Docs Cloud Networking BYOC GCP Configure Private Service Connect with the Cloud API Configure GCP Private Service Connect with the Cloud API This guide is for configuring GCP Private Service Connect using the Redpanda Cloud API. To configure and manage Private Service Connect on an existing public cluster, you must use the Cloud API. See Configure Private Service Connect in the Cloud UI to set up the endpoint service using the Redpanda Cloud UI. The latest version of the Redpanda GCP Private Service Connect service (available March, 2025) supports AZ affinity. This allows requests from Private Service Connect endpoints to stay within the same availability zone, avoiding additional networking costs. To upgrade, contact Redpanda Support. NOTE: The original GCP Private Service Connect service is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. The Redpanda GCP Private Service Connect service provides secure access to Redpanda Cloud from your own VPC. Traffic over Private Service Connect does not go through the public internet because a Private Service Connect connection is treated as its own private GCP service. While your VPC has access to the Redpanda VPC, Redpanda cannot access your VPC. As of February 2025 ability to allow requests from Private Service Connect endpoints to stay within the same AZ, avoiding additional networking costs. To upgrade, contact Redpanda Support. Consider using Private Service Connect if you have multiple VPCs and could benefit from a more simplified approach to network management. Private Service Connect allows overlapping CIDR ranges in VPC networks. Private Service Connect does not limit the number of connections. You control from which GCP projects connections are allowed. After getting an access token, you can create a new BYOVPC cluster with Private Service Connect enabled, or you can enable Private Service Connect for an existing BYOC or BYOVPC cluster. Requirements In this guide, you use the Redpanda Cloud API to enable the Redpanda endpoint service for your clusters. Follow the steps on this page to get an access token. Use the gcloud command-line interface (CLI) to create the consumer-side resources, such as a VPC and forwarding rule, or to modify existing resources to use the Private Service Connect service attachment created for your cluster. Get a Cloud API access token Save the base URL of the Redpanda Cloud API in an environment variable: export PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT="" In your organization in the Redpanda Cloud UI, go to Organization IAM. If you don’t have an existing service account, you can create a new one. Copy and store the client ID and secret. export CLOUD_CLIENT_ID=<client-id> export CLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET=<client-secret> Get an API token using the client ID and secret. You can click the Request an API token link to see code examples to generate the token. export AUTH_TOKEN=`curl -s --request POST \ --url '' \ --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data grant_type=client_credentials \ --data client_id="$CLOUD_CLIENT_ID" \ --data client_secret="$CLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET" \ --data | jq -r .access_token` You must send the API token in the Authorization header when making requests to the Cloud API. Create a new BYOVPC cluster with Private Service Connect In the Redpanda Cloud UI, go to Resource groups and select the resource group in which you want to create a cluster. Copy and store the resource group ID (UUID) from the URL in the browser. export RESOURCE_GROUP_ID=<uuid> Follow the BYOVPC steps to configure the service project to configure IAM role, permissions, and firewall rules. BYOVPC clusters need a NAT subnet with purpose set to PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT. You can create the subnet using the gcloud CLI: gcloud compute networks subnets create <subnet-name> \ --project=<host-project-id> \ --network=<shared-vpc-name> \ --region=<region> \ --range=<subnet-range> \ --purpose=PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT Provide your values for the following placeholders: <subnet-name>: The name of the NAT subnet. <host-project-id>: The host GCP project ID. <shared-vpc-name>: The name of the VPC being used for your Redpanda Cloud cluster. The name is used to identify this network in the Cloud UI. <region>: The GCP region of the Redpanda Cloud cluster. <subnet-range>: The CIDR range of the subnet. The mask should be at least /29. Each Private Service Connect connection takes up one IP address from the NAT subnet, so the CIDR must be able to accommodate all projects from which connections to the service attachment will be issued. See the GCP documentation for creating a subnet for Private Service Connect. Create VPC firewall rules to allow Private Service Connect traffic. Use the gcloud CLI to create the firewall rules: The firewall rules support up to 20 Redpanda brokers. If you have more than 20 brokers, or for help enabling Private Service Connect, contact Redpanda support. gcloud compute firewall-rules create redpanda-psc \ --description="Allow access to Redpanda PSC endpoints" \ --network="<shared-vpc-name>" \ --project="<host-project-id>" \ --direction="INGRESS" \ --target-tags="redpanda-node" \ --source-ranges=",,," \ --allow="tcp:30181,tcp:30282,tcp:30292,tcp:31004,tcp:31082-31101,tcp:31182-31201,tcp:31282-31301,tcp:32092-32111,tcp:32192-32211,tcp:32292-32311" Make a request to the POST /v1/networks endpoint to create a network. network_post_body=`cat << EOF { "cloud_provider": "CLOUD_PROVIDER_GCP", "cluster_type": "TYPE_BYOC", "name": "<shared-vpc-name>", "resource_group_id": "$RESOURCE_GROUP_ID", "region": "<region>", "customer_managed_resources": { "gcp": { "network_name": "<byovpc-network-name>", "network_project_id": "<byovpc-network-gcp-project-id>", "management_bucket": { "name" : "<byovpc-management-bucket>" } } } } EOF` curl -vv -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \ -d "$network_post_body" $PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT/v1/networks Replace the following placeholder variables for the request body: <shared-vpc-name>: The name for the network. <region>: The GCP region where the network will be created. <byovpc-network-gcp-project-id>: The ID of the GCP project where your VPC is created. <byovpc-network-name>: The name of your VPC. <byovpc-management-bucket>: The name of the Google Storage bucket you created for the cluster. Store the network ID (metadata.network_id) returned in the response to the Create Network request. export NETWORK_ID=<metadata.network_id> Make a request to the POST /v1/clusters endpoint to create a Redpanda Cloud cluster with Private Service Connect enabled. export CLUSTER_POST_BODY=`cat << EOF { "cloud_provider": "CLOUD_PROVIDER_GCP", "connection_type": "CONNECTION_TYPE_PRIVATE", "type": "TYPE_BYOC", "name": "<cluster-name>", "resource_group_id": "$RESOURCE_GROUP_ID", "network_id": "$NETWORK_ID", "region": "<region>", "zones": <zones>, "throughput_tier": "<throughput-tier>", "redpanda_version": "<redpanda-version>", "gcp_private_service_connect": { "enabled": true, "consumer_accept_list": <consumer-accept-list> }, "customer_managed_resources": { "gcp": { "subnet": { "name":"<byovpc-subnet-name>", "secondary_ipv4_range_pods": { "name": "<byovpc-subnet-pods-range-name>" }, "secondary_ipv4_range_services": { "name": "<byovpc-subnet-services-range-name>" }, "k8s_master_ipv4_range": "<byovpc-subnet-master-range>" }, "psc_nat_subnet_name": "<byovpc-psc-nat-subnet-name>" "agent_service_account": { "email": "<byovpc-agent-service-acc-email>" }, "connector_service_account": { "email": "<byovpc-connectors-service-acc-email>" }, "console_service_account": { "email": "<byovpc-console-service-acc-email>" }, "redpanda_cluster_service_account": { "email": "<byovpc-redpanda-service-acc-email>" }, "gke_service_account": { "email": "<byovpc-gke-service-acc-email>" }, "tiered_storage_bucket": { "name" : "<byovpc-tiered-storage-bucket>" }, } } } EOF` curl -vv -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \ -d "$CLUSTER_POST_BODY" $PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT/v1/clusters Replace the following placeholders for the request body. Variables with a byovpc_ prefix represent customer-managed resources that should have been created previously: <cluster-name>: Provide a name for the new cluster. <region>: Choose a GCP region where the network will be created. <zones>: Provide the list of GCP zones where the brokers will be deployed. Format: ["<zone 1>", "<zone 2>", "<zone N>"] <throughput-tier>: Choose a Redpanda Cloud cluster tier. For example, tier-1-gcp-v2-x86. <redpanda-version>: Choose the Redpanda Cloud version. <consumer-accept-list>: The list of IDs of GCP projects from which Private Service Connect connection requests are accepted. Format: [{"source": "<GCP-project-ID-1>"}, {"source": "<GCP-project-I-2>"}, {"source": "<GCP-project-ID-N>"}] <byovpc-subnet-name>: The name of the GCP subnet that was created for the cluster. <byovpc-subnet-pods-range-name>: The name of the IPv4 range designated for K8s pods. <byovpc-subnet-services-range-name>: The name of the IPv4 range designated for services. <byovpc-subnet-master-range>: The master IPv4 range. <byovpc-psc-nat-subnet-name>: The name of the GCP subnet that was created for Private Service Connect NAT. <byovpc-agent-service-acc-email>: The email for the agent service account. <byovpc-connectors-service-acc-email>: The email for the connectors service account. <byovpc-console-service-acc-email>: The email for the console service account. <byovpc-redpanda-service-acc-email>: The email for the Redpanda service account. <byovpc-gke-service-acc-email>: The email for the GKE service account. <byovpc-tiered-storage-bucket>: The name of the Google Storage bucket to use for Tiered Storage. Enable Private Service Connect on an existing BYOC or BYOVPC cluster As soon as Private Service Connect is available on your VPC, all communication on existing Redpanda bootstrap server and broker ports is interrupted due to the change on the private DNS resolution. Make sure all applications running in your VPC are ready to start using the corresponding Private Service Connect ports. In the Redpanda Cloud UI, go to the cluster overview and copy the cluster ID from the Details section. export CLUSTER_ID=<cluster-id> For a BYOC cluster, run rpk cloud byoc gcp apply: rpk cloud byoc gcp apply --redpanda-id='$CLUSTER_ID' --project-id='<service-project-id>' For a BYOVPC cluster: Configure the service project to configure the IAM role, permissions, and firewall rules. Create a NAT subnet and firewall rules to allow Private Service Connect traffic. To do this, follow steps 3 and 4 in Create a new BYOVPC cluster with Private Service Connect. Run rpk cloud byoc gcp apply: rpk cloud byoc gcp apply --redpanda-id='$CLUSTER_ID' --project-id='<service-project-id>' Make a request to the PATCH /v1/clusters/{} endpoint to update the cluster to include the newly-created Private Service Connect NAT subnet. export ACCEPT_LIST='[]' export PSC_NAT_SUBNET_NAME='<psc-nat-subnet-name>' export CLUSTER_PATCH_BODY=`cat << EOF { "customer_managed_resources": { "gcp": { "psc_nat_subnet_name": "$PSC_NAT_SUBNET_NAME" } } } EOF` curl -v -X PATCH \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \ -d "$CLUSTER_PATCH_BODY" $PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID Replace the following placeholder: <psc-nat-subnet-name>: The name of the Private Service Connect NAT subnet. Use the fully-qualified name, for example "projects/<host-project-id>/regions/<region>/subnetworks/<subnet-name>". Make a PATCH /v1/clusters/{} request to update the cluster to enable Private Service Connect. CLUSTER_PATCH_BODY=`cat << EOF { "gcp_private_service_connect": { "enabled": true, "consumer_accept_list": <accept-list> } } EOF` curl -v -X PATCH \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \ -d "$CLUSTER_PATCH_BODY" $PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID Replace the following placeholder: <accept-list>: a JSON list specifying the projects from which incoming connections will be accepted. All other sources. For example, [{"source": "consumer-project-ID-1"},{"source": "consumer-project-ID-2"}]. Wait for the cluster to apply the new configuration (around 15 minutes). The Private Service Connect service attachment is available when the cluster update is complete. To monitor the service attachment creation, run the following gcloud command with the project ID: gcloud compute service-attachments list --project '<service-project-id>' Access Redpanda services through VPC endpoint After you have enabled Private Service Connect for your cluster, your connection URLs are available in the How to Connect section of the cluster overview in the Redpanda Cloud UI. You can access Redpanda services such as Schema Registry and HTTP Proxy from the client VPC or virtual network; for example, from a compute instance in the VPC or network. The bootstrap server hostname is unique to each cluster. The service attachment exposes a set of bootstrap ports for access to Redpanda services. These ports load balance requests among brokers. Make sure you use the following ports for initiating a connection from a consumer: Redpanda service Default bootstrap port Kafka API 30292 HTTP Proxy 30282 Schema Registry 30081 Access Kafka API seed service Use port 30292 to access the Kafka API seed service. export RPK_BROKERS='<kafka-api-bootstrap-server-hostname>:30292' rpk cluster info -X tls.enabled=true -X user=<user> -X pass=<password> When successful, the rpk output should look like the following: CLUSTER ======= redpanda.rp-cki01qgth38kk81ard3g BROKERS ======= ID HOST PORT RACK 0* 32092 use2-az1 1 32093 use2-az1 2 32094 use2-az1 Access Schema Registry seed service Use port 30081 to access the Schema Registry seed service. curl -vv -u <user>:<password> -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.schemaregistry.v1+json" --sslv2 --http2 <schema-registry-bootstrap-server-hostname>:30081/subjects Access HTTP Proxy seed service Use port 30282 to access the Redpanda HTTP Proxy seed service. curl -vv -u <user>:<password> -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json" --sslv2 --http2 <http-proxy-bootstrap-server-hostname>:30282/topics Test the connection You can test the Private Service Connect connection from any VM or container in the consumer VPC. If configuring a client isn’t possible right away, you can do these checks using rpk or curl: Set the following environment variables. export RPK_BROKERS='<kafka-api-bootstrap-server-hostname>:30292' export RPK_TLS_ENABLED=true export RPK_SASL_MECHANISM="<SCRAM-SHA-256 or SCRAM-SHA-512>" export RPK_USER=<user> export RPK_PASS=<password> Create a test topic. rpk topic create test-topic Produce to the test topic. rpk curl echo 'hello world' | rpk topic produce test-topic curl -s \ -X POST \ "<http-proxy-bootstrap-server-url>/topics/test-topic" \ -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json" \ -d '{ "records":[ { "value":"hello world" } ] }' Consume from the test topic. rpk curl rpk topic consume test-topic -n 1 curl -s \ "<http-proxy-bootstrap-server-url>/topics/test-topic/partitions/0/records?offset=0&timeout=1000&max_bytes=100000"\ -H "Accept: application/vnd.kafka.json.v2+json" Disable Private Service Connect Make a PATCH /v1/clusters/{} request to update the cluster to disable Private Service Connect. CLUSTER_PATCH_BODY=`cat << EOF { "gcp_private_service_connect": { "enabled": false, } } EOF` curl -v -X PATCH \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \ -d "$CLUSTER_PATCH_BODY" $PUBLIC_API_ENDPOINT/v1/clusters/$CLUSTER_ID Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Configure Private Service Connect in the Cloud UI Dedicated