Docs Self-Managed Get Started Quickstarts Redpanda CLI Quickstart Redpanda CLI Quickstart This guide shows how to run the Redpanda CLI, rpk, for basic Redpanda tasks, including creating, producing to, describing, and deleting topics, as well as consuming records and managing consumer groups. Follow these examples to quickly become familiar with rpk commands. Consider creating an rpk profile to simplify your development experience with multiple Redpanda clusters by saving and reusing configurations for different clusters. For more information, see About rpk profiles. Prerequisites A running Redpanda cluster. The rpk CLI installed. See Install or Update rpk. Create a topic To start streaming data, first create a topic as the destination for your records: rpk topic create tutorial Output: TOPIC STATUS tutorial OK See rpk topic create. Produce records to a topic Produce records to the topic. Downstream consumers will then be able to read these records. To exit the producer session, press Ctrl+C: rpk topic produce tutorial Additional input: hello world Output: Produced to partition 0 at offset 0 with timestamp 1734640650348. Produced to partition 0 at offset 1 with timestamp 1734640653558. See rpk topic produce. Get a description of a topic Check the topic’s configuration and status to ensure that it’s ready for use: rpk topic describe tutorial Output: SUMMARY ======= NAME tutorial PARTITIONS 1 REPLICAS 1 CONFIGS ======= KEY VALUE SOURCE cleanup.policy delete DEFAULT_CONFIG compression.type producer DEFAULT_CONFIG -1 DEFAULT_CONFIG flush.bytes 262144 DEFAULT_CONFIG 100 DEFAULT_CONFIG -1 DEFAULT_CONFIG -1 DEFAULT_CONFIG max.message.bytes 1048576 DEFAULT_CONFIG message.timestamp.type CreateTime DEFAULT_CONFIG redpanda.iceberg.delete true DEFAULT_CONFIG redpanda.iceberg.mode disabled DEFAULT_CONFIG redpanda.leaders.preference none DEFAULT_CONFIG redpanda.remote.delete true DEFAULT_CONFIG false DEFAULT_CONFIG redpanda.remote.write false DEFAULT_CONFIG retention.bytes -1 DEFAULT_CONFIG -1 DEFAULT_CONFIG 86400000 DEFAULT_CONFIG 604800000 DEFAULT_CONFIG segment.bytes 134217728 DEFAULT_CONFIG 1209600000 DEFAULT_CONFIG write.caching true DEFAULT_CONFIG See rpk topic describe. Consume records from a topic Consume records from the topic: rpk topic consume tutorial Output: { "topic": "tutorial", "value": "hello", "timestamp": 1678807229837, "partition": 0, "offset": 0 } { "topic": "tutorial", "value": "world", "timestamp": 1678807232413, "partition": 0, "offset": 1 } Consume from an offset, where 2 is not inclusive: rpk topic consume tutorial --offset 0:2 Output: { "topic": "tutorial", "value": "hello", "timestamp": 1678807229837, "partition": 0, "offset": 0 } { "topic": "tutorial", "value": "world", "timestamp": 1678807232413, "partition": 0, "offset": 1 } See rpk topic consume. Create a consumer group and consume topics Organize consumers into groups to share workloads and balance consumption: rpk topic consume tutorial --group tutorial-group The consumer group is created when you start consuming from the topic. Output: { "topic": "tutorial", "value": "hello", "timestamp": 1734640650348, "partition": 0, "offset": 0 } { "topic": "tutorial", "value": "world", "timestamp": 1734640653558, "partition": 0, "offset": 1 } See rpk topic consume. List all consumer groups List available consumer groups in your cluster: rpk group list Output: BROKER GROUP STATE 0 tutorial-group Empty See rpk group list. Get a description of a consumer group View details about the consumer group’s state, coordinator, members, and offsets: rpk group describe tutorial-group Output: GROUP tutorial-group COORDINATOR 0 STATE Empty BALANCER MEMBERS 0 TOTAL-LAG 0 TOPIC PARTITION CURRENT-OFFSET LOG-START-OFFSET LOG-END-OFFSET LAG MEMBER-ID CLIENT-ID HOST tutorial 0 2 0 2 0 See rpk group describe. Delete a consumer group Clean up by removing the tutorial-group consumer group: rpk group delete tutorial-group Output: GROUP STATUS tutorial-group OK See rpk group delete. Delete a topic Clean up by removing the tutorial topic: rpk topic delete tutorial Output: TOPIC STATUS tutorial OK See rpk topic delete. Next steps To generate a profile to save and reuse configurations for different Redpanda clusters, see About rpk profiles. For the complete list of rpk commands and their syntax, see the rpk Command Reference. Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Redpanda Self-Managed Docker Compose Labs