Configure Storage for the Redpanda data directory in Kubernetes

    Redpanda brokers must store their data directories on disk (/var/lib/redpanda/data). By default, the Redpanda Helm chart uses the default StorageClass in a Kubernetes cluster to create one PersistentVolumeClaim for each Pod that runs a Redpanda broker. The default StorageClass in your Kubernetes cluster depends on the Kubernetes platform that you are using. You can customize your deployment to use the following storage volumes.

  • Store the Redpanda Data Directory in PersistentVolumes

    Learn how to configure Redpanda to store the data directory in Kubernetes PersistentVolumes with a static provisioner or a dynamic provisioner.

  • Store the Redpanda Data Directory in hostPath Volumes

    Learn how to configure Redpanda to store the data directory in Kubernetes hostPath volumes. This setup is only for development environments.

  • Store the Redpanda Data Directory in emptyDir Volumes

    Learn how to configure Redpanda to store the data directory in Kubernetes emptyDir volumes. This setup is only for development environments.