Docs Connect Cookbooks Ingest data into Snowflake Ingest data into Snowflake Configure a Redpanda Connect pipeline to generate and write data into a local Redpanda topic, and then ingest that data into Snowflake using Snowpipe Streaming. See also: Ingest data into Snowflake using Redpanda Cloud Prerequisites rpk installed A Snowflake account openssl command-line tool Set up your Redpanda cluster Run rpk container start to create a local Redpanda cluster for development: rpk container start Next, create a demo_topic to use as the data source for ingesting data into Snowflake: rpk topic create demo_topic Create a user with minimal ACLs to run the ingestion pipeline into Snowflake: rpk security user create ingestion_user --password Testing1234 Now that the user exists, give them read permissions to demo_topic, as well as full control over any consumer group with the prefix redpanda_connect: rpk security acl create --allow-principal ingestion_user --operation read --topic demo_topic rpk security acl create --allow-principal ingestion_user --resource-pattern-type prefixed --operation all --group redpanda_connect Set up your Snowflake account Log in to your Snowflake account with a user who has the ACCOUNTADMIN role. Then, run the following SQL commands in a worksheet. They set up another user with minimal permissions to write data into a specified database and schema, ready for streaming data to Snowflake. -- Set default values for multiple variables SET PWD = 'Test1234567'; SET USER = 'STREAMING_USER'; SET DB = 'STREAMING_DB'; SET ROLE = 'REDPANDA_CONNECT'; SET WH = 'STREAMING_WH'; USE ROLE ACCOUNTADMIN; -- Create users CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS IDENTIFIER($USER) PASSWORD=$PWD COMMENT='STREAMING USER FOR REDPANDA CONNECT'; -- Create roles CREATE OR REPLACE ROLE IDENTIFIER($ROLE); -- Create the destination database and virtual warehouse CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS IDENTIFIER($DB); USE IDENTIFIER($DB); CREATE OR REPLACE WAREHOUSE IDENTIFIER($WH) WITH WAREHOUSE_SIZE = 'SMALL'; -- Grant privileges GRANT CREATE WAREHOUSE ON ACCOUNT TO ROLE IDENTIFIER($ROLE); GRANT ROLE IDENTIFIER($ROLE) TO USER IDENTIFIER($USER); GRANT OWNERSHIP ON DATABASE IDENTIFIER($DB) TO ROLE IDENTIFIER($ROLE); GRANT USAGE ON WAREHOUSE IDENTIFIER($WH) TO ROLE IDENTIFIER($ROLE); -- Set defaults ALTER USER IDENTIFIER($USER) SET DEFAULT_ROLE=$ROLE; ALTER USER IDENTIFIER($USER) SET DEFAULT_WAREHOUSE=$WH; -- Run the following commands to find your account identifier. Copy it down for later use. -- It will be something like `organization_name-account_name` -- e.g. ykmxgak-wyb52636 WITH HOSTLIST AS (SELECT * FROM TABLE(FLATTEN(INPUT => PARSE_JSON(SYSTEM$allowlist())))) SELECT REPLACE(VALUE:host,'','') AS ACCOUNT_IDENTIFIER FROM HOSTLIST WHERE VALUE:type = 'SNOWFLAKE_DEPLOYMENT_REGIONLESS'; Create an RSA key pair Create an RSA key pair using openssl to authenticate Redpanda Connect to Snowflake. When you’re prompted to give an encryption password, record it for later. openssl genrsa 2048 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -passout pass:Testing123 -out rsa_key.p8 Create a public key. You’re prompted to enter your encryption password. openssl rsa -in rsa_key.p8 -pubout -passout pass:Testing123 -out To register the public key in Snowflake, remove the public key delimiters and output only the base64-encoded portion of the PEM file. Run the following bash command to print it: cat | sed -e '1d' -e '$d' | tr -d '\n' In the Snowflake worksheet, add the output of the bash command you just ran to the following SQL command and execute it: use role accountadmin; alter user streaming_user set rsa_public_key='< PubKeyWithoutDelimiters >'; Create a schema using streaming_user Log out of Snowflake and sign back in as the default user (streaming_user) with the associated password (default: Test1234567). You created these credentials in Set up your Snowflake account. Run the following SQL commands in a worksheet to create a schema (e.g. STREAMING_SCHEMA) in the default database (e.g. STREAMING_DB): SET DB = 'STREAMING_DB'; SET SCHEMA = 'STREAMING_SCHEMA'; USE IDENTIFIER($DB); CREATE OR REPLACE SCHEMA IDENTIFIER($SCHEMA); Create a pipeline from your Redpanda cluster to Snowflake You can now create the pipeline locally and inject secrets using environment variables. First, create a connect.yaml file: input: # Read data from the local `demo_topic` kafka_franz: seed_brokers: ["localhost:9092"] topics: ["demo_topic"] consumer_group: "redpanda_connect_to_snowflake" tls: {enabled: true} checkpoint_limit: 4096 sasl: - mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-256 username: ingestion_user password: ${REDPANDA_PASS} # Define a batching policy. For this cookbook, create small batches, # but in a production environment use the largest file size you can. batching: count: 100 # Collect 10 messages before flushing period: 10s # or after 10 seconds, which ever comes first output: snowflake_streaming: # Replace this placeholder with your account identifier account: "< OrgName-AccountName >" user: STREAMING_USER role: REDPANDA_CONNECT database: STREAMING_DB schema: STREAMING_SCHEMA table: STREAMING_DATA # Inject your private key and password private_key_file: rsa_key.p8 private_key_pass: "${SNOWFLAKE_KEY_PASS}" schema_evolution: enabled: true max_in_flight: 1 Now run the pipeline, and any JSON data produced into the topic is streamed into Snowflake with minimal latency. REDPANDA_PASS=Testing1234 SNOWFLAKE_KEY_PASS=Testing123 rpk connect run ./connect.yaml You now can produce some data using rpk to test that everything works: echo '{"animal":"redpanda","attributes":"cute","age":6}' | rpk topic produce demo_topic -f '%v\n' echo '{"animal":"polar bear","attributes":"cool","age":13}' | rpk topic produce demo_topic -f '%v\n' echo '{"animal":"unicorn","attributes":"rare","age":999}' | rpk topic produce demo_topic -f '%v\n' The data produced into the demo_topic is consumed and streamed into Snowflake in seconds. Go back to the Snowflake worksheet and run the following query to see data arrive in Snowflake with the schema from the JSON data you produced. SELECT * FROM STREAMING_DB.STREAMING_SCHEMA.STREAMING_DATA LIMIT 50; See also: The kafka_franz input The snowflake_streaming output Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. 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