Docs Cloud Security Authorization Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Use ACLs in the Data Plane Use ACLs in the Data Plane Access control lists (ACLs) provide a way to configure fine-grained access to provisioned users. ACLs work with SASL/SCRAM and with mTLS with principal mapping for authentication. ACLs Use access control lists (ACLs) to manage user permissions. ACLs are assigned principals, which then access resources within Redpanda. Redpanda stores ACLs internally, replicated with Raft to provide the same consensus guarantees as your data. For complex organizational hierarchies or large numbers of users, consider using role-based access control for a more flexible and efficient way to manage user permissions. ACL terminology Entities accessing the resources are called principals. A User:foo is the principal for user "foo". You can decide whether to allow or deny permissions to access to the resources. You can also specify the hosts for which they have access. This access is represented as operations, such as read, write, or describe, and the operations can be performed on resources, such as a topic. You can filter the resources by name. ACL commands work on a multiplicative basis. If you set up two principals and two permissions, the result is four ACLs: both permissions for the first principal, as well as both permissions for the second principal. Adding two resources further doubles the ACLs created. Be as specific as possible when granting ACLs. Granting more ACLs than necessary per principal may inadvertently allow clients to do things they should not, such as deleting topics or joining the wrong consumer group. Principals All ACLs require a principal. A principal is composed of two parts: the type, and the name. Redpanda supports the type "User". When you create user "bar", Redpanda expects you to add ACLs for "User:bar". The --allow-principal and --deny-principal flags add this prefix for you, if necessary. The special character * matches any name, meaning an ACL with principal User:* grants or denies the permission for any user. To set multiple principals in a single comma-separated string, you must enclose the string with quotes. Otherwise, rpk splits the string on commas and fails to read the option correctly. For example, use double quotes: rpk security acl create --allow-principal="\"C=UK,ST=London,L=London,O=Redpanda,OU=engineering,CN=__schema_registry\"" Alternatively, use single quotes: rpk security acl create --allow-principal='"C=UK,ST=London,L=London,O=Redpanda,OU=engineering,CN=__schema_registry"' Hosts Hosts can be seen as an extension of the principal and can effectively gate where the principal can connect from. When creating ACLs, unless otherwise specified, the default host is the wildcard *, which allows or denies the principal from all hosts. When specifying hosts, you must pair the --allow-host flag with the --allow-principal flag and the --deny-host flag with the --deny-principal flag. Resources A resource is what an ACL allows or denies access to. There are four resources within Redpanda: topics, groups, cluster, and transactionalid. Names for each of these resources can be specified with their respective flags. Resources combine with the operation that is allowed or denied on that resource. By default, resources are specified on an exact name match (a "literal" match). Use the --resource-pattern-type flag to specify that a resource name is "prefixed", meaning to allow anything with the given prefix. A literal name of "foo" matches only the topic "foo", while the prefixed name of "foo-" matches both "foo-bar" and "foo-jazz". The special wildcard resource name '*' matches any name of the given resource type (--topic '*' matches all topics). Operations Paired with resources, operations are the actions that are allowed or denied. Redpanda supports the following operations: Operation Description ALL Allows all operations below. READ Allows reading a given resource. WRITE Allows writing to a given resource. CREATE Allows creating a given resource. DELETE Allows deleting a given resource. ALTER Allows altering non-configurations. DESCRIBE Allows querying non-configurations. DESCRIBE_CONFIGS Allows describing configurations. ALTER_CONFIGS Allows altering configurations. Producing/Consuming The following operations are necessary for each individual client request, where resource corresponds to the resource flag, and "for xyz" corresponds to the resource names in the request: PRODUCING/CONSUMING Produce WRITE on TOPIC for topics WRITE on TRANSACTIONAL_ID for the Fetch READ on TOPIC for topics ListOffsets DESCRIBE on TOPIC for topics Metadata DESCRIBE on TOPIC for topics CREATE on CLUSTER for kafka-cluster (if automatically creating topics) CREATE on TOPIC for topics (if automatically creating topics) OffsetForLeaderEpoch DESCRIBE on TOPIC for topics GROUP CONSUMING FindCoordinator DESCRIBE on GROUP for group DESCRIBE on TRANSACTIONAL_ID for (transactions) OffsetCommit READ on GROUP for groups READ on TOPIC for topics OffsetFetch DESCRIBE on GROUP for groups DESCRIBE on TOPIC for topics OffsetDelete DELETE on GROUP for groups READ on TOPIC for topics JoinGroup READ on GROUP for group Heartbeat READ on GROUP for group LeaveGroup READ on GROUP for group SyncGroup READ on GROUP for group TRANSACTIONS (including FindCoordinator above) AddPartitionsToTxn WRITE on TRANSACTIONAL_ID for WRITE on TOPIC for topics AddOffsetsToTxn WRITE on TRANSACTIONAL_ID for READ on GROUP for group EndTxn WRITE on TRANSACTIONAL_ID for TxnOffsetCommit WRITE on TRANSACTIONAL_ID for READ on GROUP for group READ on TOPIC for topics ADMIN CreateTopics CREATE on CLUSTER for kafka-cluster CREATE on TOPIC for topics DESCRIBE_CONFIGS on TOPIC for topics, for returning topic configs on create CreatePartitions ALTER on TOPIC for topics DeleteTopics DELETE on TOPIC for topics DESCRIBE on TOPIC for topics, if deleting by topic ID (in addition to prior ACL) DeleteRecords DELETE on TOPIC for topics DescribeGroup DESCRIBE on GROUP for groups ListGroups DESCRIBE on GROUP for groups or, DESCRIBE on CLUSTER for kafka-cluster DeleteGroups DELETE on GROUP for groups DescribeConfigs DESCRIBE_CONFIGS on CLUSTER for cluster (broker describing) DESCRIBE_CONFIGS on TOPIC for topics (topic describing) AlterConfigs ALTER_CONFIGS on CLUSTER for cluster (broker altering) ALTER_CONFIGS on TOPIC for topics (topic altering) To get this information at the CLI, run: rpk security acl --help-operations In flag form to set up a general producing/consuming client, you can invoke rpk security acl create up to three times with the following (including your --allow-principal): --operation write,read,describe --topic [topics] --operation describe,read --group [] --operation describe,write --transactional-id [] Permissions A client can be allowed access or denied access. By default, all permissions are denied. You only need to specifically deny a permission if you allow a wide set of permissions and then want to deny a specific permission in that set. You could allow all operations, and then specifically deny writing to topics. Management Commands for managing users and ACLs work on a specific ACL basis, but listing and deleting ACLs works on filters. Filters allow matching many ACLs to be printed, listed, and deleted at the same time. Because this can be risky for deleting, the delete command prompts for confirmation by default. rpk for managing users and ACLs The rpk security acl command manages your ACLs as well as your SASL/SCRAM users. rpk security acl [command] [flags] For example, to create a user: rpk security user create Jack \ --password '<password>' \ -X admin.hosts=localhost:9644 Created user 'Jack' Here are all the available commands and how they interact with Redpanda: Command Protocol Default Port list Kafka API 9092 create Kafka API 9092 delete Kafka API 9092 For more information, see rpk security acl. Global flags Every rpk security acl command can use these flags: Flag Description -X brokers Comma-separated list of broker ip:port pairs (for example, --brokers ',,' ). Alternatively, you can set the RPK_BROKERS environment variable with the comma-separated list of broker addresses. --config Redpanda configuration file. If not set, the file is searched in the default locations. -h, --help Help. --password SASL password to be used for authentication. --sasl-mechanism The authentication mechanism to use. Supported values: SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512. --tls-cert The certificate to be used for TLS authentication with the broker. --tls-enabled Enable TLS for the Kafka API (not necessary if specifying custom certificates). This is assumed to be true when passing other --tls flags. --tls-key The certificate key to be used for TLS authentication with the broker. --tls-truststore The truststore to be used for TLS communication with the broker. --user SASL user to be used for authentication. Create ACLs With the create command, every ACL combination is a created ACL. At least one principal, one host, one resource, and one operation are required to create a single ACL. rpk security acl create/delete [globalACLFlags] [localFlags] You can use the global flags and some other local flags. Following are the available local flags: Flag Description --allow-host Host for which access will be granted (repeatable). --allow-principal Principals to which permissions will be granted (repeatable). --allow-role Role to which permissions will be granted (repeatable). --cluster Whether to grant ACLs to the cluster. --deny-host Host from which access will be denied (repeatable). --deny-principal Principal to which permissions will be denied (repeatable). --deny-role Role to which permissions will be denied (repeatable). --group Group to grant ACLs for (repeatable). -h, --help Help. --name-pattern The name pattern type to be used when matching the resource names. --operation Operation that the principal will be allowed or denied. Can be passed many times. --resource-pattern-type Pattern to use when matching resource names (literal or prefixed) (default "literal"). --topic Topic to grant ACLs for (repeatable). --transactional-id Transactional IDs to grant ACLs for (repeatable). Examples: To allow all permissions to user bar on topic "foo" and group "g", run: rpk security acl create --allow-principal bar --operation all --topic foo --group g To allow read permissions to all users on topics biz and baz, run: rpk security acl create --allow-principal '*' --operation read --topic biz,baz To allow write permissions to user buzz to transactional id "txn", run: rpk security acl create --allow-principal User:buzz --operation write --transactional-id txn List and delete ACLs List and delete for ACLs have a multiplying effect (similar to create ACL), but delete is more advanced. List and delete work on a filter basis. Any unspecified flag defaults to matching everything (all operations, or all allowed principals, and so on). To ensure that you don’t accidentally delete more than you intend, this command prints everything that matches your input filters and prompts for a confirmation before the delete request is issued. Anything matching more than 10 ACLs also asks for confirmation. If no resources are specified, all resources are matched. If no operations are specified, all operations are matched. You can opt in to matching everything. For example, --operation any matches any operation. The --resource-pattern-type, defaulting to any, configures how to filter resource names: any returns exact name matches of either prefixed or literal pattern type match returns wildcard matches, prefix patterns that match your input, and literal matches prefix returns prefix patterns that match your input (prefix "fo" matches "foo") literal returns exact name matches To list or delete ACLs, run: rpk security acl list/delete [globalACLFlags] [localFlags] You can use the global flags and some other local flags. Following are the available local flags: Flag Description --allow-host Allowed host ACLs to list/remove. (repeatable) --allow-principal Allowed principal ACLs to list/remove. (repeatable) --cluster Whether to list/remove ACLs to the cluster. --deny-host Denied host ACLs to list/remove. (repeatable) --deny-principal Denied principal ACLs to list/remove. (repeatable) -d, --dry Dry run: validate what would be deleted. --group Group to list/remove ACLs for. (repeatable) -h, --help Help. --no-confirm Disable confirmation prompt. --operation Operation to list/remove. (repeatable) -f, --print-filters Print the filters that were requested. (failed filters are always printed) --resource-pattern-type Pattern to use when matching resource names. (any, match, literal, or prefixed) (default "any") --topic Topic to list/remove ACLs for. (repeatable) --transactional-id Transactional IDs to list/remove ACLs for. (repeatable) User This command manages the SCRAM users. If SASL is enabled, a SCRAM user talks to Redpanda, and ACLs control what your user has access to. Using SASL requires setting kafka_enable_authorization: true in the Redpanda section of your redpanda.yaml. rpk security user [command] [globalACLFlags] [globalUserFlags] Following are the available global user flags: Flag Description Supported Value -h, --help -h, --help Help. User create This command creates a single SASL/SCRAM user with the given password, and optionally with a custom mechanism. The mechanism determines which authentication flow the client uses for this user/password. Redpanda rpk supports the following mechanisms: SCRAM-SHA-256 (default) and SCRAM-SHA-512, which is the same flow but uses sha512. Before a created SASL account can be used, you must also create ACLs to grant the account access to certain resources in your cluster. To create a SASL/SCRAM user, run: rpk security user create [user] -p [password] [globalACLFlags] [globalUserFlags] [localFlags] Here are the local flags: Flag Description -h, --help Help. --mechanism SASL mechanism to use: scram-sha-256 or scram-sha-512. Default is scram-sha-256. User delete This command deletes the specified SASL account from Redpanda. This does not delete any ACLs that may exist for this user. You may want to re-create the user later, as well, not all ACLs have users that they describe (instead they are for wildcard users). rpk security user delete [USER] [globalACLFlags] [globalUserFlags] User list This command lists SASL users. rpk security user list [globalACLFlags] [globalUserFlags] You can also use the shortened version changing list to ls. Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. 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