Docs Cloud Redpanda Connect Components Outputs questdb questdb Beta Pushes messages to a QuestDB table. Common Advanced # Common configuration fields, showing default values output: label: "" questdb: max_in_flight: 64 batching: count: 0 byte_size: 0 period: "" check: "" address: localhost:9000 # No default (required) username: "" # No default (optional) password: "" # No default (optional) token: "" # No default (optional) table: trades # No default (required) designated_timestamp_field: "" # No default (optional) designated_timestamp_unit: auto timestamp_string_fields: [] # No default (optional) timestamp_string_format: Jan _2 15:04:05.000000Z0700 symbols: [] # No default (optional) doubles: [] # No default (optional) error_on_empty_messages: false # All configuration fields, showing default values output: label: "" questdb: max_in_flight: 64 batching: count: 0 byte_size: 0 period: "" check: "" processors: [] # No default (optional) tls: enabled: false skip_cert_verify: false enable_renegotiation: false root_cas: "" root_cas_file: "" client_certs: [] address: localhost:9000 # No default (required) username: "" # No default (optional) password: "" # No default (optional) token: "" # No default (optional) retry_timeout: "" # No default (optional) request_timeout: "" # No default (optional) request_min_throughput: 0 # No default (optional) table: trades # No default (required) designated_timestamp_field: "" # No default (optional) designated_timestamp_unit: auto timestamp_string_fields: [] # No default (optional) timestamp_string_format: Jan _2 15:04:05.000000Z0700 symbols: [] # No default (optional) doubles: [] # No default (optional) error_on_empty_messages: false Redpanda Data recommends enabling the dedupe feature on the QuestDB server. For more information about deploying, configuring, and using QuestDB, see the QuestDB documentation. Performance For improved performance, this output sends multiple messages in parallel. You can tune the maximum number of in-flight messages (or message batches), using the max_in_flight field. You can configure batches at both the input and output level. For more information, see Message Batching. Fields max_in_flight The maximum number of messages to have in flight at a given time. Increase this value to improve throughput. Type: int Default: 64 batching Allows you to configure a batching policy. Type: object # Examples batching: byte_size: 5000 count: 0 period: 1s batching: count: 10 period: 1s batching: check: this.contains("END BATCH") count: 0 period: 1m batching.count The number of messages after which the batch is flushed. Set to 0 to disable count-based batching. Type: int Default: 0 batching.byte_size The amount of bytes at which the batch is flushed. Set to 0 to disable size-based batching. Type: int Default: 0 batching.period The period of time after which an incomplete batch is flushed regardless of its size. Type: string Default: "" # Examples period: 1s period: 1m period: 500ms batching.check A Bloblang query that returns a boolean value indicating whether a message should end a batch. Type: string Default: "" # Examples check: this.type == "end_of_transaction" batching.processors For aggregating and archiving message batches, you can add a list of processors to apply to a batch as it is flushed. All resulting messages are flushed as a single batch even when you configure processors to split the batch into smaller batches. Type: array # Examples processors: - archive: format: concatenate processors: - archive: format: lines processors: - archive: format: json_array tls Override system defaults with custom TLS settings. Type: object tls.enabled Whether custom TLS settings are enabled. Type: bool Default: false tls.skip_cert_verify Whether to skip server-side certificate verification. Type: bool Default: false tls.enable_renegotiation Whether to allow the remote server to request renegotiation. Enable this option if you’re seeing the error message local error: tls: no renegotiation. Type: bool Default: false tls.root_cas Specify a certificate authority to use (optional). This is a string that represents a certificate chain from the parent trusted root certificate, through possible intermediate signing certificates, to the host certificate. This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Manage Secrets before adding it to your configuration. Type: string Default: "" # Examples root_cas: |- -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----- tls.root_cas_file Specify the path to a root certificate authority file (optional). This is a file, often with a .pem extension, which contains a certificate chain from the parent trusted root certificate, through possible intermediate signing certificates, to the host certificate.certificate. Type: string Default: "" # Examples root_cas_file: ./root_cas.pem tls.client_certs A list of client certificates to use. For each certificate specify values for either the cert and key fields, or cert_file and key_file fields. Type: array Default: [] # Examples client_certs: - cert: foo key: bar client_certs: - cert_file: ./example.pem key_file: ./example.key tls.client_certs[].cert The plain text certificate to use. Type: string Default: "" tls.client_certs[].key The plain text certificate key to use. This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Manage Secrets before adding it to your configuration. Type: string Default: "" tls.client_certs[].cert_file The path to the certificate to use. Type: string Default: "" tls.client_certs[].key_file The path of a certificate key to use. Type: string Default: "" tls.client_certs[].password The plain text password for when the private key is password encrypted in PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 format. The obsolete pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC algorithm is not supported for the PKCS#8 format. The pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC algorithm does not authenticate ciphertext, and is vulnerable to padding Oracle attacks which may allow an attacker recover the plain text password. This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Manage Secrets before adding it to your configuration. Type: string Default: "" # Examples password: foo password: ${KEY_PASSWORD} address The host and port of the QuestDB server. Type: string # Examples address: localhost:9000 username The username to use for basic authentication. This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Manage Secrets before adding it to your configuration. Type: string password The password to use for basic authentication. This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Manage Secrets before adding it to your configuration. Type: string token The bearer token to use for authentication, which takes precedence over the basic authentication username and password. This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Manage Secrets before adding it to your configuration. Type: string retry_timeout The period of time to continue retrying after a failed HTTP request. The interval between retries is an exponential backoff starting at 10 ms, and doubling after each failed attempt up to a maximum of 1 second. Type: string request_timeout The period of time to wait for a response from the QuestDB server in addition to any connection timeout calculated for the request_min_throughput field. Type: string request_min_throughput The minimum expected throughput in bytes per second for HTTP requests. If the throughput is lower than this value, the connection times out. The quest_db output uses this value to calculate an additional timeout on top of the request_timeout. This setting is useful for large requests. Set it to 0 to disable this logic. Type: int table The destination table in QuestDB. Type: string # Examples table: trades designated_timestamp_field The name of the designated timestamp field in QuestDB. Type: string designated_timestamp_unit Units used for the designated timestamp field in QuestDB. Type: string Default: auto timestamp_string_fields String fields with textual timestamps. Type: array timestamp_string_format The timestamp format, which is used when parsing timestamp string fields and uses Golang’s time formatting. Type: string Default: Jan _2 15:04:05.000000Z0700 symbols Columns that must be the symbol type. String values default to string types. Type: array doubles Columns that must be the double type, with int as the default. Type: array error_on_empty_messages Mark a message as an error if it is empty after field validation. Type: bool Default: false Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution qdrant redis_hash