Kafka Connect

Redpanda Console provides a user interface that enables you to manage multiple Kafka connect clusters. You can inspect or patch connectors, restart/pause/resume their tasks, and also delete a connector. If you have configured more than one cluster, Redpanda Console will query all configured connect clusters for their status, so that you can have an overview across all your connect clusters.


For each cluster you have to provide at least a unique name, the HTTP address of the cluster, and the authentication settings if required. The name can be any string of your choice that helps you to identify the connect cluster. The name has to be unique among the provided set of connect clusters though. You can view all available configuration options in the Redpanda Console Configuration.

This sample configuration goes into the configuration file’s root level.

  enabled: true
    - name: datawarehouse # Required field, will be used as identifier in the frontend
      url: http://dwh-connect.mycompany.com:8083
        enabled: false # Trusted certs are still allowed by default
      username: admin
      # password: # Set using flag --connect.clusters.0.password=secret
    - name: analytics # Required field, will be used as identifier in the frontend
      url: http://analytics.mycompany.com:8083
      # No auth configured on that cluster, hence no username/password set