config-opt stringArray Override rpk configuration settings. See rpk -X or execute rpk -X help for inline detail or rpk -X list for terser detail. --profile string Profile to use. See rpk profile for more details. -v, --verbose - Enable verbose logging. Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution rpk generate grafana-dashboard rpk generate shell-completion