rpk redpanda config set

Set configuration values, such as the redpanda node ID or the list of seed servers

This command modifies the redpanda.yaml you have locally on disk.


The first argument is the key within the yaml representing a property / field that you would like to set. Nested fields can be accessed through a dot:

rpk redpanda config set redpanda.developer_mode true

The default format is to parse the value as yaml. Individual specific fields can be set, or full structs:

rpk redpanda config set rpk.tune_disk_irq true


rpk redpanda config set redpanda.rpc_server '{address:, port: 9092}'

You can set an entire array by wrapping all items with braces, or by using one struct:

rpk redpanda config set redpanda.advertised_kafka_api '[{address:, port: 9092}]'


rpk redpanda config set redpanda.advertised_kafka_api '{address:, port: 9092}'

Indexing can be used to set specific items in an array. You can index one past the end of an array to extend it:

rpk redpanda config set redpanda.advertised_kafka_api[1] '{address:, port: 9092}'

The json format can be used to set values as json:

rpk redpanda config set redpanda.rpc_server '{"address":"","port":33145}' --format json


rpk redpanda config set <key> <value> [flags]


Value Type Description



Redpanda config file, if not set the file will be searched for in the default location.

-h, --help


Help for set.

-v, --verbose


Enable verbose logging (default false).