rpk Commands

    Redpanda Keeper rpk is Redpanda’s command line interface (CLI) utility.

    The rpk commands let you configure, manage, and tune Redpanda clusters. They also let you manage topics, groups, and access control lists (ACLs).

    The rpk commands feature autocompletion, so you that can write the first few letters that uniquely identify a command and then use the tab key to complete it. For more information, see rpk autocompletion documentation.

    This section lists the rpk commands in alphabetical order. Each command includes a table of flags and their descriptions. You can also get descriptions for each command flag by running rpk <command> -–help in your locally installed Redpanda.

  • rpk

    The rpk application is Redpanda's command line interface (CLI) utility.

  • rpk acl

    These commands let you create SASL users and create, list, and delete ACLs.

  • rpk cloud

    These commands let you interact with Repanda Cloud.

  • rpk cluster

    These commands let you interact with a Redpanda cluster.

  • rpk container

    These commands let you manage (start, stop, purge) a local container cluster.

  • rpk debug

    These commands let you debug the local Redpanda process and collect a diagnostics bundle.

  • rpk generate

    These commands let you generate a configuration template for related services.

  • rpk group

    These commands let you describe, list, and delete consumer groups and manage their offsets.

  • rpk help

    This command provides additional information for any command in the application.

  • rpk iotune

    This command measures the I/O performance of the hardware used by a Redpanda instance.

  • rpk plugin

    These commands let you list, download, update, and remove rpk plugins.

  • rpk redpanda

    These commands let you interact with (start, stop, tune) a local Redpanda process.

  • rpk topic

    These commands let you manage your topics, including creating, producing, and consuming new messages.

  • rpk version

    This command checks the current version of rpk.