rpk Commands

    This page contains an alphabetized list of rpk commands. Each command includes a table of flags and their descriptions. You can also get descriptions for each flag by running rpk <command> --help in your locally-installed Redpanda, and you can get descriptions of all rpk-specific options by running rpk -X help. The commands feature autocompletion. For more information, see rpk generate shell-completion.

  • rpk

    The rpk application is Redpanda's command line interface (CLI) utility.

  • rpk options

    This command lets you override rpk configuration options.

  • rpk acl

    These commands let you create SASL users and create, list, and delete ACLs.

  • rpk cloud

    These commands let you interact with Repanda Cloud.

  • rpk cluster

    These commands let you interact with a Redpanda cluster.

  • rpk container

    These commands let you manage (start, stop, purge) a local container cluster.

  • rpk debug

    These commands let you debug the local Redpanda process and collect a diagnostics bundle.

  • rpk generate

    These commands let you generate a configuration template for related services.

  • rpk group

    These commands let you describe, list, and delete consumer groups and manage their offsets.

  • rpk help

    This command provides additional information for any command in the application.

  • rpk iotune

    This command measures the I/O performance of the hardware used by a Redpanda instance.

  • rpk plugin

    These commands let you list, download, update, and remove rpk plugins.

  • rpk profile

    These commands let you manage rpk profiles.

  • rpk redpanda

    These commands let you interact with (start, stop, tune) a local Redpanda process.

  • rpk topic

    These commands let you manage your topics, including creating, producing, and consuming new messages.

  • rpk version

    This command checks the current version of rpk.