Docs Cloud Deploy BYOC Create Remote Read Replicas Create Remote Read Replicas Beta A remote read replica topic is a read-only topic that mirrors a topic on a different cluster. You can create a separate remote cluster just for consumers of this topic and populate its topics from object storage. A read-only topic on a remote cluster can serve any consumer, without increasing the load on the source cluster. Because these read-only topics access data directly from object storage, there’s no impact to the performance of the cluster. Redpanda Cloud supports remote read replicas with ephemeral BYOC clusters. Ephemeral clusters are temporary clusters created to handle specific, transient workloads or tasks. After processing, the cluster is terminated to free up resources and reduce costs. Prerequisites A BYOC source cluster in Ready state. A BYOC reader cluster in Ready state. This separate reader cluster must exist in the same Redpanda organization as the source cluster. AWS: The reader cluster must be in the same region as the source cluster. The reader cluster must be in the same account as the source cluster. GCP: The reader cluster can be in the same or a different region as the source cluster. The reader cluster must be in the same project as the source cluster. Azure: Remote read replicas are not supported. BYOVPC: Grant storage permissions This prerequisite only applies to BYOVPC deployments. Skip this step if you’re enabling remote read replicas on standard BYOC clusters. GCP AWS To grant additional permissions to the cloud storage manager of the reader cluster, run: gcloud storage buckets add-iam-policy-binding \ gs://<source-cluster-tiered-storage-bucket-name> \ --member="serviceAccount:<reader cluster redpanda_cluster_service_account email>" \ --role="roles/storage.objectViewer" To grant additional permissions to the cloud storage manager of the reader cluster, set the source_cluster_bucket_names and reader_cluster_id variables in cloud-examples. This should be done in the Terraform of the reader cluster. Configure remote read replica Add or remove reader clusters to a source cluster in Redpanda Cloud with the Cloud Control Plane API. For information on accessing the Cloud API, see Redpanda Cloud API Authentication. To update your source cluster to add one or more reader cluster IDs, make a PATCH /v1/clusters/{} request. The full list of clusters is expected on every call. If an ID is removed from the list, it is removed as a reader cluster. export SOURCE_CLUSTER_ID=....... export READER_CLUSTER_ID=....... curl -X PATCH $API_HOST/v1/clusters/$SOURCE_CLUSTER_ID \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" \ -d @- << EOF { "read_replica_cluster_ids": ["$READER_CLUSTER_ID"] } EOF Optional: To see the list of reader clusters on a given source cluster, make a GET /v1/clusters/{id} request: export SOURCE_CLUSTER_ID=....... curl -X GET $API_HOST/v1/clusters/$SOURCE_CLUSTER_ID \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $API_TOKEN" A source cluster cannot be deleted if it has remote read replica topics. When you delete a reader cluster, that cluster’s ID is removed from any existing source cluster read_replica_cluster_ids lists. Create remote read replica To create a remote read replica topic, run: rpk topic create my-topic -c redpanda.remote.readreplica=<source-cluster-tiered-storage-bucket-name> --tls-enabled For standard BYOC clusters, the source cluster tiered storage bucket name follows the pattern: redpanda-cloud-storage-${SOURCE_CLUSTER_ID} Optional: Tune for live topics For remote read replicas reading from a live topic (that is, a topic that’s being actively written to by a source cluster), it may be advantageous to control how often segments are flushed to object storage. By default, this is set to 60 minutes. To tune cloud_storage_segment_max_upload_interval_sec on the source cluster, contact Redpanda support. (For cold topics, where segments are closed and older than 60 minutes, this configuration is unnecessary: the data is already uploaded to object storage.) Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Create a BYOVPC Cluster on GCP Dedicated