Topic Recovery

When you create a topic, you can use remote recovery to download the topic data from object storage. This is useful when you need to restore a single topic in Tiered Storage that was accidentally deleted from a cluster.

  • Remote recovery is only safe when no other clusters are writing to the specified bucket or container.

  • You must enable when using remote recovery.

  • If you later disable on the remote recovery topic, previously hydrated (downloaded) data will not be used to serve requests.

To create a new topic using remote recovery, in which the recovered topic can read and write in the cloud:

rpk topic create <topic_name> -c redpanda.remote.recovery=true -c redpanda.remote.write=true -c

To create a new topic using remote recovery, while also disabling the redpanda.remote.write property:

rpk topic create <topic_name> -c redpanda.remote.recovery=true -c redpanda.remote.write=false -c