rpk connect run

Run Redpanda Connect in normal mode against a specified config file.


rpk connect run [command options] [arguments...]


rpk connect run ./foo.yaml



Value Type Description



Override the configured log level. Available values: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace



Set a field (identified by a dot path) in the main configuration file. For example: metrics.type=prometheus

--resources, -r


Pull in extra resources from a file, which can be referenced by the same as resources defined in the main config. This supports glob patterns (requires quotes).



Continue to execute a config containing linter errors (default: false).

--watcher, -w


EXPERIMENTAL: Watch config files for changes and automatically apply them (default: false).

--env-file, -e


Import environment variables from a dotenv file.

--templates, -t


EXPERIMENTAL: Import Redpanda Connect templates. This supports glob patterns (requires quotes).



Set a field (identified by a dot path) in the main configuration file. For example: metrics.type=prometheus