Docs Self-Managed Upgrade Kubernetes Compatibility You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Kubernetes Compatibility This topic describes the compatibility for versions of Redpanda, Redpanda Kubernetes Operator, and the Helm charts. The tables identify the versions required and supported for running the specified version of Redpanda. Redpanda Self-Managed version numbers follow the convention AB.C.D, where AB is the two digit year, C is the feature release, and D is the patch release. For example, version 22.3.1 indicates the first patch release on the third feature release of the year 2022. Patch releases include bug fixes and minor improvements, with no change to user-facing behavior. New and enhanced features are documented with each feature release. You can find a list of all releases on GitHub. The latest version of the Redpanda Helm chart supports not only the most recent Redpanda release but also the previous two feature releases, regardless of the two-digit year. Support is conditional on the preceding releases still being actively supported. In cases where any of the preceding releases are no longer supported, the Helm chart does not support them. Redpanda Helm chart The Redpanda Helm chart is compatible with these versions of Redpanda, Kubernetes, and Helm. The minimum recommended version of Kubernetes is 1.25. Redpanda Helm Chart Supported Redpanda Versions Minimum Kubernetes Version Minimum Helm Version 5.9.x 24.3.x, 24.2.x, 24.1.x 1.25.0-0 3.10.0 5.8.x 24.2.x, 24.1.x 1.21.0-0 3.10.0 By default, the Redpanda Helm chart depends on cert-manager for enabling TLS. Make sure to install a version of the cert-manager CRDs that supports the resource. See the cert-manager release notes. Redpanda Operator Each version of the Redpanda Operator and its corresponding set of custom resource definitions (CRDs) supports specific versions of the Redpanda Helm chart. Although new releases of the Redpanda Operator are backward compatible with existing versions of the Redpanda Helm chart, new releases of the Redpanda Helm chart might introduce changes to the Helm values, which could require you to upgrade both the Redpanda Operator and the accompanying CRDs. Consider the following best practices for upgrades: Prioritize updating the Redpanda Operator: Always aim to use the latest version of the Redpanda Operator. Check the release notes before Redpanda Helm chart upgrades: New releases of the Redpanda Helm chart might introduce changes to the Helm values, which could require a corresponding upgrade of both the Redpanda Operator and the CRDs to ensure compatibility. For details, see Upgrade the Redpanda Operator. Redpanda Operator Helm Chart Redpanda Operator CRD Supported Redpanda Helm chart 0.4.x 2.3.x Redpanda v1alpha1 5.9.x, 5.8.x, 5.7.x 0.3.x 23.2.x Redpanda v1alpha1 5.9.x, 5.8.x, 5.7.x Redpanda Console Redpanda Console is integrated as a subchart within the Redpanda Helm chart. Each version of the Redpanda Helm chart defines a range of versions of the Redpanda Console chart that it supports. The version of Redpanda Console that is installed depends on the version of the Redpanda Helm chart you choose to install. This interdependency is established when you add or update the Redpanda chart repository, linking a particular version of Redpanda Console with the corresponding version of the Redpanda Helm chart. As a result of this integration, any updates you apply to the Redpanda Helm chart might also lead to changes in the version of the Redpanda Console. This means that selecting a different version of the Redpanda Helm chart can automatically determine the version of the Console that gets installed or updated in your environment. This table provides the current version of Redpanda Console that is installed with each corresponding version of the Redpanda Helm chart. Redpanda Helm Chart Default Redpanda Console Chart Redpanda Console Version 5.9.x 0.7.31 2.8.0 5.8.x 0.7.31 2.8.0 Next steps Deploy Redpanda in Kubernetes Upgrade Redpanda in Kubernetes Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Upgrade the Redpanda Operator Migrate Node Pools