Azure IAM Policies

Redpanda automatically assigns IAM policies to the Redpanda Cloud agent when it is deployed. The permissions grant the agent access to the BYOC cluster.

  • This page lists the IAM permissions Redpanda needs to create BYOC clusters. This does not pertain to BYOVPC clusters.

  • No IAM permissions are required for Redpanda Cloud users. IAM policies do not grant user access to a cluster; rather, they grant the deployed Redpanda agent access, so that brokers can communicate with the BYOC clusters.

Azure RBAC (role-based access control) is scoped to resource groups. For example:

        "permissions": [

Azure IAM policies

IAM policies are assigned to deployed Redpanda agents for BYOC Azure clusters that use the following Azure services:

actions = [
  # Ability to read the resource group
  # Storage Containers
  # Create DNS Zones
  # Workaround for TF needing to import the zone when it already exists.
  # Private link read
  # The agent needs access to the storage account in order to access the data
  # Manage AKS Clusters
  # Without this, cannot create node pools to the specified AKS cluster
  # Allows joining to a VNet
  # Allow agent to manage role assignments for the Redpanda cluster
  # Allow agent to manage role definitions for the Redpana cluster
  # Allow agent to manage identities for the Redpanda cluster
  # Allow agent to manage tiered storage bucket for the Redpanda cluster
  # Allow agent to read public IPs
  # Creating the RP storage account requires these additional permissions to workaround
  # Read the keyvault
data_actions = [
  # Storage Containers