Inspect a Debug Bundle

After downloading the debug bundle files, you can inspect the contents to debug your cluster. This topic provides some useful data points to check while troubleshooting.

Most files in the debug bundle are JSON files. To make it easier to read these files, this section uses jq. To install jq, see the jq downloads page.


View the version of Redpanda on all brokers

cat admin/brokers.json | jq '.[] | .version'

Example output:


View the maintenance status of all brokers

cat admin/brokers.json | jq '.[] | .node_id, .maintenance_status'
Example output
  "draining": false,
  "finished": false,
  "errors": false,
  "partitions": 0,
  "eligible": 0,
  "transferring": 0,
  "failed": 0
  "draining": false,
  "finished": false,
  "errors": false,
  "partitions": 0,
  "eligible": 0,
  "transferring": 0,
  "failed": 0
  "draining": false,
  "finished": false,
  "errors": false,
  "partitions": 0,
  "eligible": 0,
  "transferring": 0,
  "failed": 0

View the cluster configuration

cat admin/cluster_config.json | jq
Example output
  "abort_index_segment_size": 50000,
  "abort_timed_out_transactions_interval_ms": 10000,
  "admin_api_require_auth": false,
  "aggregate_metrics": false,
  "alter_topic_cfg_timeout_ms": 5000,
  "append_chunk_size": 16384,
  "auto_create_topics_enabled": false,
  "cloud_storage_access_key": null,
  "cloud_storage_api_endpoint": null,
  "cloud_storage_api_endpoint_port": 443,
  "cloud_storage_azure_container": null,
  "cloud_storage_azure_shared_key": null,
  "cloud_storage_azure_storage_account": null,
  "cloud_storage_bucket": null,
  "target_quota_byte_rate": 2147483648,
  "tm_sync_timeout_ms": 10000,
  "topic_fds_per_partition": 5,
  "topic_memory_per_partition": 1048576,
  "topic_partitions_per_shard": 1000,
  "topic_partitions_reserve_shard0": 2,
  "transaction_coordinator_cleanup_policy": "delete",
  "transaction_coordinator_delete_retention_ms": 604800000,
  "transaction_coordinator_log_segment_size": 1073741824,
  "transactional_id_expiration_ms": 604800000,
  "tx_log_stats_interval_s": 10,
  "tx_timeout_delay_ms": 1000,
  "wait_for_leader_timeout_ms": 5000,
  "zstd_decompress_workspace_bytes": 8388608

Check Enterprise Edition license keys

cat admin/license.json | jq
Example output
  "loaded": false,
  "license": {
    "format_version": 0,
    "org": "",
    "type": "",
    "expires": 0,
    "sha256": ""

View metadata about the Redpanda data directory

You can inspect the size of directories in the Redpanda data directory and identify anomalies using a pre-generated report. This is useful for troubleshooting issues such as imbalances in partition sizes or unexpected data growth.

To check the size of the directories and look for anomalies:

cat utils/du.txt

The du.txt file provides information about the size of each directory. Anomalies to look for include:

  • One partition of a topic being significantly larger than others.

  • Directories containing more data than expected for a specific topic or partition.

Example output
33M	/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda/kvstore/0_0
33M	/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda/kvstore
33M	/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda/controller/0_0
33M	/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda/controller
65M	/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda
65M	/var/lib/redpanda/data

To check the file permissions, file size, and last modification date of the files:

cat data-dir.txt | jq
Example output
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data": {
    "size": "4.096kB",
    "mode": "dgrwxrwxrwx",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:12.430878371 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data/config_cache.yaml": {
    "size": "340B",
    "mode": "-rw-r--r--",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:22.434878593 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data/pid.lock": {
    "size": "2B",
    "mode": "-rw-r--r--",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:10.502878322 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda": {
    "size": "4.096kB",
    "mode": "dgrwxr-xr-x",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:10.650878326 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda/controller": {
    "size": "4.096kB",
    "mode": "dgrwxr-xr-x",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:10.650878326 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda/controller/0_0": {
    "size": "4.096kB",
    "mode": "dgrwxr-xr-x",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:12.346878368 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda/controller/0_0/0-1-v1.log": {
    "size": "4.096kB",
    "mode": "-rw-r--r--",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:32.450878771 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda/kvstore": {
    "size": "4.096kB",
    "mode": "dgrwxr-xr-x",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:10.590878324 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda/kvstore/0_0": {
    "size": "4.096kB",
    "mode": "dgrwxr-xr-x",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:10.602878325 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data/redpanda/kvstore/0_0/0-0-v1.log": {
    "size": "8.192kB",
    "mode": "-rw-r--r--",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:32.458878772 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"
  "/var/lib/redpanda/data/startup_log": {
    "size": "26B",
    "mode": "-rw-r--r--",
    "modified": "2023-02-02 15:21:10.510878323 +0000 UTC",
    "user": "",
    "group": "redpanda"

View cluster metadata

cat kafka.json | jq '.[0]'
Example output
  "Name": "metadata",
  "Response": {
    "Cluster": "redpanda.14a3f9b6-1c74-4ffd-806a-4ab48db78120",
    "Controller": 0,
    "Brokers": [
        "NodeID": 0,
        "Port": 9093,
        "Host": "redpanda-0.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.",
        "Rack": null
        "NodeID": 1,
        "Port": 9093,
        "Host": "redpanda-1.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.",
        "Rack": null
        "NodeID": 2,
        "Port": 9093,
        "Host": "redpanda-2.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.",
        "Rack": null
    "Topics": {}
  "Error": null

View topic and broker configurations

cat kafka.json | jq '.[1:]'
Example output
    "Name": "topic_configs",
    "Response": null,
    "Error": null
    "Name": "broker_configs",
    "Response": [
        "Name": "0",
        "Configs": [
            "Key": "listeners",
            "Value": "internal://,default://",
            "Sensitive": false,
            "Source": "STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG",
            "Synonyms": [
                "Key": "kafka_api",
                "Value": "internal://,default://",
                "Source": "STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG"
                "Key": "kafka_api",
                "Value": "plain://",
                "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG"
            "Key": "advertised.listeners",
            "Value": "internal://redpanda-0.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.:9093,default://",
            "Sensitive": false,
            "Source": "STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG",
            "Synonyms": [
                "Key": "advertised_kafka_api",
                "Value": "internal://redpanda-0.redpanda.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.:9093,default://",
                "Source": "STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG"
                "Key": "advertised_kafka_api",
                "Value": "",
                "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG"
            "Key": "log.segment.bytes",
            "Value": "134217728",
            "Sensitive": false,
            "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG",
            "Synonyms": [
                "Key": "log_segment_size",
                "Value": "134217728",
                "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG"
            "Key": "log.retention.bytes",
            "Value": "18446744073709551615",
            "Sensitive": false,
            "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG",
            "Synonyms": [
                "Key": "retention_bytes",
                "Value": "18446744073709551615",
                "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG"
            "Key": "",
            "Value": "604800000",
            "Sensitive": false,
            "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG",
            "Synonyms": [
                "Key": "delete_retention_ms",
                "Value": "604800000",
                "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG"
            "Key": "num.partitions",
            "Value": "1",
            "Sensitive": false,
            "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG",
            "Synonyms": [
                "Key": "default_topic_partitions",
                "Value": "1",
                "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG"
            "Key": "default.replication.factor",
            "Value": "1",
            "Sensitive": false,
            "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG",
            "Synonyms": [
                "Key": "default_topic_replications",
                "Value": "1",
                "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG"
            "Key": "log.dirs",
            "Value": "/var/lib/redpanda/data",
            "Sensitive": false,
            "Source": "STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG",
            "Synonyms": [
                "Key": "data_directory",
                "Value": "/var/lib/redpanda/data",
                "Source": "STATIC_BROKER_CONFIG"
            "Key": "auto.create.topics.enable",
            "Value": "false",
            "Sensitive": false,
            "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG",
            "Synonyms": [
                "Key": "auto_create_topics_enabled",
                "Value": "false",
                "Source": "DEFAULT_CONFIG"
        "Err": null
        "Name": "1",
        "Configs": [
        "Name": "1",
        "Configs": [
    "Error": null
    "Name": "log_start_offsets",
    "Response": {},
    "Error": null
    "Name": "last_stable_offsets",
    "Response": {},
    "Error": null
    "Name": "high_watermarks",
    "Response": {},
    "Error": null
    "Name": "groups",
    "Response": null,
    "Error": null

View the Redpanda logs

If your cluster is running in Kubernetes, inspect the logs/ directory:

cat logs/redpanda-0.txt # logs/redpanda-1.txt logs/redpanda-2.txt

Otherwise, inspect the redpanda.log file:

cat redpanda.log

Check for clock drift

cat utils/ntp.txt | jq

Use the output to check for clock drift. For details about how NTP works, see the NTP documentation.

Example output
  "host": "",
  "roundTripTimeMs": 3,
  "remoteTimeUTC": "2023-02-02T15:22:51.763175934Z",
  "localTimeUTC": "2023-02-02T15:22:51.698044603Z",
  "precisionMs": 0,
  "offset": -458273

View Kubernetes manifests

If your cluster is running in Kubernetes, you can view all manifest in the k8s/ directory:

tree k8s
Example output
├── configmaps.json
├── endpoints.json
├── events.json
├── limitranges.json
├── persistentvolumeclaims.json
├── pods.json
├── replicationcontrollers.json
├── resourcequotas.json
├── serviceaccounts.json
└── services.json