Docs Self-Managed Deploy Connectors You are viewing the Self-Managed v25.1 beta documentation. We welcome your feedback at the Redpanda Community Slack #beta-feedback channel. To view the latest available version of the docs, see v24.3. Deploy Kafka Connect in Docker The Redpanda Connectors Docker image is a community-supported artifact. Redpanda Data does not provide enterprise support for this image. For support, reach out to the Redpanda team in Redpanda Community Slack. The Redpanda Connectors Docker image includes a pre-configured instance of Kafka Connect that works with Redpanda. This image contains only the MirrorMaker2 connector but you can build a custom image to install additional connectors. The latest Docker image contains: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 OpenJDK 21 LTS Kafka Connect JMX-Exporter JMX Prometheus JavaAgent The image also includes the following connectors as plugins: MirrorSourceConnector MirrorCheckpointConnector MirrorHeartbeatConnector Docker image configuration properties The following table lists the available Docker image properties. Property Description CONNECT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS Comma-separated list of host and port pairs that are the addresses of the Redpanda brokers. CONNECT_CONFIGURATION Properties-based Kafka Connect configuration. CONNECT_ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURATION Comma-separated Kafka Connect properties. This can be used as an alternative to the CONNECT_CONFIGURATION property. If the same Kafka Connect property is defined in CONNECT_CONFIGURATION and CONNECT_ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURATION, the one from CONNECT_ADDITIONAL_CONFIGURATION is used. Example:, CONNECT_SASL_MECHANISM SASL mechanism. Allowed values: "plain","scram-sha-256", or "scram-sha-512". Do not set if SASL is not used. Default: not set CONNECT_SASL_USERNAME SASL username used to authenticate connecting to a Redpanda broker. Default: not set CONNECT_SASL_PASSWORD_FILE Relative path to a file containing the SASL password, relative to the /opt/kafka/connect-password directory. If the file is in /opt/kafka/connect-password/pass-dir/password, then set pass-dir/password. The SASL password is given in plain text. Default: not set CONNECT_TLS_ENABLED Set to "true" if TLS enabled, and "false" if not. Default: "false" CONNECT_TLS_AUTH_CERT TLS authentication certificate location (relative path from /opt/kafka/connect-certs/). For example: "user-secret/user.crt" when file is in /opt/kafka/connect-certs/user-secret/user.crt CONNECT_TLS_AUTH_KEY TLS authentication key location (relative path from /opt/kafka/connect-certs/). For example: "user-secret/user.key" when file is in /opt/kafka/connect-certs/user-secret/user.key CONNECT_TRUSTED_CERTS Truststore locations (relative path from /opt/kafka/connect-certs/). For example: "my-secret/ca.crt;my-secret/new-cert.crt" when file is in /opt/kafka/connect-certs/my-secret/ca.crt and /opt/kafka/connect-certs/my-secret/new-cert.crt CONNECT_ADDITIONAL_TLS_AUTH_CERT Additional TLS authentication certificate location, used, for example, to connect with the source MM2 cluster, (relative path from /opt/kafka/connect-certs/). For example: "user-secret/user.crt" when file is in /opt/kafka/connect-certs/user-secret/user.crt CONNECT_ADDITIONAL_TLS_AUTH_KEY Additional TLS authentication key location, used, for example, to connect with the source MM2 cluster (relative path from /opt/kafka/connect-certs/). For example: "user-secret/user.key" when file is in /opt/kafka/connect-certs/user-secret/user.key CONNECT_ADDITIONAL_TRUSTED_CERTS Additional truststore locations, used, for example, to connect with the source MM2 cluster (relative path from /opt/kafka/connect-certs/). For example: "my-secret/cert.crt;my-secret/new-cert.crt" when file is in /opt/kafka/connect-certs/my-secret/cert.crt and /opt/kafka/connect-certs/my-secret/new-cert.crt CONNECT_METRICS_ENABLED Set to "true to enable Prometheus metrics, port 9404. Set to "false" to disable. Default: "true" CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH Comma-separated list of directories with plugins to load by Kafka Connect. Default: /opt/kafka/redpanda-plugins CONNECT_GC_LOG_ENABLED Set to "true" to enable GC logging. Set to "false" to disable GC logs. Default: "false" CONNECT_HEAP_OPTS JVM heap options. For example -Xms2G -Xmx2G. Default: -Xms256M -Xmx256M CONNECT_LOG4J_CONFIGURATION By default, Kafka Connect logs at "info" info level using Console appender. Use this property to pass custom log4j properties-based configuration. CONNECT_LOG_LEVEL By default, Kafka Connect logs at "warn" info level using Console appender. Use "info" to change the log level to info or "debug" for debug log level. Install new connector type To install a new connector type: Prepare a new connector jar. Place a fat-jar or a jar with all dependent jars in a dedicated directory. For example: ./connect-plugins/snowflake-sink/snowflake-sink-fat.jar Mount a volume to bind the directory with a container. For example, make the ./connect-plugins directory content visible in /opt/kafka/connect-plugins in a container: volumes: - ./connect-plugins:/opt/kafka/connect-plugins Use the CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH image property to configure a directory with the new connector. Use Kafka Connect to discover new connectors. For example: CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH: "/opt/kafka/connect-plugins" The new connector type should be discovered by Kafka Connect automatically on startup. Use the /connector-plugins Kafka Connect REST endpoint to check available connector types. For example: curl localhost:8083/connector-plugins Create a separate child directory for each connector, and place the connector’s jar files and other resource files in that child directory. Configure SASL To configure SASL: Prepare the SASL user and password, making sure the user has necessary permissions. Required: Write access for internal topics and access to consumer groups (so all workers in the cluster can communicate with each other). ACLs depend on used connector type (source/sink) and topics used by the connectors. Create a file containing the plain text password in a dedicated directory. For example, ./connect-password/redpanda-password/password where the password file contains just the password Mount a volume to bind the directory with a container. For example, make the ./connect-password directory content visible in /opt/kafka/connect-password in a container: volumes: - ./connect-password:/opt/kafka/connect-password Use CONNECT_SASL_USERNAME to set the SASL username, and use CONNECT_SASL_PASSWORD_FILE to set the relative path to a password file. For example, if the file is in /opt/kafka/connect-password/redpanda-password/password, use the redpanda-password/password value. CONNECT_SASL_USERNAME: "connect-user" CONNECT_SASL_PASSWORD_FILE: "redpanda-password/password" Configure TLS To configure TLS: Prepare Redpanda cluster certificate and key, and place them in a dedicated directory. For example: ./connect-certs/ca.crt ./connect-certs/client.crt ./connect-certs/client.key Mount a volume to bind the directory with a container. For example, make the ./connect-plugins directory content visible in /opt/kafka/connect-plugins in a container: volumes: - ./connect-certs:/opt/kafka/connect-certs/user-secret Set the CONNECT_TLS_ENABLED property to "true". Use the CONNECT_TLS_AUTH_CERT, CONNECT_TRUSTED_CERTS, and CONNECT_TLS_AUTH_KEY image properties to configure the relative path to the certificate and key. For example, if the files are in /opt/kafka/connect-certs/user-secret, use: CONNECT_TRUSTED_CERTS: "user-secret/ca.crt" CONNECT_TLS_AUTH_CERT: "user-secret/client.crt" CONNECT_TLS_AUTH_KEY: "user-secret/client.key" Connect with Docker Compose You can use the following Docker Compose sample file to connect: docker-compose.yml version: '3.8' services: connect: image: volumes: - ./connect-password:/opt/kafka/connect-password - ./connect-plugins:/opt/kafka/connect-plugins - ./connect-certs:/opt/kafka/connect-certs/user-secret hostname: connect ports: - "8083:8083" environment: CONNECT_CONFIGURATION: | key.converter=org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.ByteArrayConverter value.converter=org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.ByteArrayConverter CONNECT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS:,, CONNECT_GC_LOG_ENABLED: "false" CONNECT_HEAP_OPTS: -Xms1G -Xmx1G CONNECT_METRICS_ENABLED: "false" CONNECT_SASL_MECHANISM: "scram-sha-256" CONNECT_SASL_USERNAME: "connect-user" CONNECT_SASL_PASSWORD_FILE: "redpanda-password/password" CONNECT_TLS_ENABLED: "true" CONNECT_TRUSTED_CERTS: "user-secret/ca.crt" CONNECT_TLS_AUTH_CERT: "user-secret/client.crt" CONNECT_TLS_AUTH_KEY: "user-secret/client.key" CONNECT_PLUGIN_PATH: "/opt/kafka/connect-plugins" ├── ... ├── connect-certs │ ├── ca.crt # A file with Redpanda cluster CA cert │ ├── client.crt # A file with Redpanda cluster cert │ └── client.key # A file with Redpanda cluster key ├── connect-password │ └── redpanda-password │ └──password # A file with SASL password ├── connect-plugins │ └── custom-connector │ └── custom-sink-connector-fat.jar # Connector fat jar or jar and dependencies jars └── docker-compose.yaml # A docker-compose file To connect with Docker Compose: From a directory containing the docker-compose.yaml file, run: docker-compose up To list installed plugins, run: curl localhost:8083/connector-plugins To get Kafka Connect basic information, run: curl localhost:8083/ Metrics are available at localhost:9404/. Use the Redpanda Console or Kafka Connect REST API to manage connectors. Connect to a Redpanda Cloud cluster To connect to a Redpanda Cloud cluster with Docker Compose: Use rpk or Redpanda Console (Security tab) to create a Redpanda user. Create ACLs for the user. Set the username in the CONNECT_SASL_USERNAME property. Create a file containing the user password (for example, in the path passwords/redpanda-password/password). Specify this path in the CONNECT_SASL_PASSWORD_FILE property. Specify a value in the CONNECT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS property. You can view this value in Redpanda Console > Overview > Kafka API, in the Bootstrap server URL option. Set the CONNECT_SASL_MECHANISM property value to "scram-sha-256". Set the CONNECT_TLS_ENABLED property value to "true". docker-compose.yml version: '3.8' connect: image: volumes: - ./passwords:/opt/kafka/connect-password/passwords hostname: connect ports: - "8083:8083" environment: CONNECT_CONFIGURATION: | key.converter=org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.ByteArrayConverter value.converter=org.apache.kafka.connect.converters.ByteArrayConverter CONNECT_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: CONNECT_GC_LOG_ENABLED: "false" CONNECT_HEAP_OPTS: -Xms1G -Xmx1G CONNECT_SASL_MECHANISM: "scram-sha-256" CONNECT_SASL_USERNAME: "connectors-user" CONNECT_SASL_PASSWORD_FILE: "passwords/redpanda-password/password" CONNECT_TLS_ENABLED: "true" ├── ... ├── passwords │ └── redpanda-password │ └──password # A file with SASL password └── docker-compose.yaml # A docker-compose file Redpanda Cloud Schema Registry For converters using Schema Registry (like AvroConverter, JsonConverter), use the following connector configuration properties to set up a connection with Schema Registry: Property Description key.converter Key converter class to use for the connector. key.converter.schema.registry.url Key converter Schema Registry URL, which you can view in the cluster Overview > Schema Registry. key.converter.basic.auth.credentials.source Key converter authentication method, should be USER_INFO. Key converter user and password used for authentication, separated by a colon. value.converter Value converter class to use for the connector. value.converter.schema.registry.url Value converter Schema Registry URL, which you can view in the cluster Overview > Schema Registry. value.converter.basic.auth.credentials.source Value converter authentication method, should be USER_INFO. Value converter user and password used for authentication, separated by a colon. Example: { .... "value.converter.schema.registry.url": "", "value.converter.basic.auth.credentials.source": "USER_INFO", "": "connect-user:secret-password" } Manage connectors with Kafka Connect You can manage connectors using the Kafka Connect REST API. View version of Kafka Connect worker To view the version of the Kafka Connect worker, run: curl localhost:8083 | jq View list of connector plugins To view the list of available connector plugins, run: curl localhost:8083/connector-plugins | jq View list of active connectors To view the list of active connectors, run: curl 'http://localhost:8083/connectors?expand=status&expand=info' | jq Create connector To create the connector, run: curl "localhost:8083/connectors" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '<connector-config>' For example: curl "localhost:8083/connectors" \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "name": "heartbeat-connector", "config": { "connector.class": "org.apache.kafka.connect.mirror.MirrorHeartbeatConnector", "heartbeats.topic.replication.factor": "1", "replication.factor": "1", "source.cluster.alias": "source", "source.cluster.bootstrap.servers": "redpanda:29092", "target.cluster.bootstrap.servers": "redpanda:29092"}}' View connector status To view connector status, run: curl localhost:8083/connectors/<connector-name>/status For example: curl localhost:8083/connectors/heartbeat-connector/status Delete connector To delete the connector, run: curl "localhost:8083/connectors/<connector-name>" -X 'DELETE' For example: curl "localhost:8083/connectors/heartbeat-connector" -X 'DELETE' Manage connectors with Redpanda Console Redpanda Console provides a user interface that lets you manage multiple Kafka Connect clusters. You can inspect or patch connectors; restart, pause, and resume connector tasks; and delete connectors. For details on how to set it up, see Connect Redpanda Console to Kafka Connect Clusters. Suggested labs Redpanda Iceberg Docker Compose ExampleSet Up MySQL CDC with Debezium and RedpandaSet Up Postgres CDC with Debezium and RedpandaSearch all labs Back to top × Simple online edits For simple changes, such as fixing a typo, you can edit the content directly on GitHub. Edit on GitHub Or, open an issue to let us know about something that you want us to change. Open an issue Contribution guide For extensive content updates, or if you prefer to work locally, read our contribution guide . Was this helpful? thumb_up thumb_down group Ask in the community mail Share your feedback group_add Make a contribution System Tuning Upgrade