
Sends messages to an AMQP (0.91) exchange. AMQP is a messaging protocol used by various message brokers, including RabbitMQ.

  • Common

  • Advanced

# Common configuration fields, showing default values
  label: ""
    urls: [] # No default (required)
    exchange: "" # No default (required)
    key: "" # Optional
    type: "" # Optional
      exclude_prefixes: []
    max_in_flight: 64
# All configuration fields, showing default values
  label: ""
    urls: [] # No default (required)
    exchange: "" # No default (required)
      enabled: false
      type: direct
      durable: true
      arguments: {} # No default (optional)
    key: ""
    type: ""
    content_type: application/octet-stream
    content_encoding: "" # Optional
    correlation_id: "" # Optional
    reply_to: "" # Optional
    expiration: "" # Optional
    message_id: "" # Optional
    user_id: "" # Optional
    app_id: "" # Optional
      exclude_prefixes: []
    priority: ""
    max_in_flight: 64
    persistent: false
    mandatory: false
    immediate: false
    timeout: "" # Optional
      enabled: false
      skip_cert_verify: false
      enable_renegotiation: false
      root_cas: "" # Optional
      root_cas_file: "" # Optional
      client_certs: []

The metadata fields from each message are delivered as headers.

TLS is automatically enabled when connecting to an amqps URL. However, you can customize TLS settings if required.

You can use function interpolations to dynamically set values for the following fields: key, exchange, and type.



A list of URLs to connect to. This input attempts to connect to each URL in the list, in order, until a successful connection is established. It then continues to use that URL until the connection is closed.

If an item in the list contains commas, it is split into multiple URLs.

Type: array

Requires version 3.58.0 or newer

# Examples

  - amqp://guest:guest@

  - amqp://,amqp://

  - amqp://
  - amqp://


The AMQP exchange to publish messages to. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""

Type: string


Passively declares the target exchange to check whether an exchange with the specified name exists and is configured correctly. If the exchange exists, then the passive declaration verifies that fields specified in this object match its properties. If the target exchange does not exist, this output creates it.

Type: object


Whether to enable exchange declaration.

Type: bool

Default: false


The type of the exchange, which determines how messages are routed to queues.

Type: string

Default: direct

Options: direct , fanout , topic , x-custom


Whether the declared exchange is durable.

Type: bool

Default: true


Arguments for server-specific implementations of the exchange (optional). You can use arguments to configure additional parameters for exchange types that require them.

Type: object

# Examples

  alternate-exchange: my-ae


The binding key to set for each message. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""


A custom message type to set for each message. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""


The MIME type of each message. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: application/octet-stream


The content encoding attribute of each message. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""


Set a unique correlation ID for each message using a dynamic interpolated expression to help match messages to responses. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""


Set the name of the queue to which responses are sent using a dynamic interpolated expression. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""


Set the TTL of each message in milliseconds. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""


Set a message ID for each message using a dynamic interpolated expression. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""


Set the user ID to the name of the publisher. If this property is set by a publisher, its value must match the name of the user that opened the connection. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""


Set an application ID for each message using a dynamic interpolated expression. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""


Specify which (if any) metadata values are added to messages as headers.

Type: object


Provide a list of explicit metadata key prefixes to exclude when adding metadata to sent messages.

Type: array

Default: []


Set the priority of each message using a dynamic interpolated expression. This field supports interpolation functions.

Type: string

Default: ""

# Examples

priority: "0"

priority: ${! meta("amqp_priority") }

priority: ${! json("doc.priority") }


The maximum number of messages to have in flight at a given time. Increase this number to improve throughput.

Type: int

Default: 64


Whether to store delivered messages on disk. By default, message delivery is transient.

Type: bool

Default: false


Whether to set the mandatory flag on published messages. When set to true, a published message that cannot be routed to any queues is returned to the sender.

Type: bool

Default: false


Whether to set the immediate flag on published messages. When set to true, if there are no active consumers for a queue, the message is dropped instead of waiting.

Type: bool

Default: false


The maximum period to wait for a message acknowledgment before abandoning it and attempting a resend. If this value is not set, the system waits indefinitely.

Type: string

Default: ""


Override system defaults with custom TLS settings.

Type: object


Whether custom TLS settings are enabled.

Type: bool

Default: false


Whether to skip server-side certificate verification.

Type: bool

Default: false


Whether to allow the remote server to repeatedly request renegotiation. Enable this option if you’re seeing the error message local error: tls: no renegotiation.

Type: bool

Default: false

Requires version 3.45.0 or newer


Specify a certificate authority to use (optional). This is a string that represents a certificate chain from the parent-trusted root certificate, through possible intermediate signing certificates, to the host certificate.

This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Secrets.

Type: string

Default: ""

# Examples

root_cas: |-


Specify the path to a root certificate authority file (optional). This is a file, often with a .pem extension, that contains a certificate chain from the parent-trusted root certificate, through possible intermediate signing certificates, to the host certificate.

Type: string

Default: ""

# Examples

root_cas_file: ./root_cas.pem


A list of client certificates to use. For each certificate, specify values for either the cert and key fields, or the cert_file and key_file fields.

Type: array

Default: []

# Examples

  - cert: foo
    key: bar

  - cert_file: ./example.pem
    key_file: ./example.key


A plain text certificate to use.

Type: string

Default: ""


A plain text certificate key to use.

This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Secrets.

Type: string

Default: ""


The path of a certificate to use.

Type: string

Default: ""


The path of a certificate key to use.

Type: string

Default: ""


A plain text password for when the private key is password encrypted in PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 format. The obsolete pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC algorithm is not supported for the PKCS#8 format.

The pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC algorithm does not authenticate ciphertext, and is vulnerable to padding oracle attacks, which may allow an attacker to recover the plain text password.

This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Secrets.

Type: string

Default: ""

# Examples

password: foo

password: ${KEY_PASSWORD}