rpk cluster maintenance

Interact with cluster maintenance mode.

Maintenance mode is a state that a node may be placed into in which the node may be shutdown or restarted with minimal disruption to client workloads. The primary use of maintenance mode is to perform a rolling upgrade in which each node is placed into maintenance mode prior to upgrading the node.

Use the enable and disable subcommands to place a node into maintenance mode or remove it, respectively. Only one node at a time may be in maintenance mode.

When a node is placed into maintenance mode the following occurs:

Leadership draining. All raft leadership is transferred to another eligible node, and the node in maintenance mode rejects new leadership requests. By transferring leadership off of the node in maintenance mode all client traffic and requests are directed to other nodes minimizing disruption to client workloads when the node is shutdown.

Currently leadership is not transferred for partitions with one replica.


rpk cluster maintenance [command]


Value Type Description



The certificate to be used for TLS authentication with the Admin API.



Enable TLS for the Admin API (not necessary if specifying custom certs).



The certificate key to be used for TLS authentication with the Admin API.



The truststore to be used for TLS communication with the Admin API.



Comma-separated list of admin API addresses (<ip>:<port>

-h, --help


Help for maintenance.



Comma-separated list of broker <ip>:<port> pairs (for example, --brokers,, ). Alternatively, you may set the REDPANDA_BROKERS environment variable with the comma-separated list of broker addresses.



Redpanda config file, if not set the file will be searched for in the default locations.



SASL password to be used for authentication.



The authentication mechanism to use. Supported values: SCRAM-SHA-256, SCRAM-SHA-512.



The certificate to be used for TLS authentication with the broker.



Enable TLS for the Kafka API (not necessary if specifying custom certs).



The certificate key to be used for TLS authentication with the broker.



The truststore to be used for TLS communication with the broker.



SASL user to be used for authentication.

-v, --verbose


Enable verbose logging (default false).