Docs Cloud Redpanda Connect Components Inputs gcp_bigquery_select gcp_bigquery_select Type: InputProcessor Available in: Cloud, Self-Managed Executes a SELECT query against BigQuery and creates a message for each row received. # Config fields, showing default values input: label: "" gcp_bigquery_select: project: "" # No default (required) credentials_json: "" # No default (optional) table: bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare # No default (required) columns: [] # No default (required) where: type = ? and created_at > ? # No default (optional) auto_replay_nacks: true job_labels: {} priority: "" args_mapping: root = [ "article", now().ts_format("2006-01-02") ] # No default (optional) prefix: "" # No default (optional) suffix: "" # No default (optional) Once the rows from the query are exhausted, this input shuts down, allowing the pipeline to gracefully terminate (or the next input in a sequence to execute). Examples Word counts Here we query the public corpus of Shakespeare’s works to generate a stream of the top 10 words that are 3 or more characters long: input: gcp_bigquery_select: project: sample-project table: bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare columns: - word - sum(word_count) as total_count where: length(word) >= ? suffix: | GROUP BY word ORDER BY total_count DESC LIMIT 10 args_mapping: | root = [ 3 ] Fields project GCP project where the query job will execute. Type: string credentials_json Optional field to set Google Service Account Credentials JSON. This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Manage Secrets before adding it to your configuration. Type: string Default: "" table Fully-qualified BigQuery table name to query. Type: string # Examples table: bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare columns A list of columns to query. Type: array where An optional where clause to add. Placeholder arguments are populated with the args_mapping field. Placeholders should always be question marks (?). Type: string # Examples where: type = ? and created_at > ? where: user_id = ? auto_replay_nacks Whether messages that are rejected (nacked) at the output level should be automatically replayed indefinitely, eventually resulting in back pressure if the cause of the rejections is persistent. If set to false these messages will instead be deleted. Disabling auto replays can greatly improve memory efficiency of high throughput streams as the original shape of the data can be discarded immediately upon consumption and mutation. Type: bool Default: true job_labels A list of labels to add to the query job. Type: object Default: {} priority The priority with which to schedule the query. Type: string Default: "" args_mapping An optional Bloblang mapping which should evaluate to an array of values matching in size to the number of placeholder arguments in the field where. Type: string # Examples args_mapping: root = [ "article", now().ts_format("2006-01-02") ] prefix An optional prefix to prepend to the select query (before SELECT). Type: string suffix An optional suffix to append to the select query. Type: string Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution broker gcp_cloud_storage