Troubleshoot Redpanda in Kubernetes

This topic provides guidance on how to diagnose and troubleshoot problems with Redpanda in Kubernetes.


Before troubleshooting Redpanda, make sure that Kubernetes isn’t the cause of the problem. For information about debugging applications in a Kubernetes cluster, see the Kubernetes documentation.

Collect all debugging data

If you’re unsure of what is wrong, you can generate a diagnostics bundle that contains a wide range of data to help debug and diagnose issues with a Redpanda cluster, a broker, or the machines on which the brokers are running.

View Helm chart configuration

To check the values that were set in the Redpanda Helm chart:

helm get values redpanda -n redpanda --all

StatefulSet never rolls out

If the StatefulSet Pods remain in a pending state, they are waiting for resources to become available.

To identify the Pods that are pending, use the following command:

kubectl get pod -n redpanda

The response includes a list of Pods in the StatefulSet and their status.

To view logs for a specific Pod, use the following command.

kubectl logs -f <pod-name>

You can use the output to debug your deployment.

Unable to mount volume

If you see volume mounting errors in the Pod events or in the Redpanda logs, make sure that each of your Pods has a volume available in which to store data.

  • If you’re using PersistentVolumes, make sure that you have one PersistentVolume available for each Redpanda broker, and that each one has the storage capacity that’s set in storage.persistentVolume.size:

    kubectl get pv -n redpanda
  • If you’re using StorageClasses with dynamic provisioners (default), make sure they exist:

    kubectl get storageclass
If you’re running on EKS, the Amazon EBS CSI driver is required to allow EKS to create PersistentVolumes.

To learn how to configure different storage volumes, see Configure Storage.

Dig not defined

This error means that you are using an unsupported version of Helm:

Error: parse error at (redpanda/templates/statefulset.yaml:203): function "dig" not defined

Make sure that you are using the minimum required version: 3.6.0.

helm version

Repository name already exists

If you see this error, remove the redpanda chart repository, then try installing it again.

helm repo remove redpanda
helm repo add redpanda
helm repo update

Invalid large response size

This error appears when your cluster is configured to use TLS, but you don’t specify that you are connecting over TLS.

unable to request metadata: invalid large response size 352518912 > limit 104857600; the first three bytes received appear to be a tls alert record for TLS v1.2; is this a plaintext connection speaking to a tls endpoint?

If you’re using rpk, make sure to add the --tls-enabled flag, and any other necessary TLS flags such as the TLS certificate:

kubectl exec redpanda-0 -c redpanda -n redpanda -- rpk cluster info --brokers <subdomain>.<domain>:<external-port> --tls-enabled

For all available flags, see the rpk command reference.

I/O timeout

This error appears when your worker nodes are unreachable through the given address.

Check the following:

  • The address and port are correct.

  • Your DNS records point to addresses that resolve to your worker nodes.

Is SASL missing?

This error appears when you try to interact with a cluster that has SASL enabled without passing a user’s credentials.

unable to request metadata: broker closed the connection immediately after a request was issued, which happens when SASL is required but not provided: is SASL missing?

If you’re using rpk, make sure to specify the --username, --password, and --sasl-mechanism flags.

For all available flags, see the rpk command reference.

Malformed HTTP response

This error appears when a cluster has TLS enabled, and you try to access the admin API without passing the required TLS parameters.

Retrying POST for error: Post "": net/http: HTTP/1.x transport connection broken: malformed HTTP response "\x15\x03\x03\x00\x02\x02"

If you’re using rpk, make sure to include the TLS flags.

For all available flags, see the rpk command reference.

Fatal error during checker "Data directory is writable" execution

This error appears when Redpanda does not have write access to your configured storage volume under storage in the Helm chart.

Error: fatal error during checker "Data directory is writable" execution: open /var/lib/redpanda/data/test_file: permission denied

To fix this error, set statefulset.initContainers.setDataDirOwnership.enabled to true so that the initContainer can set the correct permissions on the data directories.

Cannot patch "redpanda" with kind StatefulSet

This error appears when you run helm upgrade with the --values flag but do not include all your previous overrides.

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "redpanda" with kind StatefulSet: StatefulSet.apps "redpanda" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', 'updateStrategy', 'persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy' and 'minReadySeconds' are forbidden

Make sure to do one of the following:

  • Include all the value overrides from the previous installation or upgrade using either the --set or the --values flags.

  • Use the --reuse-values flag.

    Do not use the --reuse-values flag to upgrade from one version of the Helm chart to another. This flag stops Helm from using any new values in the upgraded chart.

Cannot patch "redpanda-console" with kind Deployment

This error appears if you try to upgrade your deployment and you already have console.enabled set to true.

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "redpanda-console" with kind Deployment: Deployment.apps "redpanda-console" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"":"redpanda", "":"console"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable

To fix this error, set console.enabled to false in your helm upgrade command so that Helm doesn’t try to deploy Redpanda Console again.