Docs Self-Managed Troubleshoot Debug Bundles Generate Kubernetes You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Generate a Debug Bundle with rpk in Kubernetes Use rpk to generate a debug bundle on a Redpanda cluster running in Kubernetes. To generate a debug bundle with rpk, you have two options depending on your needs: Use rpk debug bundle: Run this command directly on each broker in the cluster. This method requires access to the nodes your brokers are running on. Use rpk debug remote-bundle: Run this command from a remote machine to collect diagnostics data from all brokers in the cluster. This method is ideal when you want to gather data without logging into each node individually. Prerequisites You must have rpk installed on your host machine. Use rpk debug bundle To generate a debug bundle with rpk, you can run the rpk debug bundle command on each broker in the cluster. Create a ClusterRole to allow Redpanda to collect information from the Kubernetes API: Helm + Operator Helm redpanda-cluster.yaml apiVersion: kind: Redpanda metadata: name: redpanda spec: chartRef: {} clusterSpec: serviceAccount: create: true rbac: enabled: true kubectl apply -f redpanda-cluster.yaml --namespace <namespace> You must deploy the Redpanda Operator with the --set rbac.createRPKBundleCRs=true flag to give it the required ClusterRoles. --values --set serviceaccount.yaml serviceAccount: create: true rbac: enabled: true helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace redpanda --create-namespace \ --values serviceaccount.yaml --reuse-values helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda/redpanda --namespace <namespace> --create-namespace \ --set serviceAccount.create=true \ --set rbac.enabled=true If you aren’t using the Helm chart, you can create the ClusterRole manually: kubectl create clusterrolebinding redpanda --clusterrole=view --serviceaccount=redpanda:default Execute the rpk debug bundle command on a broker: kubectl exec -it --namespace <namespace> redpanda-0 -c redpanda -- rpk debug bundle --namespace <namespace> If you have an upload URL from the Redpanda support team, provide it in the --upload-url flag to upload your debug bundle to Redpanda. kubectl exec -it --namespace <namespace> redpanda-0 -c redpanda -- rpk debug bundle \ --upload-url <url> \ --namespace <namespace> Example output: Creating bundle file... Debug bundle saved to "/var/lib/redpanda/" On your host machine, make a directory in which to save the debug bundle: mkdir debug-bundle Copy the debug bundle ZIP file to the debug-bundle directory on your host machine. Replace <bundle-name> with the name of your ZIP file. kubectl cp <namespace>/redpanda-0:/var/lib/redpanda/<bundle-name> debug-bundle/<bundle-name>.zip Unzip the file on your host machine and use it to debug your cluster. cd debug-bundle unzip <bundle-name>.zip For guidance on reading the debug bundle, see Inspect a Debug Bundle. Remove the debug bundle from the Redpanda broker: kubectl exec redpanda-0 -c redpanda --namespace <namespace> -- rm /var/lib/redpanda/<bundle-name>.zip When you’ve finished troubleshooting, remove the debug bundle from your host machine: rm -r debug-bundle Use rpk debug remote-bundle The rpk debug remote-bundle command allows you to remotely generate a consolidated debug bundle from all brokers in your cluster. This command is useful when you do not want to log into each broker’s node individually using rpk debug bundle. Create an rpk profile to connect to your cluster. Include all brokers you want to collect data from in the admin.hosts configuration. rpk profile create <profile-name> --set admin.hosts=<brokers> Check the configured addresses in your profile: rpk profile print Example output: profile.yml admin: hosts: - broker1:9644 - broker2:9644 - broker3:9644 Start the debug bundle process: rpk debug remote-bundle start --namespace <namespace> Replace <namespace> with the Kubernetes namespace in which your Redpanda cluster is running. To skip the confirmation steps, use the --no-confirm flag. To generate a bundle for a subset of brokers, use the -X admin.hosts flag. For example, rpk debug remote-bundle start -X admin.hosts target-broker:9644. Check the status: rpk debug remote-bundle status Example output: BROKER STATUS JOB-ID localhost:29644 running 7f93fd6e-fc5e-46a5-8842-717542f89e59 localhost:19644 running 7f93fd6e-fc5e-46a5-8842-717542f89e59 When the status changes to success, the process is complete. To cancel a debug bundle process while it’s running, use rpk debug remote-bundle cancel. When the process is complete, download the debug bundle: rpk debug remote-bundle download By default the compressed file is downloaded to your current working directory. To choose a different location or filename, use the --output flag. For example: rpk debug remote-bundle download --output ~/redpanda/debug-bundles/cluster1 This command results in downloaded to the ~/redpanda/debug-bundles/ directory. Unzip the file and use the contents to debug your cluster. For guidance on reading the debug bundle, see Inspect a Debug Bundle. Configure the debug_bundle_auto_removal_seconds property to automatically remove debug bundles after a period of time. See Automatically remove debug bundles. Next steps Inspect a Debug Bundle. Suggested reading rpk debug bundle rpk debug remote-bundle jq manual Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Linux Redpanda Console