AWS IAM Policies

When you run rpk cloud byoc aws apply to create a BYOC cluster, you grant IAM permissions to the Redpanda Cloud agent. IAM permissions allow the agent to access the AWS API to create and manage cluster resources. The permissions follow the principle of least privilege, limiting access to only what is necessary. IAM permissions are not required by Redpanda Cloud users.

  • This page lists the IAM permissions Redpanda needs to create BYOC clusters. This does not pertain to BYOVPC clusters.

  • IAM permissions are not required for Redpanda Cloud users. IAM policies do not grant user access to a cluster; rather, they grant the deployed Redpanda agent access, so that brokers can communicate with the BYOC clusters.

AWS IAM policies

IAM policies are assigned to deployed Redpanda agents for BYOC AWS clusters that use the following AWS services:

Actions allowed with wildcard resources

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents with wildcard resources.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentActionsOnlyAllowedWithWildcardResources"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Run in EC2 instances

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents running in AWS EC2 instances.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentEC2RunInstances"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Delete launch templates

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents deleting AWS launch templates.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentLaunchTemplateDeletion"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [
   condition {
     test     = "StringEquals"
     variable = "ec2:ResourceTag/redpanda-id"
     values = [

Manage security groups

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing AWS security groups.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentSecurityGroups"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Manage EKS clusters

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) clusters.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentEKSCluster"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Manage instance profiles

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing AWS instance profiles.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentInstanceProfile"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Create EKS OIDC providers

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents creating and accessing AWS EKS OIDC providers.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentEKSOIDCProvider"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

statement {
    sid    = "RedpandaAgentEKSOIDCProviderCACertThumbprintUpdate"
    effect = "Allow"
    actions = [
    resources = [
    condition {
      test     = "StringEquals"
      variable = "aws:ResourceTag/redpanda-id"
      values = [

Manage IAM policies

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing AWS IAM policies.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentIAMPolicies"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Manage IAM roles

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing AWS IAM roles.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentIAMRoleManagement"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Manage S3 buckets

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing AWS Simple Storage Service (S3) buckets.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentS3ManagementBucket"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [,

Manage S3 cloud bucket storage

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing AWS S3 cloud bucket storage.

 statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentS3CloudStorageBucket"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Manage virtual private cloud (VPC)

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing AWS VPCs.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentVPCManagement"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Delete network interface

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents deleting AWS network interfaces.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentNetworkInterfaceDelete"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Create VPC peering

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents creating AWS VPC peering.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentVPCPeeringsCreate"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Delete VPC peering

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents deleting AWS VPC peering.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentVPCPeeringsDelete"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [
   condition {
     test     = "StringEquals"
     variable = "ec2:ResourceTag/redpanda-id"
     values = [

Manage DynamoDB Terraform backend

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing the AWS DynamoDB Terraform backend.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentTFBackend"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Manage Route 53

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing the AWS Route 53 service.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentRoute53Management"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [

Manage Auto Scaling

The following actions apply only to Redpanda agents managing the AWS Auto Scaling.

statement {
   sid    = "RedpandaAgentAutoscaling"
   effect = "Allow"
   actions = [
   resources = [