Manage Enterprise Edition Licenses through Redpanda Console

You can add or update an Enterprise Edition license for both Redpanda and Redpanda Console directly through the Redpanda Console UI.


Upload a license

When a license is uploaded through Redpanda Console, it is replicated across the connected Redpanda cluster and stored persistently in Redpanda’s internal metadata, ensuring it is retained across restarts.

If you use Kubernetes to deploy Redpanda, do not use Redpanda Console to update the license if it’s already set in your Kubernetes resources. During upgrades or redeployments, license values in your Kubernetes resources will override the license set using Redpanda Console. For consistent license management, set the license using either Redpanda Console or Kubernetes resources, but not both.

To upload a new license directly through the Console UI:

  1. Open the Upload License page, using one of the following methods:

    • Cluster Overview page:

      Navigate to the Cluster Overview page in Redpanda Console. Under the Licensing section, click on the Upload new license link to upload a new license key.

    • Expiration warning banner:

      If the existing license expires soon, you can click the Upload license button in the expiration warning banner.

  2. Upload your license. You can drag and drop a license file into the box or copy and paste the license string into the text input.


    When a new license is uploaded, enterprise features in Redpanda Self-Managed are unlocked immediately without requiring a cluster restart. However, to unlock enterprise features in Redpanda Console, you must restart the Redpanda Console instance.

After restarting Redpanda Console, enterprise features such as RBAC are unlocked. However, to enable and use these features, you must configure them. See Configure Redpanda Console.