Docs Self-Managed Upgrade Deprecated Features You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Deprecated Features This index helps you to identify deprecated features in Redpanda releases and plan necessary upgrades or modifications. Deprecated in Feature Details 24.2.1 Client throughput quota cluster configuration: - kafka_client_group_byte_rate_quota - kafka_client_group_fetch_byte_rate_quota - target_quota_byte_rate - target_fetch_quota_byte_rate - kafka_admin_topic_api_rate Use rpk cluster quotas to manage client throughput limits based on the Kafka API. 24.1.1 raft_flush_timer_interval_ms Use raft_replica_max_flush_delay_ms instead. 23.3.2 space_management_enable_override This property was a workaround in an older version of Redpanda. It is no longer required and the property is ignored. 23.3.1 delete_retention_ms Use log_retention_ms instead. 23.2.12 partition_autobalancing_movement_batch_size_bytes Use partition_autobalancing_concurrent_moves instead. 23.2.1 Cluster and Console custom resources Use the Redpanda resource instead. 22.2.1 health_monitor_tick_interval No longer required. Previously, health refreshes were triggered based on this interval, potentially leading to scenarios where stale health metadata was accessed after a leadership change. The revised mechanism triggers a health refresh only when the controller leader’s health metadata becomes stale. Now, whenever a health report is requested, Redpanda checks the age of the metadata. If stale, a refresh request is dispatched to contact the leader directly or to gather fresh information from the cluster. This change ensures that health metadata remains accurate, eliminating unnecessary periodic checks. rpk commands The following rpk commands have been modified or have had flag updates. Renames Deprecated in Feature Details 23.3.1 rpk cluster storage recovery Use rpk cluster storage restore instead. You can still use rpk cluster storage recovery as an alias. 23.2.1 rpk cluster partitions movement Use rpk cluster partitions move instead. This also applies to rpk cluster partitions movement status and rpk cluster partitions movement cancel. 23.2.1 rpk cluster partitions movement cancel Use rpk cluster partitions move-cancel instead. 23.2.1 rpk cluster partitions movement status Use rpk cluster partitions move-status instead. 23.3.9 rpk cloud auth create This command has been fully deprecated. rpk cloud auth fully manages authentication fields now. 23.3.9 rpk cloud auth edit This command has been fully deprecated. rpk cloud auth fully manages authentication fields now. 23.3.9 rpk cloud auth rename to This command has been fully deprecated. rpk cloud auth fully manages authentication fields now. Flag changes Deprecated in Flags Used in Details 23.2.1 --admin-api-tls-cert --admin-api-tls-enabled --admin-api-tls-key --admin-api-tls-truststore --brokers --config --password --sasl-mechanism --tls-cert --tls-enabled --tls-key --tls-truststore --user rpk security acl rpk cluster rpk topic rpk debug rpk group rpk redpanda Security flags have been moved into the global -X flag. While the old flags still work, its recommended that you use the new flag. See rpk -X for details. 23.2.1 --client-id --client-secret rpk cloud byoc install] Use the -X flag instead. 23.3.1 --topic-name-pattern rpk cluster storage recovery start 23.2.1 --datasource --job-name --metrics-endpoint rpk generate grafana dashboard Use --dashboard instead. While the old flags still work, its recommended that you use the new flag. Configuration flags deprecated by -X options Prior to rpk supporting the -X flag, each common configuration option was itself a configurable flag. The following table lists the deprecated flags and their corresponding properties, environment variables, and configuration file settings. Property Deprecated Flag Deprecated Configuration File Field Supported -X Flag Redpanda Brokers --brokers rpk.kafka_api.brokers brokers Admin API --api-urls rpk.admin_api.addresses admin.hosts Redpanda TLS Key --tls-key rpk.kafka_api.tls.key_file tls.key Redpanda TLS Cert --tls-cert rpk.kafka_api.tls.cert_file tls.cert Redpanda TLS Truststore --tls-truststore rpk.kafka_api.tls.truststore_file Redpanda SASL Mechanism --sasl-mechanism rpk.kafka_api.sasl.type sasl.mechanism Redpanda SASL Username --user rpk.kafka_api.sasl.user user Redpanda SASL Password --password rpk.kafka_api.sasl.password pass Redpanda Admin API TLS Key --admin-api-tls-key rpk.admin_api.tls.key_file admin.tls.key Redpanda Admin API TLS Cert --admin-api-tls-cert rpk.admin_api.tls.cert_file admin.tls.cert Redpanda Admin API TLS Truststore --admin-api-tls-truststore rpk.admin_api.tls.truststore_file Kubernetes Deprecated in Feature Details Operator v2.2.3-24.2.X Migration path from the deprecated Cluster and Console custom resources. The deprecated Cluster and Console custom resources are no longer migrated to the new Flux-based version. Configuration properties This is an exhaustive list of all the deprecated properties. Broker properties coproc_supervisor_server dashboard_dir enable_central_config Cluster properties cloud_storage_cache_trim_carryover_bytes cloud_storage_max_materialized_segments_per_shard cloud_storage_max_partition_readers_per_shard cloud_storage_reconciliation_ms coproc_max_batch_size coproc_max_inflight_bytes coproc_max_ingest_bytes coproc_offset_flush_interval_ms enable_admin_api enable_auto_rebalance_on_node_add enable_coproc find_coordinator_timeout_ms full_raft_configuration_recovery_pattern health_monitor_tick_interval id_allocator_replication kafka_admin_topic_api_rate kafka_client_group_byte_rate_quota kafka_client_group_fetch_byte_rate_quota max_version min_version partition_autobalancing_movement_batch_size_bytes raft_flush_timer_interval_ms rm_violation_recovery_policy seed_server_meta_topic_partitions seq_table_min_size target_fetch_quota_byte_rate target_quota_byte_rate tm_violation_recovery_policy transaction_coordinator_replication tx_log_stats_interval_s tx_registry_log_capacity tx_registry_sync_timeout_ms use_scheduling_groups Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Migrate Node Pools Migrate