Docs Cloud Redpanda Connect Components Processors aws_dynamodb_partiql aws_dynamodb_partiql Available in: Cloud, Self-Managed Executes a PartiQL expression against a DynamoDB table for each message. Common Advanced # Common config fields, showing default values label: "" aws_dynamodb_partiql: query: "" # No default (required) args_mapping: "" # All config fields, showing default values label: "" aws_dynamodb_partiql: query: "" # No default (required) unsafe_dynamic_query: false args_mapping: "" region: "" endpoint: "" credentials: profile: "" id: "" secret: "" token: "" from_ec2_role: false role: "" role_external_id: "" Both writes or reads are supported, when the query is a read the contents of the message will be replaced with the result. This processor is more efficient when messages are pre-batched as the whole batch will be executed in a single call. Examples Insert The following example inserts rows into the table footable with the columns foo, bar and baz populated with values extracted from messages: pipeline: processors: - aws_dynamodb_partiql: query: "INSERT INTO footable VALUE {'foo':'?','bar':'?','baz':'?'}" args_mapping: | root = [ { "S": }, { "S": meta("kafka_topic") }, { "S": this.document.content }, ] Fields query A PartiQL query to execute for each message. Type: string unsafe_dynamic_query Whether to enable dynamic queries that support interpolation functions. Type: bool Default: false args_mapping A Bloblang mapping that, for each message, creates a list of arguments to use with the query. Type: string Default: "" region The AWS region to target. Type: string Default: "" endpoint Allows you to specify a custom endpoint for the AWS API. Type: string Default: "" credentials Optional manual configuration of AWS credentials to use. More information can be found in Amazon Web Services. Type: object credentials.profile A profile from ~/.aws/credentials to use. Type: string Default: "" The ID of credentials to use. Type: string Default: "" credentials.secret The secret for the credentials being used. This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Manage Secrets before adding it to your configuration. Type: string Default: "" credentials.token The token for the credentials being used, required when using short term credentials. Type: string Default: "" credentials.from_ec2_role Use the credentials of a host EC2 machine configured to assume an IAM role associated with the instance. Type: bool Default: false credentials.role A role ARN to assume. Type: string Default: "" credentials.role_external_id An external ID to provide when assuming a role. Type: string Default: "" Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution aws_bedrock_embeddings aws_lambda