Docs Connect Components Outputs snowflake_streaming snowflake_streaming Available in: Cloud, Self-Managed License: This component requires an enterprise license. You can either upgrade to an Enterprise Edition license, or generate a trial license key that's valid for 30 days. Allows Snowflake to ingest data from your data pipeline using Snowpipe Streaming. To help you configure your own snowflake_streaming output, this page includes example data pipelines. Introduced in version 4.39.0. Common Advanced # Common configuration fields, showing default values output: label: "" snowflake_streaming: account: ORG-ACCOUNT # No default (required) user: "" # No default (required) role: ACCOUNTADMIN # No default (required) database: MYDATABASE # No default (required) schema: PUBLIC # No default (required) table: MYTABLE # No default (required) private_key: "" # No default (optional) private_key_file: "" # No default (optional) private_key_pass: "" # No default (optional) mapping: "" # No default (optional) init_statement: | # No default (optional) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mytable (amount NUMBER); schema_evolution: enabled: false # No default (required) processors: [] # No default (optional) batching: count: 0 byte_size: 0 period: "" # No default (optional) check: "" # No default (optional) max_in_flight: 4 # All configuration fields, showing default values output: label: "" snowflake_streaming: account: ORG-ACCOUNT # No default (required) user: "" # No default (required) role: ACCOUNTADMIN # No default (required) database: MYDATABASE # No default (required) schema: PUBLIC # No default (required) table: MYTABLE # No default (required) private_key: "" # No default (optional) private_key_file: "" # No default (optional) private_key_pass: "" # No default (optional) mapping: "" # No default (optional) init_statement: | # No default (optional) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mytable (amount NUMBER); schema_evolution: enabled: false # No default (required) processors: [] # No default (optional) build_options: parallelism: 1 chunk_size: 50000 batching: count: 0 byte_size: 0 period: "" # No default (optional) check: "" # No default (optional) processors: [] # No default (optional) max_in_flight: 4 channel_prefix: channel-${HOST} # No default (optional) channel_name: partition-${!@kafka_partition} # No default (optional) offset_token: offset-${!"%016X".format(@kafka_offset)} # No default (optional) Supported data formats for Snowflake columns The message data from your output must match the columns in the Snowflake table that you want to write data to. The following table shows you the column data types supported by Snowflake and how they correspond to the Bloblang data types in Redpanda Connect. Snowflake column data type Bloblang data types CHAR, VARCHAR string BINARY string or bytes NUMBER number, or string where the string is parsed into a number FLOAT number BOOLEAN bool, or number where a non-zero number is true TIME, DATE, TIMESTAMP timestamp, or number where the number is a converted to a Unix timestamp, or string where the string is parsed using RFC 3339 format VARIANT, ARRAY, OBJECT Any data type converted into JSON GEOGRAPHY,GEOMETRY Not supported Authentication You can authenticate with Snowflake using an RSA key pair. Either specify: A PEM-encoded private key, in the private_key field. The path to a file from which the output can load the private RSA key, in the private_key_file field. Performance For improved performance, this output: Sends multiple messages in parallel. You can tune the maximum number of in-flight messages (or message batches) with the field max_in_flight. Sends messages as a batch. You can configure batches at both the input and output level. For more information, see Message Batching. Batch sizes Redpanda recommends that every message batch writes at least 16 MiB of compressed output to Snowflake. You can monitor batch sizes using the snowflake_compressed_output_size_bytes metric. Metrics This output emits the following metrics. Metric name Description snowflake_convert_latency_ns The time taken to convert messages into the Snowflake column data types. snowflake_serialize_latency_ns The time taken to serialize the converted columnar data into a file to send to Snowflake. snowflake_build_output_latency_ns The time taken to build the output file that is sent to Snowflake. This metric is the sum of snowflake_convert_latency_ns + snowflake_serialize_latency_ns. snowflake_upload_latency_ns The time taken to upload the output file to Snowflake. snowflake_compressed_output_size_bytes The size in bytes of each message batch sent to Snowflake. Fields account The Snowflake account name to use. Use the format <orgname>-<account_name> where: The <orgname> is the name of your Snowflake organization. The <account_name> is the unique name of your account with your Snowflake organization. To find the correct value for this field, run the following query in Snowflake: WITH HOSTLIST AS (SELECT * FROM TABLE(FLATTEN(INPUT => PARSE_JSON(SYSTEM$allowlist())))) SELECT REPLACE(VALUE:host,'','') AS ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER FROM HOSTLIST WHERE VALUE:type = 'SNOWFLAKE_DEPLOYMENT_REGIONLESS'; Type: string # Examples account: ORG-ACCOUNT user Specify a user to run the Snowpipe Stream. To learn how to create a user, see the Snowflake documentation. Type: string role The role of the user specified in the user field. The user’s role must have the required privileges to call the Snowpipe Streaming APIs. For more information about user roles, see the Snowflake documentation. Type: string # Examples role: ACCOUNTADMIN database The Snowflake database you want to write data to. Type: string # Examples database: MY_DATABASE schema The schema of the Snowflake database you want to write data to. Type: string # Examples schema: PUBLIC table The Snowflake table you want to write data to. This field supports interpolation functions. Type: string # Examples table: MY_TABLE private_key The PEM-encoded private RSA key to use for authentication with Snowflake. You must specify a value for this field or the private_key_file field. This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Secrets. Type: string private_key_file A .p8, PEM-encoded file to load the private RSA key from. You must specify a value for this field or the private_key field. Type: string private_key_pass If the RSA key is encrypted, specify the RSA key passphrase. This field contains sensitive information that usually shouldn’t be added to a configuration directly. For more information, see Secrets. Type: string mapping The Bloblang mapping to execute on each message. Type: string init_statement Optional SQL statements to execute immediately after this output connects to Snowflake for the first time. This is a useful way to initialize tables before processing data. Make sure your SQL statements are idempotent, so they do not cause issues when run multiple times after service restarts. Type: string # Examples init_statement: |2 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS mytable (amount NUMBER); init_statement: |2 ALTER TABLE t1 ALTER COLUMN c1 DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD COLUMN a2 NUMBER; schema_evolution Options to control schema updates when messages are written to the Snowflake table. Type: object schema_evolution.enabled Whether schema evolution is enabled. When set to true, the Snowflake table is automatically created based on the schema of the first message written to it, if the table does not already exist. As new fields are added to subsequent messages in the pipeline, existing columns are created in the Snowflake table. Any required columns are marked as nullable if new messages do not include data for them. Type: bool schema_evolution.processors A series of processors to execute when new columns are added to the Snowflake table. You can use these processors to: Run side effects when the schema evolves. Enrich the message with additional information to guide the schema changes. For example, a processor could read the schema from the schema registry that a message was produced with and use that schema to determine the data type of the new column in Snowflake. The input to these processors is an object with the value and name of the new column, the original message, and details of the Snowflake table the output writes to. For example: {"value": 42.3, "name":"new_data_field", "message": {"existing_data_field": 42, "new_data_field": "db_field_name"}, "db": MY_DATABASE", "schema": "MY_SCHEMA", "table": "MY_TABLE"} The output from the processors must be a valid message, which contains a string that specifies the column type for the new column in Snowflake. The metadata remains the same as in the original message that triggered the schema update. Type: array build_options Options for optimizing the build of the output data that is sent to Snowflake. Monitor the snowflake_build_output_latency_ns metric to assess whether you need to update these options. Type: object # Examples build_options: parallelism: 4 chunk_size: 10000 build_options.parallelism The maximum amount of parallel processing to use when building the output for Snowflake. Type: int Default: 1 build_options.chunk_size The number of table rows to submit in each chunk for processing. Type: int Default: 50000 batching Lets you configure a batching policy. Type*: object # Examples batching: byte_size: 5000 count: 0 period: 1s batching: count: 10 period: 1s batching: check: this.contains("END BATCH") count: 0 period: 1m batching.count The number of messages after which the batch is flushed. Set to 0 to disable count-based batching. Type: int Default: 0 batching.byte_size The amount of bytes at which the batch is flushed. Set to 0 to disable size-based batching. Type: int Default: 0 batching.period The period after which an incomplete batch is flushed regardless of its size. Type: string Default: "" # Examples period: 1s period: 1m period: 500ms batching.check A Bloblang query that should return a boolean value indicating whether a message should end a batch. Type: string Default: "" # Examples check: this.type == "end_of_transaction" batching.processors For aggregating and archiving message batches, you can add a list of processors to apply to a batch as it is flushed. All resulting messages are flushed as a single batch even when you configure processors to split the batch into smaller batches. Type: array # Examples processors: - archive: format: concatenate processors: - archive: format: lines processors: - archive: format: json_array max_in_flight The maximum number of messages to have in flight at a given time. Increase this number to improve throughput until performance plateaus. Type: int Default: 4 channel_prefix The prefix to use when creating a channel name for connecting to a Snowflake table. Adding a channel_prefix avoids the creation of duplicate channel names, which result in errors and prevent multiple instances of Redpanda Connect from writing at the same time. You can specify either the channel_prefix or channel_name, but not both. If neither field is populated, this output creates a channel name based on a table’s fully-qualified name, which results in a single stream per table. The maximum number of channels open at any time is determined by the value in the max_in_flight field. Snowflake limits the number of streams per table to 10,000. If you need to use more than 10,000 streams, contact Snowflake support. Type: string # Examples channel_prefix: channel-${HOST} channel_name The channel name to use when connecting to a Snowflake table. Duplicate channel names cause errors and prevent multiple instances of Redpanda Connect from writing at the same time, and so this field supports interpolation functions. Redpanda Connect assumes that a message batch contains messages for a single channel, which means that interpolation is only executed on the first message in each batch. If your pipeline uses an input that is partitioned, such as an Apache Kafka topic, batch messages at the input level to make sure all messages are processed by the same channel. You can specify either the channel_name or channel_prefix, but not both. If neither field is populated, this output creates a channel name based on a table’s fully-qualified name, which results in a single stream per table. Snowflake limits the number of streams per table to 10,000. If you need to use more than 10,000 streams, contact Snowflake support. Type: string # Examples channel_name: partition-${!@kafka_partition} offset_token The offset token to use for exactly-once delivery of data to a Snowflake table. This field supports interpolation functions. This output assumes that messages within a batch are in increasing order by offset token. When data is sent on a channel, the offset token of each message in the batch is compared to the latest token processed by the channel. If the offset token is lexicographically less than the latest token, it’s assumed the message is a duplicate and is dropped. Messages must be delivered to the output in order, otherwise they are processed as duplicates and dropped. To avoid dropping retried messages if later messages have succeeded in the meantime, use a dead-letter queue to process failed messages. See the Ingesting data exactly once from Redpanda example. If you’re using a numeric value as an offset token, pad the value so that it’s lexicographically ordered in its string representation because offset tokens are compared in string form. For more details, see the Ingesting data exactly once from Redpanda example. For more information about offset tokens, see Snowflake Documentation. Type: string # Examples offset_token: offset-${!"%016X".format(@kafka_offset)} offset_token: postgres-${!@lsn} Example pipelines The following examples show you how to ingest, process, and write data to Snowflake from: A PostgreSQL table using change data capture (CDC) A Redpanda cluster A REST API that posts JSON payloads to a HTTP server See also: Ingest data into Snowflake cookbook Write data exactly once to a Snowflake table using CDC Ingest data exactly once from Redpanda HTTP server to push data to Snowflake Send data from a PostgreSQL table and write it to Snowflake exactly once using PostgreSQL logical replication. This example includes some important features: To make sure that a Snowflake streaming channel does not assume that older data is already committed, the configuration sets a 45-second interval between message batches. This interval prevents a message batch from being sent while another batch is retried. The log sequence number of each data update from the Write-Ahead Log (WAL) in PostgreSQL makes sure that data is only uploaded once to the snowflake_streaming output, and that messages sent to the output are already lexicographically ordered. To do exactly-once data delivery, it’s important that records are delivered in order to the output, and are correctly partitioned. Before you start, read the offset_token field description. Alternatively, remove the offset_token field to use Redpanda Connect’s default at-least-once delivery model. input: postgres_cdc: dsn: postgres://foouser:foopass@localhost:5432/foodb schema: "public" tables: ["my_pg_table"] # Use very large batches. Each batch is sent to Snowflake individually, # so to optimize query performance, use the largest file size # your memory allows batching: count: 50000 period: 45s # Set an interval between message batches to prevent multiple batches # from being in flight at once checkpoint_limit: 1 output: snowflake_streaming: # Using the log sequence number makes sure data is only updated exactly once offset_token: "${!@lsn}" # Sending a single ordered log means you can only send one update # at a time and properly increment the offset_token # and use only a single channel. max_in_flight: 1 account: "MYSNOW-ACCOUNT" user: MYUSER role: ACCOUNTADMIN database: "MYDATABASE" schema: "PUBLIC" table: "MY_PG_TABLE" private_key_file: "my/private/key.p8" Ingest data from Redpanda using consumer groups, decode the schema using the schema registry, then write the corresponding data into Snowflake. This example includes some important features: To create multiple Redpanda Connect streams to write to each output table, you need a unique channel prefix per stream. The channel_prefix field constructs a unique prefix for each stream using the host name. To prevent message failures from being retried and changing the order of delivered messages, a dead-letter queue processes them. For more details about message ordering, see the redpanda_common input documentation. To do exactly-once data delivery, it’s important that records are delivered in order to the output, and are correctly partitioned. Before you start, read the channel_name and offset_token field descriptions. Alternatively, remove the offset_token field to use Redpanda Connect’s default at-least-once delivery model. input: redpanda_common: topics: ["my_topic_going_to_snow"] consumer_group: "redpanda_connect_to_snowflake" # Use very large batches. Each batch is sent to Snowflake individually, # so to optimize query performance, use the largest file size # your memory allows fetch_max_bytes: 100MiB fetch_min_bytes: 50MiB partition_buffer_bytes: 100MiB pipeline: processors: - schema_registry_decode: url: "" basic_auth: enabled: true username: MY_USER_NAME password: "${TODO}" output: fallback: - snowflake_streaming: # To write an ordered stream of messages, each partition in # Apache Kafka gets its own channel. channel_name: "partition-${!@kafka_partition}" # Offsets are lexicographically sorted in string form by padding with # leading zeros offset_token: offset-${!"%016X".format(@kafka_offset)} account: "MYSNOW-ACCOUNT" user: MYUSER role: ACCOUNTADMIN database: "MYDATABASE" schema: "PUBLIC" table: "MYTABLE" private_key_file: "my/private/key.p8" schema_evolution: enabled: true # To prevent delivery failures from changing the order of # delivered records, it's important that they are immediately # sent to a dead-letter queue. - retry: output: redpanda_common: topic: "dead_letter_queue" Create a HTTP server input that receives HTTP PUT requests with JSON payloads. The payloads are buffered locally then written to Snowflake in batches. To create multiple Redpanda Connect streams to write to each output table, you need a unique channel prefix per stream. In this example, the channel_prefix field constructs a unique prefix for each stream using the host name. Using a buffer to immediately respond to the HTTP requests may result in data loss if there are delivery failures between the output and Snowflake. For more information about the configuration of buffers, see buffers. Alternatively, remove the buffer entirely to respond to the HTTP request only once the data is written to Snowflake. input: http_server: path: /snowflake buffer: memory: # Max inflight data before applying backpressure limit: 524288000 # 50MiB # Batching policy the size of the files sent to Snowflake batch_policy: enabled: true byte_size: 33554432 # 32MiB period: "10s" output: snowflake_streaming: account: "MYSNOW-ACCOUNT" user: MYUSER role: ACCOUNTADMIN database: "MYDATABASE" schema: "PUBLIC" table: "MYTABLE" private_key_file: "my/private/key.p8" channel_prefix: "snowflake-channel-for-${HOST}" schema_evolution: enabled: true Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . 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