Deploy for Development

You can deploy Redpanda using well-known configuration properties optimized for a development or test environment. This configuration uses less system resources and simplifies setup, but it’s not suitable for a production deployment. For example, in development mode, the default group_topic_partitions is 3, and the default storage_min_free_bytes is 1 GiB. In production mode, the default group_topic_partitions is 16, and the default storage_min_free_bytes is 5 GiB.

Development mode bypasses fsync, acknowledging messages before they’re stored to disk. This reduces the durability of messages, could cause potential data loss, and could give unrealistic performance data for a production environment.

See Deploy for Production to deploy for a production environment.

See Redpanda Quickstart to try out Redpanda in Docker.


Make sure you meet the hardware and software requirements.

TCP/IP ports

Redpanda uses the following default ports:

Port Purpose


Kafka API


HTTP Proxy


Schema Registry


Admin API and Prometheus


internal RPC

Install Redpanda

Install Redpanda on each system you want to be part of your cluster. There are binaries available for Fedora/RedHat or Debian systems.

You can also install Redpanda using an Ansible playbook.

  • Fedora/RedHat

  • Debian/Ubuntu

curl -1sLf '' | \
sudo -E bash && sudo yum install redpanda -y
curl -1sLf '' | \
sudo -E bash && sudo apt install redpanda -y

Install Redpanda Console

Redpanda Console is a developer-friendly web UI for managing and debugging your Redpanda cluster and your applications. Install Redpanda Console alongside a Redpanda cluster.

For each new release, Redpanda compiles the Redpanda Console to a single binary for Linux, macOS, and Windows. You can find the binaries in the attachments of each release on GitHub.

  • Fedora/RedHat

  • Debian/Ubuntu

curl -1sLf '' | \
sudo -E bash && sudo yum install redpanda-console -y
curl -1sLf '' | \
sudo -E bash && sudo apt-get install redpanda-console -y

Start Redpanda

Configure Redpanda using the rpk redpanda config bootstrap command, then start Redpanda:

sudo rpk redpanda config bootstrap --self <private-ip> --ips <seed-server-ips> && \
sudo rpk redpanda config set redpanda.empty_seed_starts_cluster false && \
sudo systemctl start redpanda
  • The --self flag tells Redpanda the interface address to bind to. Usually this is its private IP.

  • The --ips flag lists all the seed servers in the cluster, including the one being started. Seed servers correspond to the seed_servers property in redpanda.yaml.

    • The --ips flag must be set identically (with nodes listed in identical order) on each node.

    • Do not run sudo rpk redpanda tune all on development deployments.

When a Redpanda cluster starts, it instantiates a controller Raft group with all the seed servers that are specified in the --ips flag. After all seed servers complete their startup procedure and become accessible, the cluster is then available. After that, non-seed servers start up and are added to the cluster.

  • It’s important to have one or more seed servers in each fault domain (such as rack or cloud AZ). A higher number provides a stronger guarantee that clusters don’t fracture unintentionally.

  • It’s possible to change the seed servers for a short period of time after a cluster has been created. For example, you may want to designate one additional broker as a seed server to increase availability. To do this without cluster downtime, add the new broker to seed_servers and restart Redpanda to apply the change on a broker-by-broker basis.

  • If firewall ports block the internal RPC port 33145, then the non-seed servers could take time to fail. If that happens, run sudo systemctl stop redpanda (or yum remove redpanda or apt-get remove redpanda), fix the firewall issue, and then start Redpanda again.

Start Redpanda Console

  1. Start Redpanda Console:

    sudo systemctl start redpanda-console
  2. Make sure that Redpanda Console is active and running:

    sudo systemctl status redpanda-console

Verify the installation

To verify that the Redpanda cluster is up and running, use rpk to get information about the cluster:

rpk cluster info

To create a topic:

rpk topic create panda

Next steps