Docs Self-Managed Reference Kubernetes Kubernetes Helm Chart Specifications Redpanda Console This version will reach its end of life on April 30, 2025. Please upgrade to a supported version. Redpanda Console Helm Chart Specification This page describes the official Redpanda Console Helm Chart. In particular, this page describes the contents of the chart’s values.yaml file. Each of the settings is listed and described on this page, along with any default values. The Redpanda Console Helm chart is included as a subchart in the Redpanda Helm chart so that you can deploy and configure Redpanda and Redpanda Console together. For instructions on how to install and use the chart, refer to the deployment documentation. For instructions on how to override and customize the chart’s values, see Configure Redpanda Console. Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0 Source Code Requirements Kubernetes: >= 1.21 Settings affinity Default: {} annotations Annotations to add to the deployment. Default: {} automountServiceAccountToken Automount API credentials for the Service Account into the pod. Default: true autoscaling.enabled Default: false autoscaling.maxReplicas Default: 100 autoscaling.minReplicas Default: 1 autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Default: 80 commonLabels Default: {} configmap.create Default: true console.config Settings for the Config.yaml (required). For a reference of configuration settings, see the Redpanda Console documentation. Default: {} deployment.create Default: true enterprise Settings for license key, as an alternative to secret.enterprise when a license secret is available Default: {"licenseSecretRef":{"key":"","name":""}} extraContainers Add additional containers, such as for oauth2-proxy. Default: [] extraEnv Additional environment variables for the Redpanda Console Deployment. Default: [] extraEnvFrom Additional environment variables for Redpanda Console mapped from Secret or ConfigMap. Default: [] extraVolumeMounts Add additional volume mounts, such as for TLS keys. Default: [] extraVolumes Add additional volumes, such as for TLS keys. Default: [] fullnameOverride Override console.fullname template. Default: "" image Redpanda Console Docker image settings. Default: {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","registry":"","repository":"redpandadata/console","tag":""} image.pullPolicy The imagePullPolicy. Default: "IfNotPresent" image.repository Docker repository from which to pull the Redpanda Docker image. Default: "redpandadata/console" image.tag The Redpanda Console version. See DockerHub for: All stable versions and all unstable versions. Default: Chart.appVersion imagePullSecrets Pull secrets may be used to provide credentials to image repositories See Default: [] ingress.annotations Default: {} ingress.className Default: nil ingress.enabled Default: false ingress.hosts[0].host Default: "chart-example.local" ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path Default: "/" ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType Default: "ImplementationSpecific" ingress.tls Default: [] initContainers Any initContainers defined should be written here Default: {"extraInitContainers":""} initContainers.extraInitContainers Additional set of init containers Default: "" livenessProbe Settings for liveness and readiness probes. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: {"failureThreshold":3,"periodSeconds":10,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1} nameOverride Override template. Default: "" nodeSelector Default: {} podAnnotations Default: {} podLabels Default: {} podSecurityContext.fsGroup Default: 99 podSecurityContext.runAsUser Default: 99 priorityClassName PriorityClassName given to Pods. For details, see the Kubernetes documentation. Default: "" readinessProbe.failureThreshold Default: 3 readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds Grant time to test connectivity to upstream services such as Kafka and Schema Registry. Default: 10 readinessProbe.periodSeconds Default: 10 readinessProbe.successThreshold Default: 1 readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds Default: 1 replicaCount Default: 1 resources Default: {} secret Create a new Kubernetes Secret for all sensitive configuration inputs. Each provided Secret is mounted automatically and made available to the Pod. If you want to use one or more existing Secrets, you can use the extraEnvFrom list to mount environment variables from string and secretMounts to mount files such as Certificates from Secrets. Default: {"create":true,"enterprise":{},"kafka":{},"login":{"github":{},"google":{},"jwtSecret":"","oidc":{},"okta":{}},"redpanda":{"adminApi":{}}} secret.kafka Kafka Secrets. Default: {} secretMounts SecretMounts is an abstraction to make a Secret available in the container’s filesystem. Under the hood it creates a volume and a volume mount for the Redpanda Console container. Default: [] securityContext.runAsNonRoot Default: true service.annotations Default: {} service.port Default: 8080 service.targetPort Override the value in console.config.server.listenPort if not nil Default: nil service.type Default: "ClusterIP" serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account. Default: {} serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken Specifies whether a service account should automount API-Credentials Default: true serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created. Default: true The name of the service account to use. If not set and serviceAccount.create is true, a name is generated using the console.fullname template Default: "" strategy Default: {} tests.enabled Default: true tolerations Default: [] topologySpreadConstraints Default: [] Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution Redpanda Operator Redpanda Connectors