Docs Self-Managed Upgrade Migrate Migrate to Redpanda Console v3 You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Migrate to Redpanda Console v3.0.0 (beta) This guide provides step-by-step instructions for migrating from Redpanda Console v2.x.x (v2) to v3.x.x (v3). The new release introduces user impersonation to unify authentication and authorization between Redpanda Console and Redpanda, along with several breaking changes. This guide explains these changes and provides examples to help you update your configuration. For details on the new authentication and authorization system, see Authentication. For a list of breaking changes, see What’s New. Use the migration tool to convert your v2 configuration to v3 format. Authentication and authorization migration In v2, authentication and authorization was handled by the Redpanda Console. In v3, Redpanda Console uses the same authentication and authorization system as Redpanda. This change unifies the authentication and authorization model across Redpanda and Redpanda Console, enabling a more consistent and secure experience. Migrate from the plain login provider In v3, the plain login provider has been removed. Instead, you can either enable user impersonation or use static credentials for authentication. User impersonation forwards the credentials from the logged-in user to the APIs that have user impersonation enabled. With static credentials, the credentials specified in the configuration are used to authenticate with the APIs. For more information, see Authentication. Here is an example of how to migrate from the plain login provider to user impersonation: V2 plain login with RBAC login: enabled: true jwtSecret: "secret-key" useSecureCookies: false plain: enabled: true credentials: - username: "jane" password: "some-other-secret-password" - username: "john" password: "some-secret-password" enterprise: rbac: enabled: true roleBindingsFilepath: /tmp/role-bindings.yml V3 user impersonation kafka: sasl: enabled: true impersonateUser: true (1) redpanda: adminApi: authentication: impersonateUser: true schemaRegistry: enabled: true authentication: impersonateUser: true authentication: (2) jwtSigningSecret: "secret-key" useSecureCookies: false basic: enabled: true (3) 1 When using user impersonation, the credentials from the logged-in user are forwarded to this API. As a result, any static role-binding settings are ignored for impersonated API calls. Ensure your users are provisioned as SASL/SCRAM users in Redpanda. See Configure Authentication. 2 The authentication stanza replaces the login stanza in v3. Use this stanza to configure authentication settings. 3 The basic block enables basic authentication for Redpanda Console. Role bindings in Redpanda Console are ignored with user impersonation. Instead, the credentials from the logged-in user are forwarded to the Redpanda APIs that have user impersonation enabled. Ensure that your logged-in users have the necessary ACLs in Redpanda. See Redpanda Authorization Mechanisms. If you prefer to disable user impersonation so that static credentials are used instead, modify your configuration as follows: V3 static credentials kafka: sasl: enabled: true impersonateUser: false (1) username: "jane" (2) password: "some-other-secret-password" mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-256 schemaRegistry: enabled: true authentication: impersonateUser: false basic: username: "jane" password: "some-other-secret-password" #bearerToken: "example-bearer-token" # For OAuth2 bearer token redpanda: adminApi: authentication: impersonateUser: false basic: username: "jane" password: "some-other-secret-password" #bearerToken: "example-bearer-token" # For OAuth2 bearer token authentication: jwtSigningSecret: "secret-key" useSecureCookies: false basic: enabled: true # With static credentials, the role bindings still apply to control Console access. authorization: (3) roleBindings: - roleName: admin users: - loginType: basic name: "jane" 1 Set impersonateUser to false to disable user impersonation. 2 Specify the username, password, and mechanism for the static credentials. 3 Role bindings are applied when using static credentials. When impersonation is disabled, the static credentials specified in the kafka.sasl block are used to authenticate with the Kafka API when you log into Redpanda Console. Ensure that these credentials have the necessary ACLs in Redpanda. See Redpanda Authorization Mechanisms. Migrate from OIDC providers In v2, Redpanda Console supported separate configuration for OIDC providers such as Google, GitHub, and Keycloak. In v3, the OIDC configuration has been simplified, and the login stanza has been replaced by the authentication stanza. For more information, see Authentication. OIDC-based group authorization is no longer available in Redpanda Console. With the move to unified authentication, RBAC is now managed directly in Redpanda, which does not support OIDC groups. If you previously relied on OIDC groups to manage access, you must now transition to the RBAC model. Redpanda Data recommends mapping your existing group-based permissions to RBAC roles that reflect the same access levels. This change provides a more unified and fine-grained authorization approach. Here is an example of how to migrate from Google OIDC in v2 to v3: Here is an example of how to migrate from Google OIDC in v2 to v3: V2 Google OIDC login: enabled: true jwtSecret: "old-google-secret" google: enabled: true clientId: "google-client-id-v2" clientSecret: "google-client-secret-v2" issuerUrl: "" # issuerTls, displayName, and userIdentifyingClaimKey may be present in v2 but are omitted here for brevity. V3 Google OIDC kafka: sasl: enabled: true impersonateUser: true (1) authentication: (2) jwtSigningSecret: "old-google-secret" useSecureCookies: true oidc: (3) enabled: true issuerUrl: "" clientId: "google-client-id-v2" clientSecret: "google-client-secret-v2" 1 When using user impersonation, the credentials from the logged-in user are forwarded to the Kafka API. As a result, any static role-binding settings are ignored for impersonated API calls. Ensure your Redpanda cluster has SASL/OAUTHBEARER authentication enabled. See Redpanda Authorization Mechanisms. 2 The authentication stanza replaces the login stanza in v3. Use this stanza to configure authentication settings. 3 The oidc block enables OIDC authentication for Redpanda Console. See Authentication. Redpanda requires a JWT-encoded access token for authentication. While most identity providers issue JWTs, some (like Google) follow the OAuth spec and issue opaque tokens instead. Since Redpanda relies on JWTs to introspect the audience and subject, providers that do not support JWT access tokens cannot be used for authentication. Role bindings In v2, role bindings could be configured in a separate file. In v3, the enterprise stanza is deprecated, and role bindings must now be configured directly in your main configuration under the authorization.roleBindings stanza. For more details, see Authorization. Here is an example of how to migrate role bindings from a separate file to the main configuration: V2 role bindings enterprise: rbac: enabled: true roleBindingsFilepath: "/path/to/roleBindings.yaml" # v2: Role bindings configured in a separate file. roleBindings: - roleName: admin metadata: name: Developers creator: John Doe subjects: - kind: user provider: Plain name: alice V3 role bindings authorization: roleBindings: - roleName: admin users: - loginType: basic name: alice Schema Registry migration In v2, the Schema Registry configuration was nested under the kafka stanza. In v3, this configuration is now a top-level stanza. V2 Schema Registry kafka: brokers: - "" schemaRegistry: enabled: true urls: - "" # Basic authentication: username: "example-user" password: "example-password" # Bearer token: bearerToken: "example-bearer-token" # TLS configuration: tls: enabled: false caFilepath: "/path/to/ca-cert.pem" certFilepath: "/path/to/client-cert.pem" keyFilepath: "/path/to/client-key.pem" insecureSkipTlsVerify: false V3 Schema Registry schemaRegistry: enabled: true urls: - "" authentication: impersonateUser: false basic: username: "example-user" password: "example-password" bearerToken: "example-bearer-token" tls: enabled: false caFilepath: "/path/to/ca-cert.pem" certFilepath: "/path/to/client-cert.pem" keyFilepath: "/path/to/client-key.pem" insecureSkipTlsVerify: false Serde and Kafka Connect migration In v3, all serialization settings are consolidated under the serde stanza. The connect configuration has been renamed to kafkaConnect, and the console.maxDeserializationPayloadSize setting is now part of the serde configuration. V2 serde and Kafka Connect kafka: protobuf: enabled: false mappings: [] cbor: enabled: false messagePack: enabled: false console: maxDeserializationPayloadSize: 20480 connect: enabled: false clusters: [] V3 serde and Kafka Connect serde: protobuf: enabled: false mappings: [] cbor: enabled: false messagePack: enabled: false console: maxDeserializationPayloadSize: 20480 kafkaConnect: enabled: false clusters: [] Validate migration After updating your configuration, verify that: Users can log in using the new authentication settings. API calls to Kafka, Schema Registry, and the Admin API are authenticated correctly. Redpanda Console migration tool This migration tool attempts to convert your Redpanda Console configuration from v2 to v3 format. The tool is provided as a convenience and may not cover all migration scenarios. Always review the output to ensure that your configuration is correct. To use the tool, paste your v2 YAML configuration into the text box and click Migrate to generate the updated configuration. To test the tool, click Load sample to load a sample configuration. If you have a separate file for role bindings, paste the contents into the text box along with the main configuration. In v3, role bindings are configured directly in the main configuration file. The tool attempts to convert your role bindings into the new format and adds them to the main configuration file in the output. Load sample Clear Migrate Review the output before deploying the new configuration. If you encounter any issues, refer to the examples in this guide to manually update your configuration. Copy output Suggested reading Authentication Redpanda Console Security Configure Authentication Redpanda Authorization Mechanisms Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Migrate Migrate Data to Redpanda with MirrorMaker 2