Docs Self-Managed Reference rpk Commands rpk transform rpk transform deploy You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. rpk transform deploy Deploy a data transform. When run in the same directory as a transform.yaml, this reads the configuration file, then looks for a .wasm file with the same name as your project. If the input and output topics are specified in the configuration file, those are used. Otherwise, the topics can be specified on the command line using the --input-topic and --output-topic flags. You can specify environment variables for the transform using the --var flag. Variables are separated by an equal sign. For example: --var=KEY=VALUE. The --var flag can be repeated to specify multiple variables. You can specify the --from-offset flag to identify where on the input topic the transform should begin processing. Expressed as: @T - Begin reading records with committed timestamp >= T (UNIX time, ms from epoch) +N - Begin reading N records from the start of each input partition -N - Begin reading N records prior to the end of each input partition Note that the broker will only respect --from-offset on the first deploy for a given transform. Re-deploying the transform will cause processing to pick up at the last committed offset. This state is maintained until the transform is deleted. Usage rpk transform deploy [flags] Flags Value Type Description --compression string Output batch compression type. --file string The WebAssembly module to deploy. --from-offset string Process an input topic partition from a relative offset. -h, --help - Help for deploy. -i, --input-topic string The input topic to apply the transform to. --name string The name of the transform. -o, --output-topic strings The output topic to write the transform results to (repeatable). --var environmentVariable Specify an environment variable in the form of KEY=VALUE. --config string Redpanda or rpk config file; default search paths are /var/lib/redpanda/.config/rpk/rpk.yaml, $PWD/redpanda.yaml, and /etc/redpanda/redpanda.yaml. -X, --config-opt stringArray Override rpk configuration settings. See rpk -X or execute rpk -X help for inline detail or rpk -X list for terser detail. --profile string Profile to use. See rpk profile for more details. -v, --verbose - Enable verbose logging. Examples Deploy Wasm files directly without a transform.yaml file: rpk transform deploy --file transform.wasm --name myTransform \ --input-topic my-topic-1 \ --output-topic my-topic-2 --output-topic my-topic-3 Deploy a transformation with multiple environment variables: rpk transform deploy --var FOO=BAR --var FIZZ=BUZZ Configure compression for batches output by data transforms. The default setting is none but you can choose from the following options: none gzip snappy lz4 zstd Configure this at deployment using rpk with the --compression flag: rpk transform deploy --compression <compression_type> Enabling compression may increase computation costs and could impact latency at the output topic. For more details, see Sizing Guidelines. Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution rpk transform delete rpk transform init